• Our Minecraft servers are offline but we will keep this forum online for any community communication. Site permissions for posting could change at a later date but will remain online.

Everything counts.


Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
When it comes to the community on MCGamer, I'm sure a lot of people would use quite colorful (and disallowed!) language to describe it, simply because their experiences revolving around it have been... less than delightful.
(Unless you're the type of masochist that goes for that type of thing...)

Many of us players (yes, staff members count as players in this case) are more than aware of the negativity that can often be seen in the chat, on the TeamSpeak, or even in the videos that content creators (YouTubers, Twitch.tv streamers, this means you!) produce. Unfortunately, it's fairly evident that this is a widespread occurrence.

And, yes, it's safe to consider this a "problem".
"Noun: A matter or situation regarded as unwelcome or harmful and needing to be dealt with and overcome."

Unfortunately, this problem doesn't have an "ez-fix". There's no simple way to make the wrongs right.
We can't just make the network suddenly lose electrons. (Anyone get it? eh? eh? ;))

Despite this "situation," there still are things that can be done to improve what happens.

Here's a few small, simple, and practical steps that anyone can take in order to do their part.

  • Don't reply. I know many people want to, but if you simply do not type a response, then further conflict is avoided. Whether you're being provoked by a randy with three numbers and "HD_MC" in their name, or someone is trying to call your mother offensive names, just don't reply.
  • Recognize your own tilt. After each game, take a ten-second break and ask yourself: "Am I on tilt?" If the answer is yes, or even "maybe", then go get yourself a snack and some water. When you come back, listen to a full 3-minute song that you enjoy before playing another game. Develop the habit of pausing between each game.
  • Before joining a clan, take a look to see if any of their members are known for being "toxic" or rude. Being around other players who are negative will definitely influence you in a bad way. Simply avoid it by not putting yourself in a position where you're exposed to negativity.
  • Take a sticky-note and write something positive, such as "Today will be a good day." Stick it on your monitor screen. The action of physically writing something positive may influence you to have a better mindset while playing. (Keep in mind that psychological things such as this may not have an effect on everyone, but it will work for some people.)
  • Find your own "Happy-Methods". Use these to stay calm and collected in situations where you might usually lash out. Perhaps post them in the comments, and share them with other people!
Doing your own part in order to improve the community is essential.
Whether or not you have a noticeable impact, it doesn't mean that you're invisible.
Everything counts.


District 13
Oct 19, 2012
Reaction score
  1. a stable subatomic particle with a charge of negative electricity, found in all atoms and acting as the primary carrier of electricity in solids.
I don't get it

Actually though, I have no motivation to try and fix the community, otherwise I might have tried your sticky note suggestion. However, I try not to complain about it, and I think if you are someone who openly complains about how bad the community has gotten, you should try to fix it instead of hoping people will change. Complaints if nothing are as bad as those people, like myself, who make this community so disliked.
Sep 7, 2013
Reaction score
Tbh, I'm a big reason there's negativity in the forums as I may cause some flame in threads I guess, cause I don't follow this rule:
  • Don't reply. I know many people want to, but if you simply do not type a response, then further conflict is avoided. Whether you're being provoked by a randy with three numbers and "HD_MC" in their name, or someone is trying to call your mother offensive names, just don't reply.
Oh god, if I had followed that rule before then I wouldn't have almost gotten banned in League, gotten 2 offenses in MCGamer for harassment and swearing and I wouldn't have made a game in CSGO fall apart.
I am truly aware of this rule while I am playing, but I never follow it because I forget to.


Jan 19, 2015
Reaction score
I cannot agree with this more. I have been three teamed on and called "ez" in the form of bypass after they killed me, and it honestly makes me quite angry. However after a while I usually calm down and think to myself "hey, it's just a game of blocks, no big deal" and my day just gets better.

Whenever people are negative to you, just ignore them. It's not like anyone can do anything about them (except moderators who can punish :p). What I would do is just move on from the game I lost and go on the next game. Usually when playing MCSG I would have a friend to talk to (although we do not team) so whenever either of us get mad we would calm each other's down. I think that's a pretty good solution too.

Also, I'm relatively new here, so I really don't know what you would consider a "toxic" member of a clan. I'm not into clans, so it doesn't really matter either ways :p

You can't make the network lose electrons, but you sure can add some protons ;)


Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
The unfortunate reality of this situation is that not everyone is good at harnessing and effectively controlling their emotions. I myself am one of those people that has a hard time holding it back at times, however I've managed to keep my composure given my rank and status here. It's a problem we all need to work at to solve, but hey at least we're taking the initiative to recognize and solve problems to make the network a better place! :)


District 13
Mar 15, 2014
Reaction score
I cannot agree more Moo. If you compare the community to the time of 2013/14 to late 2014 and 2015, you can definitely say that this community has become somewhat- pear-shaped. The toxicity with the ingame community has risen tremendously, not to mention the toxicity of the AU community (I guess Aussies are renowned for being extremely competitive). The forums are in a phase where there is simply nothing to post your opinion on anymore. There used to be threads that generated discussion left-right and center. But now, as much as I hate to admit it, there is nothing but 'Top 10 best [Region] PvPers' and threads that really don't generate discussion and disappear within a day. I know that from now on, I will try my hardest to think of discussion-generating threads more often, even though Mooclan suits the task better, to help get the forum community back to where it was a year ago. :)


Feb 26, 2014
Reaction score
Haha I get it because electrons are negatively charged. Negativity.

I don't want to go all nerdy on you but electrons aren't the only ones lol

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