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[Guide] PvP Tips and Tricks

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Nov 21, 2014
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Hey, i'm xSkillPvP and today i will talk about PvP , i will give some Tips and Tricks , but first talk about 'What is PvP?'. PvP is when you go fight whit other players, and Minecraft is a game , where people play very PvP, and want to became the best pvper. But , very people use Hacks , but Hacks is for Noobs , if you die for a hacker , dont start using hacks , beacuse you will do the same. Killing people very easy , and its very boring . But when you practice your PvP , and become very good. People start liking you and start learning whit you. And is a good thing. Beacuse you feel the people want to be like you , is good. Now , i will give some tips and tricks for you. This Tutorial if from KiDD , i pick this text from his Guide.

  • Click speed. Click as fast as possible to register the most hits you can. You won't be able to tell exactly how fast your opponent will be clicking, so to combat this, strafe and click as fast as possible.
  • Strafe. Strafing is a strategy that allows you to move swiftly around your opponent and get hits off your opponent while your opponent can't track your movement, and will be confused by your movement. You can strafe with the keys "a" and "d" on your keyboard. Try to get a good feel for how you're doing it, and add rhythm but make sure to track your opponents movements by following them with your crosshair. This will also increase awareness.
  • Criticals. Criticals will deal a significantly greater amount of damage than a normal hit, and will increase your chances of winning a fight even if you're under-geared. To perform a critical hit, click while falling down after jumping. Make sure you can see particles to indicate that you have performed a critical hit.
  • Block-hitting. Block-hitting may be regarded as an annoying strategy to use, but is actually a vital strategy. Block-hitting will reduce damage done by opponents and increase your chances of winning a fight regardless of your gear. The more a player strafes you while you're blockhitting, the less you're likely to win in a fight, so be careful. To block-hit, left click and right click at the same time, (Left Click to hit your opponent and right click to block.) Do not be surprised if you come out victorious in a fight you think you may lose in while using this strategy.

  • Lead your arrows. Drag your mouse into the direction the opposing player is moving into while shooting your bow. It will take practice, and you will have to be pretty good at knowing where your opponent will be moving to. Be as accurate as possible, aim your bow where your opponents are going.
  • Charging your bow. Offensively, it isn't very effective single charging your bow if you're trying to deal damage to your opponent. For maximum effectiveness, fully charge your bow.
  • Dodging arrows. It will be hard dodge arrows while shooting at your opponent, but to dodge successfully, do not jump. Swiftly move back and forth to confuse your opponent, and your primary goal while dodging is to make your opponent waste arrows. You can also block arrows by right clicking to reduce damage done by your opponent.
  • Arrows. Make sure you are aware of the amount of arrows you have; not knowing the amount of arrows you have can result in a miscalculation.
  • Stun. You can "Fishing rod stun" your opponent by knocking them back. This will allow you to hit them while they cannot hit you, because you have knocked them back.
  • The fishing rod stun is essential for combos, and is a vital and common strategy in MCSG PvP.
  • Infinite fishing rod. When using your rod, switch to another slot to avoid the rod losing durability.
  • Defense. Flint & Steel is strictly a defensive weapon against your opponents. Flint & Steel is vital for taking out teams, and will deal 8 "ticks" (4 hearts), (Remember: The actual ticks and amount of damage done by FnS can vary, so still, be careful.) of damage to your opponent.
  • Slow-down. If your opponent is attempting to escape, the "ticks" of damage will slow down your opponent so you can get hits off them.
  • Initiation. Flint & Steel is sometimes used to initiate fights and will sometimes scare players away, so you can gain offensive control.
  • Accuracy. Try to be as accurate as possible when lighting your flint & steel. Speed doesn't matter so much, although being speedy which your placements will be beneficial. 180 flint & steel placements will need to be fast and accurate.
  • Combination. Use the fishing rod in a variety of combos, and always, always, try to strafe while using the rod. It will increase your chances of actually landing an effective fishing rod stun.
Weapon Combinations
  • Sword + Fishing Rod. Knocking your opponent back with your rod and then attacking with your sword is a combo, and you should use it at all times.
  • Sword + Single Charged Bow. Single charging your bow is not effective to lower your opponents health, but is quite effective for knocking your opponent back, making for a great sword attack combo.
  • As you're probably guessing, there are many more combinations that you can use to your advantage in a fight, and the ones above are common combinations used by players.
Killing Hackers
  1. Defense. At most times, a hacker won't have just no knockback enabled, and will have other combat hacks enabled such as kill aura, forcefield and aimbot. You must be very defensive while attempting to defeat a hacker especially if they have most of the hacks enabled. Use Flint & Steel repetitively, and you're most likely going to need to bow spam the hacker, but use fully charged arrows for maximum effectiveness.
  2. Be careful. Hackers can kill you fast, so don't rush into fight against one. If you're fighting in a tight spot with a hacker and you're undergeared, you most likely will lose. Keep in mind, while trading hits with a hacker, they will most likely get more hits off you, and this is another reason why you must play defensive against a hacker.
  3. Timing. Time everything. Flint & Steel placements, bow shots, you must time your actions to the disadvantage of the hacker. At most times, the hacker won't be playing tactically, and will just rush in. This gives you the opportunity to play very defensively and tactically, so make sure you do so.
  4. Report them. If you find a hacker and have proof of them hacking, you can report them here, and they will be punished.
  5. All Sword/Bow/Rod/Flint & Still Tips and Tricks apply.
Killing Teams
  1. Defense. Be defensive. Since you are at a disadvantage having to fight and deal with multiple players at once, you must be tactical and defensive. Use Flint & Steel as it is vital for progressively lowering the teams health as well as killing them. If you a have a bow and some arrows, use them. Against a team, bow spamming is a strategy, as multiple people will be attacking you at once, and you want to attack multiple people at once by bow spamming.
  2. Split them up. No matter how large the team, you will need to split them up if they are decent players or have decent items.You will be able to take the team out one by one and successfully take the team out.
  3. All Sword/Bow/Rod/Flint & Still Tips and Tricks apply.
Inventory Arrangement
You can arrange items in whatever way you'd like, but make sure you do so accordingly so it will work with your hotkeys/mouse side buttons/scrolling.

Set up your inventory how you'd like, and in whatever ways you think would be effective for good PvP.

I use the following inventory arrangement:
Slot 1: Flint & Steel
Slot 2: Sword
Slot 3: Bow
Slot 4: Fishing Rod
Slot 5: Gapple(s) (If I have any.)
Slot 6: Food
Slot 7: Food
Slot 8: Food
Slot 9: Food

So , thats it. Thanks for KiDD , he does this text , and i used to do this Guide. Play on MCSG! Do friends , but remember never hack.

Im Skill! ;)


Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
Thread locked due to plagiarism. This guide is already on our forums, and it is unnecessary to double-post it.
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