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I'm a former moderator (2013-early 2014). AMA.

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Apr 10, 2013
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inb4 4chan users slam into Reddit users.

*AMA = Ask me Anything

Hey, I'm Jake (IGN: ShootToMaim), and I was a moderator for... I forget how long now. I was demoted for some things I shouldn't have said, nothing too serious but some things a moderator shouldn't say, and honestly I don't remember much about my demotion. I know that a lot of to-be moderators have a lot of questions about the job, so feel free to ask them below; I'll answer them for a few days.

My name is Jake. AMA.


Apr 10, 2013
Reaction score
Will you ever reapply for staff? Why/why not. [If you're comfortable with answering]
Depends. I left the staff with mixed feelings about bias/the staff themselves. Many of them work very hard and are very friendly, but it seems to only be the ones who actively talk to the Senior Staff that get promoted. The work environment is very tough as well; there is a massive gap between the ranks of Moderator and Sr. Moderator/Administrator that I haven't seen been filled after I was demoted. At first when I applied, I thought I would be joining a group of individuals who were like-minded and wanted to see MCSG become better than it already was, but after awhile I realized this title means little to nothing. There is so little trust between the staff that it kind of pains me. I understand that yes, moderators come and go and do bad things which is why there is so little trust, but it's kind of ridiculous.
The "group" also only seems to be moderators that want to help out. Moderators are somewhat of the "face" of MCG; if you think of reporting someone you go to a moderator first. The Sr. Moderators/Administrators (with an exception of a select few) rarely come out of their channels/offices to talk to regular users or moderators themselves, except for "Mod Meetings" where they discuss their concerns and address the concerns of moderators. I could be wrong as I was gone for a very long time, but that is the impression I am stuck with.
Also think of it this way. I'm in University and mixing MCSG with uni life isn't a very good idea anymore. MCSG seems to be a commitment; where you are expected to be on at least an hour a day, but I see very few people actually meet this requirement. I have seen at least 20% of moderators "camp" the Report Abuse section of the forums, and take a quick tour of the hubs before calling it a day. I'm also not very pleased with the Mod Quizzes, and again I might be outdated and they could have been removed, so unless they (being a select few in the senior staff) start viewing Moderators as people actually want to help instead of viewing them as tools that can be disposed of, I won't be re-applying.

*This is an opinion; it does not reflect on any other staffs' opinions, nor do I represent MCSG in any way.

If you've been demoted, you can't reapply.
Incorrect; the admin who demoted me (Antster360), as well as CoL_Star told me I could re-apply if I wished because the offences I made were considered minor.

Are MCSG staff Power hungry?
I'm going to answer this question sensitively, as it's touchy. A select few are (not naming any), but the vast majority aren't and are staff because they want to help out, not because of the fancy Red rank name and powers.
EDIT: I feel as though the "power hungry" ones aren't so much after the moderator rank as they are for the popularity. You know how when moderators join a hub, a lot of people greet them? That's what I think they (being the "power hungry" ones) are after.


Apr 10, 2013
Reaction score
How much time a day do you spend moderating?
It was an unofficial/official rule that moderators be required to moderate at least 1 hour a day. I'd say I spent around 2-4 hours moderating every weekday, and 3-5 hours moderating on the weekends.


Mar 22, 2014
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What's your favorite food and why? I know its a random question, but I enjoy eating food. :3

Mine's soft cinnamon pretzels. When you first bite in, you get the soft texture of the dough, then next cones the sweet taste of cinnamon and butter.


Apr 10, 2013
Reaction score
What's your favorite food and why? I know its a random question, but I enjoy eating food. :3

Mine's soft cinnamon pretzels. When you first bite in, you get the soft texture of the dough, then next cones the sweet taste of cinnamon and butter.
I love eating smoked salmon. :l
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