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#Harmony [US] Seeking Active Members

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Feb 27, 2015
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN:Wxlfie
Skype Name (Mandatory):you got it
Can you use TeamSpeak?:yes
Age: 14
What timezone do you live?: EST
SoloSG Wins/Games Played: 5
RegularSG Wins/Games Played: 237/1800
PvP Strengths: Sword and Fns
PvP Weaknesses: Rod
Do you understand the rules provided above the application?:yes
Do You Have a Rank on MCSG (Not Mandatory): Platinum
If you are accepted, how often will you be active with #Harmony? everyday
What makes you a good asset to this clan? (Please answer throughly): i know how to communicate and pvp im am decent at a few of your members know how good i am at pvp and i would be a pretty good leader and communication person


Jul 20, 2014
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: AdeleHello
Skype Name(Jadenminecraft12):
Can you use TeamSpeak?:
What timezone do you live?: East
SoloSG Wins/Games Played:167 18
RegularSG Wins/Games Played:1987 78
PvP Strengths: rod sword
PvP Weaknesses: bow
Do you understand the rules provided above the application?: yes
Do You Have a Rank on MCSG (Quantum):
If you are accepted, how often will you be active with #Harmony? i will be active all the time
What makes you a good asset to this clan(i have been in the clan Nobility And Euphoria and i am very good a team fights and i do know routes on clan maps and i think i can be a great asset to your clan):


May 30, 2015
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN:Wxlfie
Skype Name (Mandatory):you got it
Can you use TeamSpeak?:yes
Age: 14
What timezone do you live?: EST
SoloSG Wins/Games Played: 5
RegularSG Wins/Games Played: 237/1800
PvP Strengths: Sword and Fns
PvP Weaknesses: Rod
Do you understand the rules provided above the application?:yes
Do You Have a Rank on MCSG (Not Mandatory): Platinum
If you are accepted, how often will you be active with #Harmony? everyday
What makes you a good asset to this clan? (Please answer throughly): i know how to communicate and pvp im am decent at a few of your members know how good i am at pvp and i would be a pretty good leader and communication person
Congratulations, you've been accepted as a prefatory member! Can you message me your Skype please? I can't seem to find you in my contact list.


May 24, 2015
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: ArcticForce
Skype Name (Mandatory): Dqrkshadow
Can you use TeamSpeak?: Yes
Age: 13
What timezone do you live?: EST
SoloSG Wins/Games Played: 5/33(don't play very much)
RegularSG Wins/Games Played: 62/1028 After got new computer 2/6
PvP Strengths: Rod, Fns Mildly Accurate with bow
PvP Weaknesses: Strategy or when to engage
Do you understand the rules provided above the application?: Yes
Do You Have a Rank on MCSG (Not Mandatory): No :(
If you are accepted, how often will you be active with #Harmony? Um I don't know On thursdays I can't play and often I only play in the mornings and late at night.
What makes you a good asset to this clan? (Please answer throughly): I think I would be a good asset because I'm a great team player I never hog loot or I'm not a selfish player I know my record isn't great but I don't think that defines a player because I feel like I'm an average pvper but my ratio on sg says I'm crap and I might be able to help people with some of the things struggle with at pvp as well as when I need and I can ask some of the members to Help me


Jan 2, 2016
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: ItsPheonixx
Skype Name (Mandatory): Superminiogames
Can you use TeamSpeak?: Yes
Age: 12
What timezone do you live?: Eastern
SoloSG Wins/Games Played: 1/3
RegularSG Wins/Games Played: 23/280
PvP Strengths: Strafing, Rod combos, strategic playing
PvP Weaknesses: Bow
Do you understand the rules provided above the application?: Yes
Do You Have a Rank on MCSG (Not Mandatory): No
If you are accepted, how often will you be active with #Harmony? At least twice a week
What makes you a good asset to this clan? (Please answer throughly): I like to think myself as a good MCSG player. I am really good at PVP, especially when I tryhard, and I also use teamwork very well. I win quite a lot of games (but my stats suck because I quit for a little.)


Nov 14, 2014
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: __Booster
Skype Name (Mandatory) : You know
Can you use TeamSpeak?: Yes
What timezone do you live?: est
SoloSG Wins/Games Played: nope
RegularSG Wins/Games Played:64/337
PvP Strengths: Bow,Rod,Strafes,FNs
PvP Weaknesses: cheaters and or rebels
Do you understand the rules provided above the application?: Yes
Do You Have a Rank on MCSG (Not Mandatory): Platinum
If you are accepted, how often will you be active with #Harmony? about 8/10
What makes you a good asset to this clan? (Please answer throughly): Glorious you know


Jan 2, 2016
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: FuschiaMC
Skype Name (Mandatory): sinister.strafed
Can you use TeamSpeak?: Yes.
Age: I am currently 12 years old. I will be turning 13 in February of this year.
What timezone do you live?: CST, I live in Texas.
SoloSG Wins/Games Played: 1/8, I havent played that in a long time, I used to be really bad.
RegularSG Wins/Games Played: 87/667 Again this was back then I was really bad at the game, I have improved I great amount.
PvP Strengths: Sword Fights, Bowing, Fishing Rod, Flint and Steel, 2v1, Even Fights, Slightly Under Geared Fights.
PvP Weaknesses: 3v1, Extremely under geared fights
Do you understand the rules provided above the application?: Yes I do.
Do You Have a Rank on MCSG (Not Mandatory): No, I used to have Platinum on a different account, but it was hacked and I can no longer use it
If you are accepted, how often will you be active with #Harmony?: I will be around for clan battles everyday. But when school starts back up I won't be as active because I do sports, and band
What makes you a good asset to this clan? (Please answer throughly): I think I am pretty good at being neutral and adapting to other peoples play styles. I am also good at making call outs and I am a good team based player. Which is why people think I am good at most team based games like CS:GO


May 30, 2015
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: AdeleHello
Skype Name(Jadenminecraft12):
Can you use TeamSpeak?:
What timezone do you live?: East
SoloSG Wins/Games Played:167 18
RegularSG Wins/Games Played:1987 78
PvP Strengths: rod sword
PvP Weaknesses: bow
Do you understand the rules provided above the application?: yes
Do You Have a Rank on MCSG (Quantum):
If you are accepted, how often will you be active with #Harmony? i will be active all the time
What makes you a good asset to this clan(i have been in the clan Nobility And Euphoria and i am very good a team fights and i do know routes on clan maps and i think i can be a great asset to your clan):
Congratulations, you've been accepted as a prefatory member! Hope you enjoy your stay!
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