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How does /report actually work?

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ᴍᴏᴅᴇʀᴀᴛᴏʀ / ʀᴇɢɪꜱᴛᴇʀᴇᴅ ɴᴜʀꜱᴇ
Jul 2, 2014
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What does /report do?
/report immediately records the report down on a page on Xime. Xime being the MCGamer staff 'ban panel' (though it does a lot more than just banning). Therefore staff members have a list of reports that they can go through whenever they are able to do so. It also sends a notification into the #reports channel on our team communication medium, Slack. This provides easy access to staff to go review recent cases.

What are some alternatives to /report?
Practically, /report is a system of alerting staff members of rule breakers. Though there is alternative methods that you can use to alert a staff member. The most simple way is by poking them on the TeamSpeak, ts.mcgamer.net. This immediately gives them a push notification and alerts them. Moderators should always respond to your pokes. Another way of dealing with the hacker, is taking the situation into your own hands by reporting them with evidence at report.mcgamer.net.

If you have any further questions, feel free to ask them! :)
We get so many reports that most mods just use the list that shows the users with the most reports, and only investigate the users that have been reported the most. Occasionally mods will respond to individual reports. But in most cases mods check out users that have numerous reports instead, simply because the odds are higher that they are breaking the rules if they have more than one. And there always are users with a ton of reports so it makes sense to check out the more likely rule breakers first, than the person that has been reported once. However, like I said we still do respond to individual reports, just not as often.
Once you use /report, your report goes to 3 places. The first place is Xime. On the Xime panel, there is a page with all the reports. The second place is in-game. A command for staff gives a list of all the reported users. At the top of that list is the user with the most reports. The final place is Slack. On the staff communications system, every single report is posted in the Slack channel. All of which, however, link to Xime. Once a report is resolved, it is closed on Xime. Additionally, tickets can be claimed and released on Xime. Generally, staff are going to see and record users with more reports. Furthermore, users with 1-3 reports aren't necessarily going to be dealt with ASAP since there are normally users with 15+ reports.

For the record, the /report system is not staff sensitive information as of when I was staff.
In the cleansweeps we use this command/feature.

What happens is that the staff members go on a page where they see all the /reports.
They give us a player (and server) that has been reported for hacks and we go there to spectate them and ban them.

This is actually a really efficient way to catch the hackers, so we appreciate people reporting hackers and rule breakers with the /report command.

Edit: A big problem with this feature is that a lot of people abuse this. A lot of people hackusate really fast when they die and rage. So maybe someone is really good and kills someone, they get mad and rage and then they report them for hacks. (even if they are not hacking).
If you have further questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to PM a staff member on the forums and we can assist you from there!


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