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How to a game of MCSG like yahcookie| yahcookie


Aug 4, 2013
Reaction score
Hello fellow forum people or whatever..
I'm going to tell you how I win a game of MCSG, and why this could be useful for you.
Step 1: The Route
First things first, I need to create a route to most if not every map in MCSG. When making a route, I try to find aspects of it that could be important such as
-Is it popular?
-How many tier 2's?
-Are there any crafting tables?
-Does it require doing something risky, like lava parkour?
I try to go routes that aren't as popular, so there is a lesser chance of being killed by someone, and a route with 2 or more tier 2's and a whole bunch of tier 1's.
Step 2: PVP
After I'm finished with my route, I'll most likely find people to kill or head back to corn, where people will most likely be. If I don't have the stuff I want, or I don't have much good stuff, I'll be very reproachful. If I see someone who has stuff than me, I'll attack them at first, to see if they're good or not. If they're good, I'll run away, in search for another player who has good stuff that would be capable of fighting this player. If those two fight, whichever one wins, I'll come in and cherry-pick them. This will eliminate two players with good stuff and good skill, and will give me the upper-hand in the game (with the good stuff). Now let's go back to the part when I had not much stuff. If I go to corn and see a team of 2 or more, I won't fight them. I'll allow them to see me, and chase me. Then I'll do the same thing. Find another player with decent stuff, then allow him and the team to fight eachother, then do my best to cherry pick (though it may fail sometimes).
Step 3: Winning
Scenario 1:
Let's say I go into deathmatch, knowing that I have the best gear and the best skill. When DM starts, I see that the two others have okay stuff, but decide to team on me. While the count down begins, I suggest eating a gold apple, then bolting off your pedestal. After both players are chasing me, I'll most likely attempt a quick flint and steel placement right behind me. If a player is lit, I will go on to fight the player who isn't on fire. If I unsuccesfully kill that person, and the other player isn't on fire anymore, I run away, turn around and get a few quick bowshots on each player. By this time, both of them are low. This is when I go in and kill both of them.
Scenario 2:
You go into deathmatch knowing you don't have the best stuff. When it starts, you see that both of your opponents are decently stacked, and aren't teamed. What I'd do is, run away from both of them, and allow them to fight. I stay as far away from them as possible, maybe getting a few bowshots in here and there, but when I know that they're both low, I go in for the kill.

That's basically how I win each game, and I hope you guys found this thread helpful!


Dec 15, 2012
Reaction score
I am literally one of those noobs with like no routes, no PvP tactics (Just fishing rod, and turn arounds) but yet; I have managed to rack up almost200 wins. #YoloSquad.


District 13
Nov 4, 2012
Reaction score
How to a game of MCSG like yahcookie... wut

Nice guide.


Apr 17, 2013
Reaction score
I lik 2 smak em a bit wif an ax cuz thy is best?

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