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Getting points back when cheaters get banned.


Aug 13, 2012
Reaction score
Hey guys,
Sometimes you get killed by cheaters.
After some time the most of the cheaters get banned, but you still lost your points by getting killed by them, that's why I ask, is it possible to make something what gives your points back when the guy (or girl) who took them get banned?
This will be verry usefull and fair.

Greetings floriancitt.


Apr 20, 2012
Reaction score
Not worth it, because points dont actually do anything. Personally, i just dont see how manually going through and restoring 5+ points to every player who wants compensation is going to change anything. Also, to prevent staff from abusing it, points must be given from Console, making this more inconveniant. As I said, not worth the hassle.


Jun 9, 2012
Reaction score
Points is useless, unless you can buy thing with them they are useless.


Community Engagement Team Representative
Jul 22, 2012
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Not worth it, because points dont actually do anything. Personally, i just dont see how manually going through and restoring 5+ points to every player who wants compensation is going to change anything. Also, to prevent staff from abusing it, points must be given from Console, making this more inconveniant. As I said, not worth the hassle.
You are right, it is very inconvenient and not going to happen. Although, I can see why they would want refunded the points.

Points, for the most part, even though they are sometimes just 'given away' to bounties, do have a purpose. That purpose is kinda like your win/lose ratio. I've been at a steady 2000-2200 points because of my ratio. However, I don't want my ratio to reflect how many hackers I come across.

Tell me. If you see somebody with more than 5000 points, do you think they have a good win to lose ratio? Then, if you see mine, then what do you think of my ratio? At 5000 points, you only need to lose to 3-4 hackers in a row and you are down to about 4500. It doesn't take much to completely change that number, and with how many people do care about points, it would give more accurate results.

I understand that it would be a pain to refund points though and I'm not asking that to happen. If there was something on the server that made it happen automatically though, that would be awesome. Obviously, even though some people just say that points do nothing, this suggestion wouldn't come up if everyone thought about it that way. Since some people do care, then if there is a simple way to do it, I'd enjoy seeing it. Those who don't care about points probably won't really complain, will they? I don't see why they would.

As much as I hate to drag on this post, there is one last thing I'd like to mention. (I drag on posts a lot, I like being detailed. :p) You could say that achievements in games are useless as well, because, well, it was a lot of work just for something that gives no perks. However, if nobody cared about achievements, why do they exist? The answer is simple, people do care, and not just for bragging rights either. Maybe I want to play the game but there is nothing left I haven't done and it's just boring... Well, now I have achievements making me keep playing because I have a goal. It's the same way here, maybe I would have nothing left to do, but oh wait... I still don't have 2500 points yet. I set that goal for myself to try to get that many and stay that high or higher and I have reason to play and get better. It adds lots of re-playability which is a good thing for everyone. However, when how "good" I am at the game also reflects my luck about people who play unfairly, it's not very accurate and frustrating, and if anything, I'd want to punch a hole in my computer screen because my goal relies on other peoples honesty.

TL;DR: There is a good reason to have points transferred back to the original "owner" and I can see his point. However, I do also understand that it is a pain and without some sort of automated system to do it, it wouldn't happen. Even with a system like that it might not happen. Still, I thought I'd chime in.


Jul 28, 2012
Reaction score
I was going to read what you said, but it was far to long for my tastes :L sorry.
Anyways Iv lost about 1000-1500 points to hackers sooooo...


Community Engagement Team Representative
Jul 22, 2012
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G33ke write a book? lol
Nope, I've never wrote a book and don't plan to. :p
I just have a, I guess you could call it a habit, of being very detailed and dragging on topics to the extreme. My posts on other forums (Under different usernames) are also like this. I can go on to a different forum I have an account on and check the posts, and... They are all like this. xD

I'm a very quiet person normally, but when my opinion of something is different from someone elses, I cannot help the urge to correct them or debate the topic with them, and I try to be as polite and open minded as possible while doing so. I hope it doesn't bother anyone. lol.


Apr 21, 2012
Reaction score
Nope, I've never wrote a book and don't plan to. :p
I just have a, I guess you could call it a habit, of being very detailed and dragging on topics to the extreme. My posts on other forums (Under different usernames) are also like this. I can go on to a different forum I have an account on and check the posts, and... They are all like this. xD

I'm a very quiet person normally, but when my opinion of something is different from someone elses, I cannot help the urge to correct them or debate the topic with them, and I try to be as polite and open minded as possible while doing so. I hope it doesn't bother anyone. lol.
I was just joking ;)


May 15, 2012
Reaction score
Hackers are in everygame, you will just have to deal with it, it's not like Call Of Duty will refund your deaths ect.


Aug 13, 2012
Reaction score
Hackers and cheaters are just not fair, and I think that if someone take your points while cheating, it isn't fair, and to make it fair you need to get your points back after the hacker got banned, and it is possible I think...

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