IGN :iZetroXR3ktYou_
Age :13
Wins/Losses :0/0 reinice stats
Nationality :mexicano
Donor :no
Ping :65
Past Clans :ReptailsUS Destroyersus
PvP Strengths :todo
PvP Weaknesses :hax
Why we should accept you? or q se q ayudare
Why you want to join GenesisUS? or que sera un muy buen clan
Skype :iZetroXR3ktYou_
Donor : no
Age :13
Wins/Losses :0/0 reinice stats
Nationality :mexicano
Donor :no
Ping :65
Past Clans :ReptailsUS Destroyersus
PvP Strengths :todo
PvP Weaknesses :hax
Why we should accept you? or q se q ayudare
Why you want to join GenesisUS? or que sera un muy buen clan
Skype :iZetroXR3ktYou_
Donor : no