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Is winning the Survival Games a "Luck of the Draw"?


Nov 22, 2012
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It all depends on your skills. You may be lucky to kill someone that has good gear and no weapon but it all depends how good at PVP you are.


Jan 8, 2013
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My opinion... Yes it does contain luck but most of it is strategy and skill. Anybody can kill a iron suited player with just a wooden sword or even flint and steel. One of the most successful ways you can win is by making strategical decisions and putting the, into action. However without proper equipment it can backfire. So if you plan to use strategy I'd just test a couple of practice games and don't go Leroy Jenkins on everyone. Only kill if you think you can win and if you need what they have on them. If your low on health and food I'd go to far areas away from the cornucopia to find them. You want to keep alive until you gain health and hunger. Once the games reach a point of around 10-15min be extremely cautious because by that time at least 1 person will have the cornucopia under control. Usually those at the cornucopia are decked out and may have a better weapon then you. If you can strategize a way to over power him then the center is yours for taking. So yes survival games does have some luck in it but if you strategize the odds may be in your favor.

Happy Hunger Games.


Jan 3, 2013
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I'd say its 50% chests 25% strategy and 25% skill.


John jennings

May 13, 2012
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I completely disagree with this. To win it takes skill and you have to know what your doing. there has been many games where i get really unlucky and have some leather armor and a stone sword. i will see someone fighting and while the winner is sorting through loot kill him and take everything. once there were only 4 guys left and i had crap and i did this and came back and won. I have at least 20+ wins like this so it all isnt luck of the draw.


Sep 23, 2012
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I think about 80% of the game is based on skill. However, there are those few games where you go through every single chest on your route and they all contain food and useless crap like bones, string, or clocks/compasses, maybe a wooden axe here and there, and the first guy you come across is a decked guy with full armor and an iron/diamond sword. Not much you can do there unless you can get a miraculous knock off a building.

That said, if you do manage to get a decent weapon and maybe 3-4 levels of armor and a bow/flint-steel, anything goes. One of my favorite games was winning against a team of 2 iron armor/diamond sword guys by simply filling them with multiple arrows despite having an iron hat, boots, and leather everything else, as well as an iron sword. I got so many hacking accusations in the next lobby. :p


Dec 4, 2012
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I disagree. If someone has full iron, stone sword from corn, (really lucky), there is still a great chance that they can die. Maybe the person blessed with this gear happens to become to cocky and go into fights he might not win. (Teams of 3 ect.). Also, If this person fights someone with less gear, the person with less gear could easily win if he/she uses strategy. Instead of just jumping straight at a player in the water, try and jump to the side of them. This will give you a great advantage.
These are just a few examples of how it's not just luck.
In my opinion, it is based on:
50% skill
25% connection
10% luck
15% fps


District 13
Oct 21, 2012
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Here's my view on it:

80% Luck.
20% Knowing what the hell you're doing.

Survival Games, takes no skill. If you don't think so, I'll enlighten you.

Okay, let's say we have a situation where Bob, (our noob for discussion purposes) gets full iron armor, 2 diamonds, and a stone sword all in one chest. So there you go, luck. Bob proceeds to walk along aimlessly and finds a Tier 1 chest with a stick in it. So Bob is smart enough to know he can check chests for sticks, and he's also lucky enough to find a stick. Finding sticks do involve luck, a small amount. So Bob then walks back to the cornucopia and he sits there waiting for a chest refill. Nobody comes along, more luck. While Bob is waiting, he realizes he needs Flint n' Steel to help him kill people, this can also go under knowing what you're doing. The chests refill, and Bob gets plenty of Flint n' Steel, almost too much. More luck right there. Bob then notices a guy who's running towards the cornucopia, and he pulls out a bow. Specs block his arrows, and some shoot back into him. Bob runs up, and with ultra bad PVP skills he still takes the guy out. Even more luck, and with bad PVP Bob still wins. After waiting some more, the game goes to deathmatch and Bob has to face a team of two, who both have full iron and diamond. How will he get himself out of this situation with no skill, you may ask?

So Bob runs straight out running around like a stupid person, and the team of two run straight out after him. The team of two try shooting at him, but the spectators are ruthless today and block all of their shots. Bob then makes a bad turn and one of the bad guys tries using Flint n' Steel, and sets him and his teammate on fire. Bob realizes he has a shot, turns around, and with the worst PVP ever still kills them.

Bob has won the Survival Games.

So, I know almost all of you who are still reading this are thinking: "Yeah, but that would absolutely never happen in a real game. Somebody with skill would obviously take Bob out with ease." Well, let me answer that for you too.

Read the story again, tell me how many of those lucky situations have happened to you. Now, all of them would certainly not be in one game, but I know for a fact you've gotten luck like that before. I can even name a few more for discussion purposes:

- At the time NCP was terrible, PVP was ultra stupid and people would get hit a billion times and still win.
- Sponsoring can be luck. Somebody feels generous today, and they sponsor you for no good reason.
- Fighting somebody with connection issues. You didn't make them lag, their internet just screwed up, and you get away with a kill that you might not have deserved.
- People with good stuff have to leave.
- A person who steals that special chest of your's gets terrible stuff, you go to another chest, get amazing stuff, come back and kill them.

The part where you need to know what you're doing, is basically knowing the basics. Like making a chest route, knowing when to craft stuff, and knowing your way around a map are all basic. But, it naturally occurs when you first play and then that knowledge becomes obsolete when you play later on, simply because it's just an instinct. PVP is also basic, yes there are certain things that could help you win in a PVP battle, but PVP as a whole is not skill. It's luck itself, as well.

You were lucky you ran into somebody worse than you, and you were also lucky that the person who had better stuff than you sucked, or screwed up. But it can also be arguable that the person who used the better strategy had better skill, which, falls in to the slim 20% of knowing what you're doing, cause it's still basic. How hard is it to luck up a PVP strategy, then incorporate it into the game with some practice?

In my opinion, this game is a luck of the draw, luck of the battles, and luck of the strategy. Some skill is involved, but in my personal opinion, MCSG all comes down to who owns more four-leaf-clovers.

If your going to reply to my post and comment on my opinion, please read the whole post... (Even thought it's incredibly long.) I like hearing people's thoughts, don't be afraid to criticize. :)

-MJ (Not G33ke, MJ..)


Oct 5, 2012
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Even through you are a local "pro", a VERY good conection and a good computer is what means the most.I.E Pro player same armour as a noob but noob has good conection while pro has 10 fps who will win?
my opinon
40% your money you have that includes lag and internet
20% Skill
10% Luck
10% others


Feb 17, 2013
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Well, maybe not luck of the draw. More like luck of the CHEST.

I find that the people who get good gear at the beginning will win. Rarely do you see someone (Or do you) get nothing off the start and then come back and win.

I think that it really is up to whats in the chests.


SliceofBread123 (Msg me for Clan)
It's somewhat luck, but mostly skill. Your able to kill any team or op person if you catch then off guard, have a teammate, or just kill them with a flint and steel and a bow. The chests do give massive advantages, but that's the point of chest routes. It's not like MCSG is going to put the same exact things in every chest. The luck is what makes is interesting. But even with op gear, anything can change,


Nov 8, 2012
Reaction score
Half and half.. Some people get very lucky in the chests and the health of their opponents but it does require PVP skill and tactics to win!

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