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#InverseSG (EU)


Oct 25, 2013
Reaction score
I am pleased to announce that:
Please join and be active on the TeamSpeak to obtain your ranks.


Jun 3, 2014
Reaction score
Why did I get declined? It's my win/loss ratio isnt it. Oh well , well done to others who got accepted


May 26, 2013
Reaction score
IGN: GuitarJack97
Age: 17
Skype name (Pm If necessary): jackerooguitars1997 (don't ask -_-)
How many wins: 174
Games played: 969 (Reset, before reset i had 650+ wins in about 3,400 games D: (also not being cocky but at least a quarter of those loses are due to hackers)
Do you have a mic?: Yes
Timezone: UK
PvP Strengths: Rod, strafing and block hitting(scrub)
PvP Weaknesses: NOT the best with a bow, I'm alright though
What type of player would you say you are: a very offensive player, that often goes terribly
Why do you want to be in InverseSG: MCSG is starting to get a little stale, and i want to change things up. I honestly think this would be fun & also one of my favourite youtubers is the leader so can't go wrong with that really.
What clans have you been in previously: None
Anything else: Sw4g?


Sep 30, 2013
Reaction score
IGN: ajaxfan64
Age: 11:( but I can be mature:)
Skype name (Pm If necessary): live:kaas12345678
How many wins: 340+
Games played: 1400+
Do you have a mic?: Yes.
Timezone: The Netherlands, GMT +1.
PvP Strengths: Fns, Sword fights, rod, and sometimes bow.
PvP Weaknesses: sometimes bow.
What type of player would you say you are: Most of the time a really Defensive player.
Why do you want to be in InverseSG: Because its a really good clan, with some decent pvp'ers in it, and by playing with you guys I can probably improof my skills:)
What clans have you been in previously: Imagination, SorceryV2, Sprint, Thekillercandyy, and some more.
Anything else: Not really. :p
Arent you banned? =D


District 13
Aug 25, 2013
Reaction score
IGN: Its_Sean
Age: 19
Skype name (Pm If necessary): sean_matthews_1994
How many wins: 330
Games played: 6240
Do you have a mic?: yes
Timezone: gmt
PvP Strengths: sword combos, fns combos and smart play.
PvP Weaknesses: I am good with a bow but some days I can be off point and not so accurate.
What type of player would you say you are: I am a pretty aggressive player.
Why do you want to be in InverseSG: It looks like it has a lot of potential and I know a lot of people in it also I was asked to apply.
What clans have you been in previously: TemGlasses which never lasted to long but it was an extremely strong clan and the 2 CW's we played we dominated them. Allegiance which lasted a while and we were a strong team. We won all our clan battles except for one against Ghosts which we put up a good fight. I was also on trial for penetration but unfortunately they disbanded before I finished my trial.
Anything else: I would like to talk about my horrible ratio :p I am a lot better than my ratio. The reasons for my poor ratio is I used to be terrible at the game and only had 20 wins at 2500 games. MCSG was my first experience with Minecraft so I had a lot to learn such as how to sprint. Also I play on a crappy laptop and have terrible internet and average 150 ping to EU. But as I played more I have adopted to these disadvantages and use them to my advantage. On my alt FlintySteely I had 100/350 or something like that before I reset my stats and just used it for messing around and giving people wins. I can say at the moment I can hold a 1/4 ratio and if I try hard a 1/3. I have beat a lot of great players in 1v1's and even when they have teamed against me. Also I am sure some people in this clan can back this statement up.

Lastly I think I have several skills that could be beatificall to the clan as I was an ex staff member so I am mature, work well in a team and have good leadership skills.

Anyway thanks for reviewing my application and I hope you take me into consideration.
Nov 12, 2013
Reaction score
IGN:Tzio but i have an alt named Tbone571
Skype name (Pm If necessary):Cookies0143 (Alvin has me ;])
How many wins:338
Games played:2242
Do you have a mic?:Yes and it's not a toaster.
PvP Strengths:It keeps switching from bow to sword right now it's bow :3
PvP Weaknesses:Not that fast with fishing rod
What type of player would you say you are:A player that can have some decent banter while simultaneously not being a giant prick xD. Also i can shrek when i want x3
Why do you want to be in InverseSG:Seems like it would be alot of fun to be in a clan were everyone is awesome :D
What clans have you been in previously:#Duality and i can't remember the 2 others sorry xD
Anything else: Kezo es sexy et Jack es sexy And i like Alvin... He ain't sexy :3. Also my stats are kinda shitty because of da hackurs :[ Hope you can make an acception for my shitty amount of wins by trying me out to see how decent i really am ;]


Sep 25, 2014
Reaction score
IGN: God_2000
Age: 14
Skype name (Pm If necessary): defineminecraft
How many wins: 217
Do you have a mic?: Blue Snowball
Timezone: GMT
PvP Strengths: Rod, Bow
What type of player would you say you are: Reliable
Why do you want to be in InverseSG: I think it would be alot of fun:)
What clans have you been in previously: None
Anything else: Good luck to everyone else<3

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