Minecraft IGN: blessable
Age: 12
Skype(Or PM Me): sanicstrafes
Donor: Platinum
Wins/Played: Regular- 22/155 (I reset my stats, before that I had 200/1000), Solo SG- 33/64, and Legacy- 225/1625. (I also used to have 2k elo on badlion, curerently I have 1700 ELO)
Past Clans: Beware US, Trivility US, Weasel Squad, AirPvP, and Fusion US.
Do you meet the requirements above: Yeah, I do!
Why do you want to join E6: I would like to join E6 because I feel like this clan has the potential to be #1. This clan seems like it has a nice community. I also think that I can make a big impact on the clan if I were to be accepted. I am a very, very good swordsman, if I do say so myself. I can jitter click 12 cps while aiming consistently, I can rod efficiently, I can also get combos very easily. I also can bow like hell, I can FnS, I know all the CB maps thoroughly, and I can make big plays! I also feel likes I can make a big impact on the clan, socially. I have a youtube channel with around 210 active subs. I average about 20-40 likes per video, and I am looking to record some CBs. Thanks for the opportunity!