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How to PVP like a pro


Apr 19, 2012
Reaction score
Ultimate PVP

A guide for those wishing to become better at general PVP

Not too long ago users had to double-tap the W key in order to sprint, now users can use the auto sprint button. The auto sprint button was a PVP game changer and if you aren't using it now you better start as this is the first step to improving your PVP ability. Using control sprinting you continue sprinting no matter what, allowing you to keep chasing people without having to stop. Some users like to keep it as the control button, however many players also set it to whatever they like using the control settings on the Minecraft menu. Set it to whatever is easiest to hold down while playing. Auto sprinting can also work as a disadvantage as it is now easier to predict others movements due to the fact that everyone is now using the button method.

Strafing is pretty much running in circles around a player while hitting them in order to dodge their hits. It is harder to strafe when using the double tap to sprint. As mentioned above I highly suggest using the control sprint, or whatever key you set it to. Otherwise it will be extremely hard to keep moving around hitting the player when every time you hit them your sprint stops. While strafing it is good to jump up and down, to 'bob and weave' like a boxer, and also to get criticals, which I will explain next.

Critical Hits
In Minecraft when you are moving in a downward direction and hit someone, that hit will do up to 1.5 times the normal damage, plus a chance of an extra half a heart. When a critical hit occurs particles fly out from the player hit. Criticals have to be timed, because if you hit on the way up it will not work. Criticals can be done using anything, including the fist, any tools, blocks, items, etc. It is also possible to achieve a critical using a bow and arrow, the bow must be fully charged and the gray particles will fly off of the arrow. This will deal more damage as well. Criticals are essential to most pvp strategies, such as strafing and combos.

Block Hitting
Block hitting is hitting a player while right clicking. When block hitting with a sword you take less damage from enemy attacks. Arrows also do much less damage when blocking. When block hitting it will be easier for your enemy to attack you while strafing or if you are facing a team. It is very good however in a 1 on 1 situation. For example if you are trapped inside a house with someone and there is no where to run.

Fishing Rod/Combos
A combo is a rapid succession of hits. Combos are usually done using a fishing rod. A basic combo is hitting them with a fishing rod and stunning them, then getting a couple of good hits to take them out, whether it be crits or double-hits, which we will get to next. Combinations can be used to quickly deal a lot of damage on a player, especially if you catch them off guard. The fishing rod is a very effective item for PVP and should be used when trying to catch up with someone. If you are close behind them, you can hit them using the fishing rod into a wall, tree, or any obstacle, allowing you to get one or two hits on them.

Double Hits
Double hits is where you get two hits in a situation where you would normally get one, hence the name. Double hit. Double hits are only possible on servers where the default Minecraft code is taken out where a mob can only be hurt every .5 seconds. Double hits require you to have very fast hands and an excellent mouse. Just like with most things in PvP, it takes a long time to master but once you learn how to do it it can be very effective.

The key thing about using a bow is predicting where your enemy will go. You have to anticipate where the player is going to go before you shoot. If the player is going around a turn shoot ahead of them. Being able to hit a target at a distance while they are moving takes practice, and practice is the only way you can improve. An ortant thing about using a bow is to charge it back completely as much as posdible . A non-fully charged bow only deals half a heart of damage and some knockback, while a fully-charged bow deals a considerable amount more.

F5 Mode
Pressing F5 allows you to view your player in third person. The first F5 mode shows the character facing away from you, like a car racin g game. This allows you to see over obstacles you are hiding behind. The second F5 mode faces towards the player, allowing you to see behind you. This mode is very useful when you are being chased and you can't stop to look behind you. However the F5 key is hard to reach so I recommend going into your settings and changing it so something reachable, like 'R' or 'Z'.

Height Advantage/Disadvantage
There are different situations when PVP'ing when it is better to have the high ground or the low ground. When in water it is better to get under the person, that way you can hit them without them hitting you. This method is very useful when your enemy has better items than you or you are low on hearts. It is better to get the low ground when on a ladder, because based on Minecraft physics you can reach farther upwards than downwards. When fighting on a hill it is best to try and get the first hit. Someone under someone else who gets the first hit will get a combo and someone over someone else who gets a first hit will get a critical combo as well as have a chance of knocking the other off. Thus making mountain fights mostly ping based.

Thank you to Tenebrous12321 for helping me with this.
Last edited:


Feb 26, 2014
Reaction score
Nice guide, sorry I gotta be devils advocate here :/

1. This can work as a disadvantage too
2. You become even more easier to hit with auto-sprinting even though your moving faster, now in 1.7 everyone is using it to people can predict your movements better
3. RSKH should be used every once in a while to get you a secondary hit or combo while sprinting

Critical Hits
1. You don't have to be in mid air
2. It deals 1.5 times the normal damage plus a chance for an extra half a heart
3. They don't deal extra knockback

Block Hitting
1. Block hitting doesn't reduce damage as much as you said
2. HBH is a much better alternative

Double Hits
Hm.. I never knew they're only possible on servers with the default code taken out... so like bukkit? Interesting.

Height Advantage/Disadvantage
No no no...
1. In the water it is the best to get under the person
2. On a mountain it is best to get the first hit
a. Someone under someone else who gets a first hit will get a combo
b. Someone over someone else who gets a first hit will get a crit combo as well as have a chance of knocking the other off
3. This makes mountain fights mostly ping based



Apr 19, 2012
Reaction score
Nice guide, sorry I gotta be devils advocate here :/

1. This can work as a disadvantage too
2. You become even more easier to hit with auto-sprinting even though your moving faster, now in 1.7 everyone is using it to people can predict your movements better
3. RSKH should be used every once in a while to get you a secondary hit or combo while sprinting

Critical Hits
1. You don't have to be in mid air
2. It deals 1.5 times the normal damage plus a chance for an extra half a heart
3. They don't deal extra knockback

Block Hitting
1. Block hitting doesn't reduce damage as much as you said
2. HBH is a much better alternative

Double Hits
Hm.. I never knew they're only possible on servers with the default code taken out... so like bukkit? Interesting.

Height Advantage/Disadvantage
No no no...
1. In the water it is the best to get under the person
2. On a mountain it is best to get the first hit
a. Someone under someone else who gets a first hit will get a combo
b. Someone over someone else who gets a first hit will get a crit combo as well as have a chance of knocking the other off
3. This makes mountain fights mostly ping based

I will add this to it. And yes to the double hits.


Apr 19, 2012
Reaction score
Good. Let's hope more users see this and improve the quality of legitimate players on MCSG.

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