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Events Gamemode Spotlight: MCSG Maker - Week 1

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District 13
Jun 11, 2013
Reaction score

MCSG Maker

Welcome to another exciting edition of the Gamemode Spotlight! This month's spotlight will include more ways to earn points than ever before, an increased number of prizes, and best of all an exciting new gamemode to spotlight. Oh and did I mention you can start earning points today! We have tons of new surprises in store to spice up the event.

MCSG Maker is MCGamer's latest gamemode, and it will provide dozens of new ways to twist things up. Each game played during this spotlight will be unique from all the others! If you are not familiar with our latest gamemode make sure you check out the announcement post linked here: http://www.mcgamer.net/threads/a-present-to-you-our-christmas-update-is-live.238486/

Every Sunday for four weeks we will host two games of MCSG Maker. Over these eight games tributes will have the opportunity to earn points towards the leaderboard. Additionally, between each week we will hold contests in our weekly update threads to earn bonus points. This is a new feature for this spotlight, and there will be more info on that later on in the thread. At the end of January the top three players overall on the leaderboard will win forum medals. Oh, and we may have some extra medals this month for participation as well. But more on that later.

Event details
Length of the event: The event will run from the posting of this thread to the last Sunday of January. The winners will be announced the first week in February.

Number of games/weeks: Every Sunday starting January 10th till the end of the month we will play two games of MCSG Maker.

MCSG Maker Game Configuration: Each game we play will be different from the rest. We will chose a different combination of mutators for each round. Check out the points section of the thread to see how you can help us come up with ideas. (And win some extra points in the process)

Leaderboard: All the points earned during the Sunday sessions and from the forum contests will be added together at the end of the month. The top three finishers on the leaderboard at the end of January will be the winners. More info on the points and prizes later.

How will I stay up to date? We will post a weekly thread in the Community Events section of the forums. This thread will have the updated leaderboard, and the links to the Google Forms where you can participate in our weekly contests to win bonus points. In this thread you can find those links in the points section.

Region: This event will multi-regional. We will host weeks one and three on US, and weeks two and four on EU. That way US and EU players will have a fair chance at claiming the prize.

Time: The time for the event has been strategically planned so that players from both US and EU can participate. Here is the info for all the upcoming sessions. On Sunday when it is time for the event to start, poke a staff member in the GSL channel on Teamspeak (ts.mcgamer.net) to join. A working microphone is not required, but you must at least be present on TS to receive instructions. We will start the first game approximately 15 minutes after the starting time. That way we will have plenty of time to get everything situated, and make sure everyone has a chance to join.

Week 1 (US) - http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=GSL:+MCSG+Maker+-+Week+1&iso=20160110T12&p1=137&ah=1

Week 2 (EU) - http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=GSL:+MCSG+Maker+-+Week+2&iso=20160117T12&p1=137&ah=1

Week 3 (US) -

Week 4 (EU) -

Note: The starting time for this event is 30 minutes earlier than the last spotlight.

How do I earn points?

These points can be earned starting today:

We need help deciding what configuration of mutators should be used. Therefore, we have left it up to you to decide! Click the link below and submit your config ideas for the event. If we choose yours you will earn 10 points. We will announce the winners of this competition at the start of the event every Sunday. Event judges will vote on the configs the Friday before each session, so if you submit after that it will be put into the selection for the following week. (Note: Please only submit up to three configs per week, if you do more we will ignore them. Additionally these points can only be earned once)

Click here to enter.

Want to help improve MCSG Maker? Suggest your ideas for mutators that should be added to the gamemode. The event staff will pick their five favorite suggestions, and those winners will earn 10 points. (Note: You can make unlimited submissions here. Put as many ideas as you want in each entry. You can also make multiple entries if you get more ideas later. However, you can only win this competition once.) The winners of this competition will be announced during the week three Sunday session. So be sure to be there. Submissions will close after that.

Click here to enter.

These points are earned during the Sunday sessions:
40 points - Finish in 1st place during a game.
30 points - Finish in 2nd place during a game.
20 points - Finish in 3rd place during a game.
10 points - Per kill.
10 points - Participation (Earned every time you attend a Sunday session)

For those who finish in the top three at the end of the month, we have some forum medals for you! 1st place will earn gold, 2nd silver, and third bronze.

But, what if PVP is not my thing? Don't worry! For those who show exemplary participation and attend all four Sunday sessions we will give you a participation medal as a thank you for your support. This is a new feature for this spotlight, and we are looking forward to honoring our most dedicated players.


  • All MCGamer rules apply.
  • No teaming or assisting others in anyway.
  • Do not submit more than three responses a week on the form where you make your own config. You may submit as many as you want on the mutator idea form.
  • If your config is chosen to be used in the event, you are welcome to submit more configs. While we will give others a chance first, we could use another one of your ideas. However, you can only earn the point boost once!
  • Also, while we will for sure use the large majority of your config idea for sure if we select yours, we do reserve the right to make minor changes if we feel necessary.
  • No disguising.
  • Do not use alts during the event. We are not going to combine your scores from multiple accounts.
  • In the event of a tiebreaker for a prize, we will look at overall participation in the event to choose the winner. This could be anything from number of sessions attended, to how active/successful they were with the forum contests.
  • Exploiting loopholes in the rules is considered breaking the rules!
  • The event staff reserve the right to disqualify anyone in the event who fails to follow the rules.
Event Staff
Job descriptions:
Event Manager - Organizes and runs the event. Also calculates the scoring.
Sr. Coordinator - Oversees the event and helps get help from the admins when needed.
Hosts - Host the event on event day. If you are a MCG staff member, DM arsenal if you would be interested in becoming one. Having attended previous Spotlights is required. You need to know how the event works!
Referees - Helps look for rulebreakers and discipline them during the event. Also helps with anything else the hosts need done.
Judges - Pick game configs from the submissions and winners of the mutator contest.

Event Manager: arsenalfcgunners
Sr. Coordinator: NagolGames
Hosts: arsenalfcgunners, Exzone, NagolGames, Yannick
Referees and Judges: To be determined

Feel free to ask any questions that you have below. If it is something personal send a private message to a member of event staff.

Last edited:


District 13
Jun 11, 2013
Reaction score
Why doesn't AU ever get any events :/
If enough AU players request that we do it, it will be done for sure. Right now enough haven't asked to make it worth putting on. But I am totally open to it. :)


Apr 19, 2014
Reaction score
If enough AU players request that we do it, it will be done for sure. Right now enough haven't asked to make it worth putting on. But I am totally open to it. :)
I don't know. AU kinda just gets ignored when it comes to events, so most of the people have given up by now. Even when I was mod by ideas were ignored even though I put hard work into them :c Good luck with the GS I guess.


District 13
Jun 11, 2013
Reaction score
I don't know. AU kinda just gets ignored when it comes to events, so most of the people have given up by now. Even when I was mod by ideas were ignored even though I put hard work into them :c Good luck with the GS I guess.
Like I said I don't think AU should be getting less events or want for AU to feel like it is getting ignore either. If we were to run a GSL on AU the timezones would be difficult which would most likely mean running a separate Spotlight on there. If another staff member wants to do it they can talk to me and we can see what can be done. But literally to be honest you are the second person that has requested it, so I just fear that there won't be enough people. It may be better to explore other event possibilities on AU. Events that require less people to be fun.


Sep 6, 2013
Reaction score
Probably this will be my first gamemode spotlight.
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