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[EU] Despize

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Jan 28, 2014
Reaction score
[1] IGN - djPlazma
[2] Age - 13
[3] Skype - pavle.zdravkovic3
[4] Country - Serbia
[5] Are you premium & which? - Nah.
[6] How long have you been playing on MCSG? - 3 months.
[7] How often do you play? - Always.
[8] Have you been banned before? [With reason.] - Nah
[9] Wins - 168
[10] Games Played - 924
[11] PvP strength - FnS,Sword,Fishing.
[12] PvP weakness - Watter Fights,Bow.
[13] Previous clan experience - Nah.
[14] Why do you want to join Despize? - To play with clan and to have fun!
[15] Why should we accept you? - Becouse i'm good :D
[16] Extra information -I'm gooddd :D xD


Apr 10, 2014
Reaction score
[1] IGN - Vinaex

[2] Age - 14

[3] Skype - uzlathekid

[4] Country - Norge

[5] Are you premium & which? - Nah

[6] How long have you been playing on MCSG? - 1 day

[7] How often do you play? - Everyday

[8] Have you been banned before? [With reason.] - Nope

[9] Wins - 0

[10] Games Played - 2

[11] PvP strength -
Sword: I can get critical hits and I am decent at strafing, becuse the fishing rod got updated I have used strafing and practiced it alot. Annother sword strenght is that I can turn around when I am being chased and get a critical hit.
Cobwebs: I can place good cobwebs and unexpected places and smart places. With cobwebs I can do a quick 180 and place the cobweb behind me when I am being chased, I can also place the cobweb before I start to fight so my enemy get stuck in it, then I bowspam him. I can place flint and steel around corners and do a quick 180 and place it behind me.
Tnt: I know that if I place the tnt on a half slab/High boulding it deals more damage then just placing it on the ground and I know good spots on every map tp place a tnt.
Flint and steel: I can place flint and steel around corners and do a quick 180 and place it behind me.
Bow: I am not the best with a bow becuse I only hit 25% of my arrows but I know a few tactics I can use. I can run in a thight hallway and turn around an bowspam when I am being chased, I can also bowspam when annother player is in the water, when annother player is in the water I hit around 75% of the arrows I shoot at him.
Rod: The rod is pretty useless now but I still know some good tactics. I can boost my team-members with my rod and I can boost my enemys away with my rod. With my rod I can also fish to get xp and alot of OP items, like a bow with flame and power 4

[12] PvP weakness -
Hearts: Sometimes I never look at my hearts before going in for a fight so I might attack a player when I have 3 hearts. When I am in a fight I forget to look at my hearts and run away.
Bow: As I said above I only hit around 25% with my bow, so if anyone has a bow in a cw dont give it to me :p
Flint and Steel: I am bad at dodging the fire and I often run in to it
1v1: I am not very good when I 1v1 a decent player, I dont know what I do wrong but I often end up loosing. I am trying to get better at 1v1'ing so I play alot on mcswish

[13] Previous clan experience - TheLegiion

[14] Why do you want to join Despize? - Becuse I know alot of people in the clan

[15] Why should we accept you? - Becuse im uzla

[16] Extra information -
As you probably know my name is Dennis and I am 14 years old. I come from Norway (the little land up in the north) and I enjoy to play minecraft. I like all kinds of gamemodes but my favourite gamemode is The Survival Games, I have played this game alot and I think I am pretty decent at the gamemode. I am not theperson that talks alot, I am more of the prson that listens to what others say and when I play cw's I might be very quiet becuse I am so focused at the game.

Thanks for reading my application.


Dec 21, 2013
Reaction score
[1] IGN - MasterChop9
[2] Age - 13
[3] Skype - rohanazim
[4] Country - Scotland
[5] Are you premium & which? - Nope Will be getting it soon
[6] How long have you been playing on MCSG? - 4 months
[7] How often do you play? - 3-4 hours a day
[8] Have you been banned before? [With reason.] - Nope
[9] Wins - 61 I got 5 wins today xD
[10] Games Played - 1000+ ): Kinda no lifed it one day
[11] PvP strength - I play tactical with my Flint n Steel. I would spam with the rod just so I know I will get the first hit when im getting chased I would sometimes bow spam but not to much or people might rage at me. If there is a team I would go for the undecked guy to make it easy for me to kill the other guy against hackers I would sometimes bow spam them and get a flint and steel on them to kill them if it is regen hackers I would just run and if there is lava in the game if they have no knockback I would push them in to kill them if it is people with like -4 ping I would get a lucky flint and steel and then fishing rod them and kill them[12] PvP weakness - Water fights because there is nothing you can really do except bow spam or go under them and I am really bad at doing that kind of stuff and people with better ping with me...
[13] Previous clan experience - Team Conquered, The RivalsReborn and Legiion
[14] Why do you want to join Despize? - Becuase I have a lot of friends in this clan and I know there are a lot of really good players in this clan
[15] Why should we accept you? - Because my ping is pretty good I can get easy fishing rod hits on people I can 360 Flint and Steel I would play quite defensively in clan wars
[16] Extra information - I have a really high voice and its annoying xD
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Feb 1, 2014
Reaction score
[1] IGN - ItzViiruz / ViirusHD
[2] Age - 13
[3] Skype - dobhasswag
[4] Country - England m8
[5] Are you premium & which? - No but I can get it if needed
[6] How long have you been playing on MCSG? - actively a few days, overall about a year and a half
[7] How often do you play? - whenever my friends are playing
[8] Have you been banned before? [With reason.] - nope
[9] Wins - 27 on ItzViiruz, 56 on ViirusHD
[10] Games Played - 40 on ItzViiruz, 90 on ViirusHD
[11] PvP strength - Using a rod well, unexpected flint and steel, strong with a bow
[12] PvP weakness - small spaces, playing too agressive.
[13] Previous clan experience - Legiion,Mystic
[14] Why do you want to join Despize? -I have a lot of friends in here and I'm always up for meeting new people and sharing new experiences.
[15] Why should we accept you? - I believe you should accept because in my opinion I'm a decent pvper and a pretty good SG player and Im willing to Be active and make friends with a lot of people in here.
[16] Extra information - If I have been immature in the past I apologise I will try my hardest to get along with everyone in this clan if I'm accepted. Also I have 1200 hive wins on all accounts. (470 on ViirusHD) (860 on ItzViiruz)


Feb 17, 2013
Reaction score
[1] IGN - RalphyyM8 and fluffyninjaaa
[2] Age - 13
[3] Skype - jacob.peter.ralph
[4] Country - England
[5] Are you premium & which? - Ralphyy= diamond fluffyninjaaa = iron
[6] How long have you been playing on MCSG? - nearly a year
[7] How often do you play? - everyday except sundays
[8] Have you been banned before? [With reason.] - no
[9] Wins - 582
[10] Games Played - 3375
[11] PvP strength - rod,sword,bow,fns and knowing your opponents moves.
[12] PvP weakness - Hackers
[13] Previous clan experience - Nitride,Netherians,EndGamers,TeamSypher and lots more
[14] Why do you want to join Despize? - Because i see a lot of nice active people in this clan which are full of skill and id like to be one of them.
[15] Why should we accept you? - Because i am a active player and if given potential will shine.
[16] Extra information - im fluffy m8


Sep 30, 2013
Reaction score
[1] IGN - RalphyyM8 and fluffyninjaaa
[2] Age - 13
[3] Skype - jacob.peter.ralph
[4] Country - England
[5] Are you premium & which? - Ralphyy= diamond fluffyninjaaa = iron
[6] How long have you been playing on MCSG? - nearly a year
[7] How often do you play? - everyday except sundays
[8] Have you been banned before? [With reason.] - no
[9] Wins - 582
[10] Games Played - 3375
[11] PvP strength - rod,sword,bow,fns and knowing your opponents moves.
[12] PvP weakness - Hackers
[13] Previous clan experience - Nitride,Netherians,EndGamers,TeamSypher and lots more
[14] Why do you want to join Despize? - Because i see a lot of nice active people in this clan which are full of skill and id like to be one of them.
[15] Why should we accept you? - Because i am a active player and if given potential will shine.
[16] Extra information - im fluffy m8
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