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How to take down a GOOD/BAD team - Guide + Help needed

Jul 21, 2014
Reaction score
Well, its pretty obvious which teams are good or bad.

The leather washouts - The small fish with no gear, easy to beat, just target one then take out the other
The chest route noobs - The ones who did their homework but never learnt to pvp, long fights but rewarding
The pro iron - The big guns with their insane skill, legit teamwork and could wreck you 1v1

So, these will be categorised as: C, B, and A rank teams respectively.

So... lets get on to the current scenarios.

2 teams

C - Almost certain victory but be wary of environmental threats. This includes other players coming to kill, drop hazards. What to do? What weapon do you have. Stone sword or above? If the 2 players are distanced by each other by 10 blocks or so, try to target 1 player. Bow is unnecessary for the first kill. It usually take less then 10 seconds to finish off the first. The 2nd one is a bit more cautious. Go in for the kill if he is coming for you. If he is retreating don't bow him unless you have flat land to keep those shots going. Try swordfight and finish him off with bow if there is too much distance.

B- This isn't too hard but there is one vital aspect to victory: divide, RETREAT, and conquer. Divide is like C, you target 1 player (the weaker one is optimal since its easier to create a 1v1) and take him out. If he regroups then run away, the front runner should be easy to take out if you FNS him, but make sure you are aware of his partner's position. During the retreat phase, gapple is optimal for maintaining a safe 1v1 but if you are relatively high in health or are certain that the partner is weaker/a worse pvper, regening is enough. Save those gapples.

A-I need some help here. A rankers usually stick together really close which ruins dividing. I have no solid idea what to do here. The only way you can really win (if you aren't a strong pvper) is to find some YOLO method to take them out. I'm talking about the boat kills, the gravel traps, the fishing rod off the mountain tactics. Generally a cautious A rank team would recognise this so try take them by surprise or generally run them into another team. Take them while their backs are turned. Injured A ranks are still strong enough to demolish you if they get the drop on you.

3 teams

C - Almost the same as 2 teams. This time, they should be a little more cocky. The path they will take is direct so flint and steel here will guarantee that the first one dies within 2 hits and that you can pull off 1 kill without any damage. Fishing rod combos should also allow flawless kills. If you did get hit the others will try to clean up which means that it is time to line them up to take them 1 by 1. If you are well geared this is the easiest task. If you are terribly inaccurate with a sword or are undergeared its best to keep landing those bow shots or flint and steels so you can confuse them enough to evade damage.

B - Its difficult to perform this if you don't have 3 requirements or dont have at least 2 of these: An FNS, room for breathing, a bow + arrows. Generally you want to get into an enclosed space with 2 exits so you can accurately pull FNS's and Bow shots. If the enemies have bows only return fire if you have some cover. If not, at this point you will take damage if you engage in bow combat. With cover you want to leap back and forth to dodge shots since the enemy should be less engaged in covering and more offensive. The enemy will be easier to hit then you. Assuming you are in a close combat situation, FNS one but don't assume you can immediately get a kill. If they run away take this time to regen because they will almost certainly return unless they are fighting another. Once they return, bow them until they get into reach where fishing rodding them into regrouping will force them to try tackle you from alternate directions. Take this opportunity to target the weaker one and kill. Gappling before engaging the others is best. Once you kill the second the last will try to clean up or run away in fear. The first scenario, flee but FNS because the enemy's mindset is purely to chase you down. If they run away you can chose to land some hits until he responds or let him flee to fight later.

A- I have never beaten a 3 team of A rankers.

4 teams

C- Still very easy to fight. Find an area where you know you don't need to fight 4 at a time. Forest areas are good because the tree jump sprinting trick allows easy escape if necessary but also that it is difficult for all of them to approach you unless they plan wisely. More often then not, in these confined spaces the enemies will end up hurting each other but the point is to engage the one that has the least opportunity to escape. Take them out in this order but it is okay to let them regen. If any are fleeing take the chance to damage the others. If you haven't gotten a kill, firing arrows into their group should shave off their remaining life and kill them. The rest may flee or fight, but utilise the same tactics.

B- This is very difficult to do mainly because they can hop back and forth from battle easily if need be, while you cannot afford the same luxury. Unlike 4 teams of C rank you cannot afford to let any regen or you are making it harder for yourself. Isolate them, FNS them. You can probably light groups but don't feel tempted to take on lit groups. Still isolate 1. If that member tries to escape bow him/her if you aren't under attack. The next burning teammate should have lost 3 hearts. They will be a bit more reckless now that they see your full capabilities + have fought recently. Don't assume you can take them on in their damaged state - an opponent on fire is still at his weakest and can be comboed easily. FNS the charging ones. Run away and bow the lit enemies because they are almost certainly susceptible to 2-3 shot kills and cannot run away with the same ease as before. The last 2 should be fought after a breather is taken. Fight them like you would a 2 team but remember that they will try to keep more of a distance as they will prioritise safety after witnessing the first 2 deaths.

A- I have no idea, sorry. I need a guide here, I got wrecked by this in every environment, water, plains, 4v2v1, whatever you put it.

5 team, I'm not going into deeply. I have not faced a 5 team of A rankers (but seriously? I can't beat that) yet the 5 team of B ranks still managed to beat me after a long game of harassment. The 5 team of C rankers got killed but I had interference and this size of a noob alliance is rare.

K, so you guys can see where I need help. Any tips on beating A ranks or 5 teams? Or is it completely impossible to handle that calibre of players?


Feb 16, 2014
Reaction score
It feels odd seeing an ex-senior moderator ask a mod to move a thread xD


Apr 6, 2014
Reaction score
This is pretty useful information for beating teams! Hopefully the chances of dying lessens a lot now. C:


Feb 8, 2014
Reaction score
Tips for A Class

Although some of these tactics are irritating for people, they have to be done when fighting OP teams.

Try get them on there own, and get them down hearts with your secondaries, they will run back or their partner will run back to them.

Do the same with the other one. Once you know they are both down hearts, shoot them more (if you are good with the bow)
or FnS (if you are better with Flint and Steel).

Go in for the kills, and pray xD

Other tactics :
If there are few people left and a big team, it's okay to random team. If it means you survive and win the game in the end its worth it.
Run a lot. You don't have to run in like a maniac.

Hope this helped


Jun 1, 2013
Reaction score
Noice Guide!

One thing I have to say is make sure you always know where all of them are, using f3 + a, and F5 to look around.

Another Idea against more skilled players is to use the map to your advantage.
-Climb Up a ladder and knock them off
-Hit them into lava
-Split them up around a building or mountain

Splitting them up is very important, a way to do that would be to loop around the same building or structure over and over, until one of them catches on and goes the other way, then you can just kill the other one.

Splitting people up isn't as easy on class A teams though, it might be a matter of seconds. I would be very observant of when they are eating, because if one falls back for even 2-3 seconds, you could swoop in and light the other on fire and get a few hits.

Against larger teams, its almost always necessary to spam your fire in front of them to get them down some health. Try to keep a general idea of how low everyone is. Fire usually does 3-3.5 hearts, (1/2 a heart per tick of noise) then when someone is 2-3 hits, bow them or some sort of secondary shenanigan.


Dec 31, 2013
Reaction score
Pro tip for any team, if youre really in trouble run into another player(s) and see what happens, it opens up some more opportunity.
Oct 31, 2013
Reaction score
Well, its pretty obvious which teams are good or bad.

The leather washouts - The small fish with no gear, easy to beat, just target one then take out the other
The chest route noobs - The ones who did their homework but never learnt to pvp, long fights but rewarding
The pro iron - The big guns with their insane skill, legit teamwork and could wreck you 1v1

So, these will be categorised as: C, B, and A rank teams respectively.

So... lets get on to the current scenarios.

2 teams

C - Almost certain victory but be wary of environmental threats. This includes other players coming to kill, drop hazards. What to do? What weapon do you have. Stone sword or above? If the 2 players are distanced by each other by 10 blocks or so, try to target 1 player. Bow is unnecessary for the first kill. It usually take less then 10 seconds to finish off the first. The 2nd one is a bit more cautious. Go in for the kill if he is coming for you. If he is retreating don't bow him unless you have flat land to keep those shots going. Try swordfight and finish him off with bow if there is too much distance.

B- This isn't too hard but there is one vital aspect to victory: divide, RETREAT, and conquer. Divide is like C, you target 1 player (the weaker one is optimal since its easier to create a 1v1) and take him out. If he regroups then run away, the front runner should be easy to take out if you FNS him, but make sure you are aware of his partner's position. During the retreat phase, gapple is optimal for maintaining a safe 1v1 but if you are relatively high in health or are certain that the partner is weaker/a worse pvper, regening is enough. Save those gapples.

A-I need some help here. A rankers usually stick together really close which ruins dividing. I have no solid idea what to do here. The only way you can really win (if you aren't a strong pvper) is to find some YOLO method to take them out. I'm talking about the boat kills, the gravel traps, the fishing rod off the mountain tactics. Generally a cautious A rank team would recognise this so try take them by surprise or generally run them into another team. Take them while their backs are turned. Injured A ranks are still strong enough to demolish you if they get the drop on you.

3 teams

C - Almost the same as 2 teams. This time, they should be a little more cocky. The path they will take is direct so flint and steel here will guarantee that the first one dies within 2 hits and that you can pull off 1 kill without any damage. Fishing rod combos should also allow flawless kills. If you did get hit the others will try to clean up which means that it is time to line them up to take them 1 by 1. If you are well geared this is the easiest task. If you are terribly inaccurate with a sword or are undergeared its best to keep landing those bow shots or flint and steels so you can confuse them enough to evade damage.

B - Its difficult to perform this if you don't have 3 requirements or dont have at least 2 of these: An FNS, room for breathing, a bow + arrows. Generally you want to get into an enclosed space with 2 exits so you can accurately pull FNS's and Bow shots. If the enemies have bows only return fire if you have some cover. If not, at this point you will take damage if you engage in bow combat. With cover you want to leap back and forth to dodge shots since the enemy should be less engaged in covering and more offensive. The enemy will be easier to hit then you. Assuming you are in a close combat situation, FNS one but don't assume you can immediately get a kill. If they run away take this time to regen because they will almost certainly return unless they are fighting another. Once they return, bow them until they get into reach where fishing rodding them into regrouping will force them to try tackle you from alternate directions. Take this opportunity to target the weaker one and kill. Gappling before engaging the others is best. Once you kill the second the last will try to clean up or run away in fear. The first scenario, flee but FNS because the enemy's mindset is purely to chase you down. If they run away you can chose to land some hits until he responds or let him flee to fight later.

A- I have never beaten a 3 team of A rankers.

4 teams

C- Still very easy to fight. Find an area where you know you don't need to fight 4 at a time. Forest areas are good because the tree jump sprinting trick allows easy escape if necessary but also that it is difficult for all of them to approach you unless they plan wisely. More often then not, in these confined spaces the enemies will end up hurting each other but the point is to engage the one that has the least opportunity to escape. Take them out in this order but it is okay to let them regen. If any are fleeing take the chance to damage the others. If you haven't gotten a kill, firing arrows into their group should shave off their remaining life and kill them. The rest may flee or fight, but utilise the same tactics.

B- This is very difficult to do mainly because they can hop back and forth from battle easily if need be, while you cannot afford the same luxury. Unlike 4 teams of C rank you cannot afford to let any regen or you are making it harder for yourself. Isolate them, FNS them. You can probably light groups but don't feel tempted to take on lit groups. Still isolate 1. If that member tries to escape bow him/her if you aren't under attack. The next burning teammate should have lost 3 hearts. They will be a bit more reckless now that they see your full capabilities + have fought recently. Don't assume you can take them on in their damaged state - an opponent on fire is still at his weakest and can be comboed easily. FNS the charging ones. Run away and bow the lit enemies because they are almost certainly susceptible to 2-3 shot kills and cannot run away with the same ease as before. The last 2 should be fought after a breather is taken. Fight them like you would a 2 team but remember that they will try to keep more of a distance as they will prioritise safety after witnessing the first 2 deaths.

A- I have no idea, sorry. I need a guide here, I got wrecked by this in every environment, water, plains, 4v2v1, whatever you put it.

5 team, I'm not going into deeply. I have not faced a 5 team of A rankers (but seriously? I can't beat that) yet the 5 team of B ranks still managed to beat me after a long game of harassment. The 5 team of C rankers got killed but I had interference and this size of a noob alliance is rare.

K, so you guys can see where I need help. Any tips on beating A ranks or 5 teams? Or is it completely impossible to handle that calibre of players?
Nice guide


Oct 7, 2014
Reaction score
Pretty funny read, Pretty proud when I beat a team of 4 even if they were as you would say "B rank". :D

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