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#Dynasty US/CA


Mar 30, 2013
Reaction score
No he was the person in charge of the clan battle vs royals he played Jspwn instead of OUR members he wanted to use a sub even tho we had people online he made us loose that battle 3-1 royals we got mad
No flame intended but i'm not really sure who you are... But I will clear all of this up and this is the truth so do not reply and start a flame and I don't appreciate you commenting on a clans thread that your not even in so you can stop doing that also. Yes, I did play jspwn in for the clan battle because no one was on at the time we needed a member. Defrasa had to go ( for a little bit) but when we started he was AFK. I messaged him when the battle started but he was still gone and the clan battle was starting. Jspwn was already in the call he was was technically part of the clan, so I played him hoping some one messaged me saying they want to play. After the 3rd game I saw that ManeEvent go on ( one of our officers) and messaged him to come play. He didn't see the message until after the clan battle ended. I also messaged in the group chat for someone to get on and play but no one answered. That is exactly what happened and like I said there is no flame intended but I just want to clear up the story.


May 31, 2013
Reaction score
No flame intended but i'm not really sure who you are... But I will clear all of this up and this is the truth so do not reply and start a flame and I don't appreciate you commenting on a clans thread that your not even in so you can stop doing that also. Yes, I did play jspwn in for the clan battle because no one was on at the time we needed a member. Defrasa had to go ( for a little bit) but when we started he was AFK. I messaged him when the battle started but he was still gone and the clan battle was starting. Jspwn was already in the call he was was technically part of the clan, so I played him hoping some one messaged me saying they want to play. After the 3rd game I saw that ManeEvent go on ( one of our officers) and messaged him to come play. He didn't see the message until after the clan battle ended. I also messaged in the group chat for someone to get on and play but no one answered. That is exactly what happened and like I said there is no flame intended but I just want to clear up the story.
But after the first game Defresa was back and even told you then you kept on playing Jspwn


Mar 30, 2013
Reaction score

But after the first game Defresa was back and even told you then you kept on playing Jspwn
I didn't see the message because right when the first game ended the other clan rushed to the second game. I saw the message after the second game but we took out jspwn after the second game for TicTac I think.


May 31, 2013
Reaction score
I didn't see the message because right when the first game ended the other clan rushed to the second game. I saw the message after the second game but we took out jspwn after the second game for TicTac I think.

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