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Here's what's ruining SG and here's how to fix it


Dec 24, 2019
Reaction score

Teams, EVERYWHERE. Its disgusting. I am appalled by the amount of players who voted against a team cap in this thread. During the mornings to the late afternoon, every game has at least 2-3 double teams, and most games have at least a 3 team. Solo SG is dead, nobody plays it, and the staff hounding everyone to not complain and instead to play Solo SG is useless. Nobody plays it, and it is at least not going to get remotely popular until the server fully launches. Teams need to be capped. They invade every decent route in every game, get full iron + diamond sword, make a stack of arrows, and unless they are abysmal at the game, they win. No solo players can do anything when the teams prevent them from getting anything better than like 2 iron pieces and some gold/leather with a stone sword at best. The people who keep saying "I'm fine with teams I enjoy the challenge" is not a valid argument against a team cap. Those players are exceptionally skilled, the rest of the 90% of us are between below average to sub-par, and we stand NO chance against these teams. IT RUINS OUR GAMES. This argument is like suggesting a game MUST be played on expert difficulty because a tiny minority of the players are VERY skilled.


Team Cap at 2-3 players per team. Ideally two because there is honestly no chance against a 3 team once they get slightly decent gear.


Deathmatch is severely unbalanced. Two issues with deathmatch: 3 players, and bow spamming. With 3 players, a large proportion of deathmatches are a 2v1, which is just unfair. You're trapping a solo in a confined region with NO cover and NOWHERE to run to fight a team. Not fair. Connecting to this point, is bow spamming. With there being zero cover besides the center of the cornucopia, bow spamming is ridiculously over powered. I can't tell you how many deathmatches are won buy one person firing a stack of arrows into a helpless player that has nowhere to hide and avoid arrows and nothing to hide behind to regenerate. The only place to hide is sometimes on the edges of the deathmatch arena where there is some mediocre cover, but then doing so is punished by lightning obliterating the player who is innocently trying to avoid being bow-spammed to death buy some person who refuses to sword fight at all costs. This bow spamming issue is already unbalanced enough in 1v1v1 situations, but when a 2v1 team is bow-spamming, its impossible to win. I truly do not think there is a way to beat a team in deathmatch if they each have a substantial amount of arrows (which they usually do). Any tiny amount of cover that actually exists is rendered useless by them being able to pin you down from two directions.


For the teaming, the solution is to have a 4 player deathmatch. This would make so much sense. If there is a double team, the two solo's can team up to give themselves a fighting chance. 3v1s are a fair counterargument, but a 3v1 in a 4 person deathmatch is not much less winnable than a 2v1 in a 3 person deathmatch, but the difference is a 3v1 will occur significantly less often than a 2v1 in deathmatch. Double teams are much more common.

For the bow spamming, there are a few approaches to this problem. One is to simply add some cover (or make different deathmatch arenas with cover). This simple addition would make a world of difference. Another solution is there could be an arrow cap upon deathmatch teleportation where players' arrows gets lowered to a maximum amount of x arrows. I feel like some people are going to rage at that idea but I can' t think of a reason why anyone would oppose to this unless they themselves are one of the people bow-spamming their entire stack of arrows in deathmatch. That should not be a viable strategy kill both players to win, rather it should be a viable strategy to gain an advantage in the overall fight by lowering some health/depleting some golden apples.

Problem: The word "ridiculous" is filtered out of in-game chat. Why? There is no need to filter such a word out.

Solution: Remove it from the filter.


Another guy
Oct 21, 2019
Reaction score
All of these problems are constantly in debate, and I think everyone can agree they are problems. Although, It's nice to have all of these in one place with good detail and great explanation.

As far as teams go, they can't just be flat out banned as people have friends they want to play with and enjoy the game, also another argument is the fact it's apart of the original OG SG (which it is). Personally though, I don't mind teams and I'd rather them stay in the game, but for the betterment of MCSG I think they should cap teams ONLY while the server is in beta and development, and once the server full releases the team cap should be lifted, but that's not for me to decide. They're hoping to get SoloSG more popular with the upcoming SOLO event they're hosting, odds on that probably won't happen, but we'll see.

DM has also been discussed, and personally I think they should stop worrying about teams in the beginning and mid game and focus their attention on DM, as it seems most people have problems with teams in the very end. Also, yes, the problem with 4 man DM's are the fact a 3v1 could happen, which quite frankly IS much harder compared to a 2v1. A better solution, in my opinion, would be to make a "no teaming rule" in DM or, what someone else suggested, to make arrows, iron armor and fishing rods more rare. Although, I think if they made arrows more rare it would sort out most of the problems. Also, there was talk of building more custom DM arenas, which would be pretty awesome. I think making arrows more rare and / or making a no team rule in DM would fix the overall problem, but then once server full releases these rules should be removed.

And finally about the word "ridiculous" no clue why it's censored, but I thought I heard someone bring it up, can't say the censorship of "ridiculous" is too big of a problem though.

With all of this being said, I'd like to finish with saying I personally don't have a problem with the state of DM or teams, as it doesn't bother me, but I do see why it would bother others. Although, I do think custom DM arenas would be super sick, and they should be made.


Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
Ridiculous is likely caught by the filter cause it has ‘culo’ in the middle which is an inappropriate word in Spanish. Probably just a filter error in failing to recognize the word being more than just the filtered part


Dec 12, 2019
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I agree that there should be a 2 or 3 player cap per team, as fighting a team of 4+ and winning is almost impossible unless they are terrible at the game. This will also help prevent boosting in huge teams and make the leaderboards a tiny bit fairer - there have been instances in alpha (!) of someone literally playing in a team of 6 all the time and they easily managed to get into top-10 in just under a week or two.

Making a 4 player DM won't solve the randyteaming issue, it will only make it worse. Imagine this: you did super well throughout the game and almost killed one of the remaining players before DM. That guy then says in chat that you were cheating and asks 2 other players to team up. How would a 3v1 be better than a 2v1? I'd personally take a 2v1 any time of the day. Also, if all of your opponents are understacked, it's fairly easy to win a 2v1 against them.

I agree with your point about arrows though. Most DMs I've played people didn't even try meleeing me and went right to bowspamming, and didn't stop until they died/I died. A viable solution to that would be to reduce the amount of feathers/flint and arrows you get in chests. Clanwars require a lot more arrows than usual and I think there should be 2 different options in MCSG Maker to account for that - one with the same amount of arrows we get from chests now, a "CW Mode", and in normal SG the number of arrows per person should be significantly limited. https://prnt.sc/qi2e97 - This is an example of how much arrows you can get if you get fairly lucky with looting. I almost always have 50+ arrows in DM and so do my opponents.

Limiting the amount of arrows once you get teleported to the DM arena wouldn't make much difference, as you can get bowspammed just fine right before it and that would be just as annoying. Great idea about adding custom DM arenas with cover though.

Clubs' proposal about "no teaming rule in DM" makes a lot more sense and I can definitely see that rule working well, one of the best solutions I've seen so far.
Last edited:


Dec 7, 2014
Reaction score
I understand and agree the idea of teaming limit but it is not the servers high priority issue, eventually we are going to see changes and new rules on teaming, no doubt about that. There is one thing you can do at the moment, find some friends. It's not too hard there are people looking for premades on Discord. Other alternative is people generally accepts to team with you against other people who are teaming, you can ask for others help to beat your opponent in 2v1 situations. It still needs development I believe we are going to have better MCGamer experience in the following months.


Jan 1, 2020
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MCSG is very competitive, at least it used to be. I used to play on this server back in 2014-2016/17 and at least back then, not many people were complaining about teams. It's just part of the game (especially clans, if those are a thing anymore).

There's no better feeling than rod spamming a 3 team and killing them all :)


Jun 15, 2016
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4 player deathmatch and grace period pls


Another guy
Oct 21, 2019
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4 player deathmatch and grace period pls
I HIGHLY doubt a grace period will ever be implemented. MCGamer wants to keep the classic SG feel as much as possible, so adding a grace period would ruin that in a way. I also am not a big fan of the grace period idea.


Oct 14, 2013
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learn to take down teams. the game is so boring with small teams the most memorable moments i've had on this server has been taking down teams

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