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Indispensable [US & CA] [DISBANDED]

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Dec 1, 2013
Reaction score
● Name: PenguinBagels.
● Age: 13, Almost 14.
● IGN: PenguinBagels
● Time Zone: EST.
● Teamspeak [Y/N]: Yup.
● Skype [Y/N]: Yep.
● Skype Name: PenguinBagels
● Wins: 318.
● Amount of Games: 2100ish.
● Donor: Diamond.
● Past Clans: #Europa, #CodeZero, #Chrome.
● How active will you be? [1-10]: 10 :D
● Rate your maturity [1-10]: 8
● Have you teamed with any of the members? [Y/N]: Not many are in it yet :p
● Why do you want to be in Indispensable?: I know you're realiable, and well-known, and I want a great, accepting clan that has tons o' Sweg.
● Youtube Channel: PenguinBagels | Mcsg and More!
● Special Skills [Youtube Channel Art, GFX, Etc.]: Being swaggy, and being a Penguino.
● Additional Comments: You have sweg, i em frum dedliest cetch! Det shuw is kewl and shiz!


Feb 22, 2014
Reaction score
● Name: Jonathin
● Age: 13
● IGN: Revature
● Time Zone: Eastern Timezone
● Teamspeak [Y/N]: Yes
● Skype [Y/N]: Indeed
● Skype Name: jonathin.fisico
● Wins: 134
● Amount of Games: 416
● Donor: No
● Past Clans: #Elated, Mercy, and ThePast
● How active will you be? [1-10]: 10, if emergency, i'm not sure.
● Rate your maturity [1-10]: 7
● Have you teamed with any of the members? [Y/N]: Yes
● Why do you want to be in Indispensable?: Indispensable I feel,
is different then other clans, its talented and I can see this going far.
● Youtube Channel: Revature
● Special Skills [Youtube Channel Art, GFX, Etc.]: I'm not that special
● Additional Comments: If i'm not accepted, I respect that and good luck


Dec 27, 2012
Reaction score
● Name: PenguinBagels.
● Age: 13, Almost 14.
● IGN: PenguinBagels
● Time Zone: EST.
● Teamspeak [Y/N]: Yup.
● Skype [Y/N]: Yep.
● Skype Name: PenguinBagels
● Wins: 318.
● Amount of Games: 2100ish.
● Donor: Diamond.
● Past Clans: #Europa, #CodeZero, #Chrome.
● How active will you be? [1-10]: 10 :D
● Rate your maturity [1-10]: 8
● Have you teamed with any of the members? [Y/N]: Not many are in it yet :p
● Why do you want to be in Indispensable?: I know you're realiable, and well-known, and I want a great, accepting clan that has tons o' Sweg.
● Youtube Channel: PenguinBagels | Mcsg and More!
● Special Skills [Youtube Channel Art, GFX, Etc.]: Being swaggy, and being a Penguino.
● Additional Comments: You have sweg, i em frum dedliest cetch! Det shuw is kewl and shiz!
● Name: Jonathin
● Age: 13
● IGN: Revature
● Time Zone: Eastern Timezone
● Teamspeak [Y/N]: Yes
● Skype [Y/N]: Indeed
● Skype Name: jonathin.fisico
● Wins: 134
● Amount of Games: 416
● Donor: No
● Past Clans: #Elated, Mercy, and ThePast
● How active will you be? [1-10]: 10, if emergency, i'm not sure.
● Rate your maturity [1-10]: 7
● Have you teamed with any of the members? [Y/N]: Yes
● Why do you want to be in Indispensable?: Indispensable I feel,
is different then other clans, its talented and I can see this going far.
● Youtube Channel: Revature
● Special Skills [Youtube Channel Art, GFX, Etc.]: I'm not that special
● Additional Comments: If i'm not accepted, I respect that and good luck
Accepted. You've both been accepted as Members and Elites
Last edited:
Mar 9, 2014
Reaction score
● Name: Max
● Age: 13
● IGN: NoobyGamingHD
● Time Zone: Pacific
● Teamspeak [Y/N]: Yes
● Skype [Y/N]: Yes
● Skype Name: NoobyGamingHD
● Wins: 306
● Amount of Games: A lot...
● Donor: Diamond
● Past Clans: The ones that didnt disband.. Instinct, The Past and The Prophecy
● How active will you be? [1-10]: 8
● Rate your maturity [1-10]: 7
● Have you teamed with any of the members? [Y/N]: Yup, I think
● Why do you want to be in Indispensable?: It seems like a newer clan that will go far, I fell like it has potential and that it will go great in the future, it is started by a very skilled PvPer and many other good pvpers
● Youtube Channel: NoobyGamingHD
● Special Skills [Youtube Channel Art, GFX, Etc.]: Umm, I have a youtube channel and I can upload clan vids for our page and if u want clan bttles.
● Additional Comments: People say IM a clan hopper.. I disagree, I have been in 3 clans that havnt desbanded, i wouldnt call that clan hopping.


Dec 27, 2012
Reaction score
● Name: Max
● Age: 13
● IGN: NoobyGamingHD
● Time Zone: Pacific
● Teamspeak [Y/N]: Yes
● Skype [Y/N]: Yes
● Skype Name: NoobyGamingHD
● Wins: 306
● Amount of Games: A lot...
● Donor: Diamond
● Past Clans: The ones that didnt disband.. Instinct, The Past and The Prophecy
● How active will you be? [1-10]: 8
● Rate your maturity [1-10]: 7
● Have you teamed with any of the members? [Y/N]: Yup, I think
● Why do you want to be in Indispensable?: It seems like a newer clan that will go far, I fell like it has potential and that it will go great in the future, it is started by a very skilled PvPer and many other good pvpers
● Youtube Channel: NoobyGamingHD
● Special Skills [Youtube Channel Art, GFX, Etc.]: Umm, I have a youtube channel and I can upload clan vids for our page and if u want clan bttles.
● Additional Comments: People say IM a clan hopper.. I disagree, I have been in 3 clans that havnt desbanded, i wouldnt call that clan hopping.
Accepted. You've been accepted as a Recruit/Trial-Member.
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