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Fishing rod help


Jan 31, 2014
Reaction score
Ok so i've been a mc-sg player for awhile now and i can do everything but the fishing rod move. If you have any tips please post them because i want to be an elite player and i cannot without not knowing the fishing rod combo. I've tried num keys (too awkward). I've tried scroll (always over scroll). I have a good mouse i just can't do it i hope you guys can help.

Thanks much <3

- Nanos or Michael.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2013
Reaction score
Well, when someone is running at you, just use the fishing rod.

When they are running next to buildings, fishing rod them into the wall.

When you are in water, fishing rod them away.

There are no "tips" for a rod, because all it is, is you hit them or you don't.


Jan 31, 2014
Reaction score
Well, when someone is running at you, just use the fishing rod.

When they are running next to buildings, fishing rod them into the wall.

When you are in water, fishing rod them away.

There are no "tips" for a rod, because all it is, is you hit them or you don't.
Very helpful... did you even read.. I'm talking about combos :/


Feb 16, 2013
Reaction score
I actually had a similar thread like your a while back but, I didn't get much help from it. I was in the same position as you are wanting to master the fishing rod. I've gotten pretty good now so, here is what I can tell you that most people won't.

1. Do What's Comfortable
What I mean by this is everyone has his or her own way of switching to the fishing rod and back to their sword. I was told on my post that I should scroll with my middle finger but, that didn't feel comfortable to me. You seem like you've tried a lot of uncomfortable techniques so just try something that works for YOU and not someone else.

Just make a flatworld on single player and fishing rod mobs and practice switching. I learned how to do it by practicing on the MCSG KitPvP server. (It's very laggy)

When you get a good strafe off after a fishing rod stun you'll either have your enemy on the run or have killed them. One tip about strafing I cannot stress enough is to not jump while strafing. It makes you more versatile allowing you to get more hits off without them hitting you.

These are the Big 3 of tips I have learned I really hopes this post improves your game instead of wasting your time. If you have anymore questions I'll do my best to answer them.



Aug 24, 2012
Reaction score
I've been known as one of the best fishing rod users apparently and I'm going to tell you, imo combos mean nothing. Sure a combo is nice and all but it leaves you incredibly prone to FnS, and if the player knows what they're doing can easily disengage out of it. I prefer to get a stun and hit them once or twice and back off, use FnS to set them on fire. It'll generally secure the kill and put you in a better position. When I fight good players I prefer to have a good heart advantage, going head on and incredibly offensive can cost you, or win you the game. I prefer to be safe than sorry.


Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
I've been known as one of the best fishing rod users apparently and I'm going to tell you, imo combos mean nothing. Sure a combo is nice and all but it leaves you incredibly prone to FnS, and if the player knows what they're doing can easily disengage out of it. I prefer to get a stun and hit them once or twice and back off, use FnS to set them on fire. It'll generally secure the kill and put you in a better position. When I fight good players I prefer to have a good heart advantage, going head on and incredibly offensive can cost you, or win you the game. I prefer to be safe than sorry.
I agree with this. It comes down to practise and what you prefer. However i think a good combo can easily win you the fight, even if they set you on fire. If i get a good combo i tend to keep on going even if they set me on fire. You get extra hits and you can finish them off with a bow if they try to run, and it pays off in the long run. FnS = 4 hearts of damage roughly. A hit on your oppoment does around 1 and a half to 3 hearts depending on what your armour and weapons are. If they pull the fns on you you can usually land an extra hit, then a shot or 2 in with the bow (1-2 hearts), for me i get this 100% as i believe i am quite accurate with the bow. Therefore i end up ontop and usually killing them. (This does vary depending on equipment and terrain whether it is benefitial, also on other people nearby or in the battle)


Jan 31, 2014
Reaction score
I actually had a similar thread like your a while back but, I didn't get much help from it. I was in the same position as you are wanting to master the fishing rod. I've gotten pretty good now so, here is what I can tell you that most people won't.

1. Do What's Comfortable
What I mean by this is everyone has his or her own way of switching to the fishing rod and back to their sword. I was told on my post that I should scroll with my middle finger but, that didn't feel comfortable to me. You seem like you've tried a lot of uncomfortable techniques so just try something that works for YOU and not someone else.

Just make a flatworld on single player and fishing rod mobs and practice switching. I learned how to do it by practicing on the MCSG KitPvP server. (It's very laggy)

When you get a good strafe off after a fishing rod stun you'll either have your enemy on the run or have killed them. One tip about strafing I cannot stress enough is to not jump while strafing. It makes you more versatile allowing you to get more hits off without them hitting you.

These are the Big 3 of tips I have learned I really hopes this post improves your game instead of wasting your time. If you have anymore questions I'll do my best to answer them.

Thanks for the tips!


Jan 31, 2014
Reaction score
I've been known as one of the best fishing rod users apparently and I'm going to tell you, imo combos mean nothing. Sure a combo is nice and all but it leaves you incredibly prone to FnS, and if the player knows what they're doing can easily disengage out of it. I prefer to get a stun and hit them once or twice and back off, use FnS to set them on fire. It'll generally secure the kill and put you in a better position. When I fight good players I prefer to have a good heart advantage, going head on and incredibly offensive can cost you, or win you the game. I prefer to be safe than sorry.
Thanks for that :D

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