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How do you feel about the life you are living right now.


Dec 21, 2014
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Hello everyone my name is Yamori. I would just like to preference this thread by asking if I have put it in the correct section, I was tossing between, Off-Topic Discussions and Community Corner. But I though hey, this is a question I am asking the community. Why not put it in the Community Corner.

Anyway, delving straight into the thread's topic, I just want to post a question to everyone in the community: "How do you feel about the life you are living right now?" Are you happy with it? Sad? Angered? Or not completely bothered with it? Either way I just wanted to ask everyone that question. So post your replies below!

For me, personally, sometimes I am happy and sometimes I am sad, but that is inevitable isn't it? Everyone is going to go through a depressed part in their lives, for some, it is minor, for others it takes a huge part of their life out, from being diagnosed with depression, to having a bad day, everyone experiences either one, it's inevitable. My duty as a person, I want to try and make everyone look at the positive side of life, I want to make everyone happy, people can tell me that it is simply impossible, but what are two letters in-front of possible going to stop me from achieving?

If you are someone that is unfortunately sad at the moment, I want you to reach out to me. I want to help. Anyways, I would like to see everyones replies,

get cracking! :)

Yamori, 11/4/2015.


Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
Stress pretty much sums everything up. Crazy amounts of school work, band practices and competitions almost daily, getting up early for school... Bleh.

Other than that I'm rather content. I have a staff position here, and am in a pretty awesome clan so guess I can't complain. Just wish I had more free time.


District 13
Dec 8, 2013
Reaction score
I'm incredibly happy. Life is good, and I'm doing well, though of course there are some little problems and struggles going on.
I'm improving and working hard in rowing, and I'm about to compete in my first competition tomorrow. I've improved my erg times in huge amounts, and by now I've probably improved my times since December by over 5 minutes. I still need to work hard, and I can and will give rowing my all during practice and give 150%. No excuses.
In school work, I'm improving my grades and effort ratings in all of my classes, and I've been doing exceptionally well in subjects like Mandarin and Socials and im starting AP courses next year ughhhhhhhhhhhh
Online, I've become a mod. I'm going to try and get my mod training as soon as possible, as it's already almost been a month and I feel pretty useless not doing much. I might be getting it this weekend so hopefully I'll be able to give back to the community by helping it out!
Last of all, there are my ongoing injuries. I have a chronic injury in both my knees, and I'm going through rehabilitation and physiotherapy to improve them both. Simply walking uphill or downhill and doing any kind of sport causes a large amount of pain and it's a struggle to do competitive sports with it. Any signs of improvement usually take around 6 months to show up, so recovering from this injury could take a while, but I need to keep up with it to improve my rowing.

NickSharpx ☆

District 13
May 20, 2013
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Used to love how I was doing but now I'm just hating it, especially under the school aspect, I have to fix a lot of stuff up and get good marks in a few subjects where I'm literally f.ed... About social life and everything, it's quite good although some things could go just a little better, just like the stupid people who try bullying me on the bus (Not that they do it only to me), but after all, they're only Italians: there's nothing I can do about it.
Also getting up and going to school is quite hard and I'm too lazy to do it, I feel like it's some massive waste of time (which it isn't) and I'd really like to retire, although I'll never do it since to get a job here you MUST have attended university and graduated (even more than one graduation most of the times).
Feel like moving to other European countries I'd enjoy more like the UK (As the only other language I'm currently interested in is English and I feel like I don't need any others, which I'm sure I'm right about).

That's it, if you've read it all, congratulations, you're cool now.
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District 13
Feb 19, 2015
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I'm doing alright... if I can confess to the girl I have a crush on forever then I'll be great :p


District 13
Dec 26, 2014
Reaction score
I'm very happy with my life right now.

  • Got into my regional Under18 hockey team.
  • Doing alright at school.
  • Enjoying forums a lot more.
  • Seeing friends more often.
I could go on about a lot more, but it would be boring :p


Apr 20, 2012
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Not that great.

For myself personally, life is alright. I'm doing well in school and have some friends. Since I don't participate in any extracurricular activities, I have a good amount of free time on my hands. I should get into a sport but none of the ones popular near where I live/accessible appeal to me.

However, for my family, time's pretty tough. My father is unfortunately very...very...sick, and he has been for nearly a year now. He was diagnosed with lymph node cancer a few days before my birthday last year, and after going through treatment on that, the doctors discovered that it had spread to his lungs. Unfortunately, this one isn't as easy to cure and he may be stuck on treatment for the rest of his life. However, my aunts, uncles and cousins come to visit him frequently and do whatever they can to help, which isn't very much sadly. My sister works with this health-craze girl and suggested he take some marijuana-related medication that supposedly gets rid of tumors, but my dad being an old-school kind of person, isn't very convinced. Anyway, enough talking about him.

Obviously my mother is more consistently sad than she used to be, and it doesn't look like it's going to go away any time in the near future. I'm convinced I don't have any emotions when bad things happen to anyone, so this doesn't impact me very much. Still haven't decided if this is a good thing or not. I lost my interest in drawing avatars for people and drawing in general, and I don't think that will come back any time soon. Video games have always made me happy, and League of Legends is no different for me.

Anyway, last year was not a good year for myself and my family, so I'm hoping 2015 will bring our lives back together.
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Dec 12, 2013
Reaction score
Stress used to be bad, but then I became pro-active.

Not Procrastinating Homework = Getting A's

Asking Questions about stuff = Getting A's

Limiting Internet Time = Getting A's

I was doing horrible in school before, but now that I am doing good, I've been WAYYY less stressed.


Jul 30, 2013
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My life, like most people is full of ups and downs, but I'm learning to see life in a new light, trying new things, I just recently spent 3 weeks in a mental health unit so they could help me, and seeing how many people suffered with the same issues as I myself have was an experience, I see people every day living with Depression, Anxiety and it pushes me to need to get better, myself so I can help other people, I'm happy with where my life is at the moment and THAT .. if you had have told me 2 months ago i'd be feeling this way soon, I would have told you that you were wrong and i'd have walked away, it's a feeling I never thought i'd feel, growing from past mistakes and learning new things, spending time with my family.
I'm happy and to the people who aren't so happy, I am here for you, reach out and make contact, I'm happy to help :) x


Dec 3, 2013
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I'm rather moderate at the moment. It's the holidays, enjoying doing things I want, talking to people who I like etc and just not being in a negative environment like school. Although its coming up in a few days, I had things in life to look forward to. I'm trying to think more positive and surround myself with dope people.

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