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Guide Filing a Successful Report Abuse

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Dec 28, 2012
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Filing a Successful Report Abuse
Thanks to Kinney & Liam with Sr. Staff input.

Hello There,

This is a guide that will hopefully show you how to file a successful Abuse Report. You might not have known this but the majority of the ban’s that staff make every day come from Report Abuses, as Mods cannot be on every server 24/7 we do rely on community members to report users for breaking the rules and we do of course encourage it, as it’s nice to see members of the community chip in once and a while to try and make a difference!

On average we receive around 50-70 report abuses a day, and we would like to thank those community members who do chip in and give a hand, as it is greatly appreciated.

Creating a Report

When filling in a Report always make sure you use the correct template every time, this is not a hard thing to find as shown here, this is found in a sub forum in the “Report Abuse” section of the forums.

Once you have the template in sight what you wanna do now is “copy and paste” it then go back and click post new thread, once you have done that you can go ahead and paste the template in.

(It is preferred that the title of the report be: Players Name - Reason)

Using the Template

After you have a new thread window open to be posted, and you have the template copy-and-pasted into the text box, you must now fill out the template.

This information will be used by the staff to process the Report Abuse. Please fill out each field as thoroughly as you can, and don't skip any detail that could be important to the staff.

Below are explanations of the fields to fill out.
In-game name:
When answering this, make sure it is not your username but the user that your reporting’s username as there has been times when the person that was reporting accidentally put their own name down and was banned.

Gametype: This is the gametype that was being played as the offender broke the rules. The current MCGamer gametypes are SG, SG Classic, Quarter Quell, MCTF2, Creative, Zed Chase, and Battlegrounds.

Region: This is what region you found the abuser in. Most the time, this will be what region you play on mostly. To find out, look at the sidebar where it tells you all the information. The current regions are US, EU, CA, and AU.

Now this depends on the offence whether it be Hacking, Spam, Abuse etc. But we do greatly appreciate if you put a little detail into your report, for example when reporting someone for “hacking” identify the hack whether it be Regeneration Hacks, Forcefield, Aimbot as this helps the Mods know what they’re looking for when watching a hacker video.

Chat Related Offences: When taking Chat offences we require “Screenshots” it is highly preferred if the screenshots are uploaded to imgur.com. When giving in a screenshot for evidence in your report abuse make sure the screenshot is not cropped/edited in any way, this also means we require the screenshot be of your full minecraft window, we ask for this for various reasons (Example: if someone is trying to hide some sort of hacked client).

A more thorough guide to making and uploading a screenshot is available here: LINK.

Hacking Related Offences: For this we require video evidence, (Unless the user admits to hacking in chat) we greatly prefer if all hacking videos are uploaded to www.youtube.com and made “un-listed” this is for the users privacy, if they wish to move on from their past. Please make sure that the username of the hacker is clearly defined, perhaps, you could do this by getting close to the user at the start of the recording. Furthermore, we encourage the owner of the video to maintain the availability of the evidence for future reference. Videos are expected to be 15 seconds or longer, if any shorter the hacks must be blatantly obvious. Also we do not accept edited video’s especially when they are slowed down, users think when the video is slowed down it is easier to identify any hacks, but it is indeed harder for staff to identify.

To sum it up:

Picture Evidence Requirements:
  • The screenshot must be of your full minecraft window. This means do not have your image cropped/edited in anyway shape or form as we will not accept it.
  • It’s highly preferred that screenshots are uploaded to imgur.com
Video Evidence Requirements:
  • The video must be at least 15 seconds, if any shorter the hacks must be blatantly obvious.
  • The hacker’s username should be clearly seen in the video.
  • The video must not be edited in any way. This includes speeding up, slowing down, the addition of music, or any other elements that may be distracting.
Key Times on Video [Optional]: This greatly helps Staff when dealing with hacker reports as if its a long video (example 5 minutes), it’s easier to pinpoint when and where the user is hacking.

Time, Date, and Server [Optional]: This field is for the exact time, date, and server where the abuse occurred. This is found by looking at the sidebar on the right side of your screen. For example, if the user was found in SG 45 on September 30th, 2012 at 4:15 PM EST, you would type the following: 4:15 PM EST on September 30th, 2012 in SG 45.

Example of a Good Report Abuse

Reasons why this is a good report abuse:
  • All fields are filled in correctly
  • Provided sufficient evidence
  • Defines what type of “hack” the player is using
  • The hackers name is clearly visible in the video

Example of a Bad Report Abuse

Reasons why this is a bad report abuse:
  • The user did not follow the correct template
  • Does not contain the information we require
  • The hackers name is not mentioned, so the staff cannot even look out for the user.
  • This video is listed as Private

What Happens Afterwards
Waiting on a response for your Report Abuse:
After we conducted a small survey regarding report abuses, we found that an average of 28 minutes is all it takes for you to receive a reply from one of our moderators most of the time saying ‘‘Thank you for the report, this user has been dealt with.” However, not all report abuses are dealt with simply. Some human errors can occur such as; simply setting your YouTube video as private or sending us cropped evidence. You may or may not notice that we then set the report as ‘Unresolved’ as a friendly way to tell you that you have not successfully filed a correct report abuse.

If you receive a response along the lines of;

“Unfortunately, we do not accept cropped evidence as this could potentially allow you to be hiding something that is not accepted on our servers. Nonetheless, we will offer you 24 hours for you to send us a raw screenshot.”

If you eventually achieve our request in less than 24 hours the user will be dealt with. If not, we will close the thread and ask you to produce another one in your own desire.
Dealing with a VIP:
If you happen to come across a VIP breaking the rules, you may file a report abuse like any other but keep in mind it will take longer than a usual report as either Chad (Deals with youtube VIP’s) or Dave (Deals With Map maker VIP’s) will have to deal with the situation.

Dealing with a staff member:
If you happen to come across a staff member breaking the rules, you may file a report abuse like any other once again, but keep in mind it will take longer than a usual report as the “Senior Staff” have to deal with the situation.

To conclude, don’t allow this lengthy guide sway you off filing a report abuse. Although it may seem that it takes a long time to report a user, it really isn’t, just as long as you stick to the template and you’re aware of what we expect, you’ll have a successful report.

All Report Abuses must be posted in the correct section of the forums which can be found here:
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District 13
Jul 8, 2012
Reaction score
Yay! Glad you guys completed it!
I hope my help was used. even doe it was already in the thread. But hay ho!
Good job!
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District 13
Staff member
Mar 10, 2013
Reaction score
This project was created by a moderator's request, and approved by the Administration. Excellent work, guys.

A link in the Report Abuse section now points to this guide to assist forumers in creating a Report Abuse.
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