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Divine {NA Division}

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District 13
Sep 15, 2012
Reaction score
In game Name: Aldo51Central
Past Clans : Hypnotic, Art of pvp, and Renegrades
Pvp strengths: rod, sword, and bow
Pvp weaknesses: hackers and 5+teams
Skype: Aldo51Central( Black Character with hands up)
Reasons to let me in the clan: Because I am gorge and because I can help you win more clan wars and make this clan more fun and stuffs. Also I really think this is the clan for me I seen some of the people in this clan on mcsg and Are very high in talent so This is where I think I will fit in
Rubber ducky: https://www.google.com/search?q=rubber duckys&espv=2&biw=1455&bih=695&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=6AANVOCIIZadygSrgIKgDg&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAg#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=UVAyMNHLQD3zlM%3A;PsuFRwLFcUnJAM;http%3A%2F%2Flajollamom.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2013%2F07%2Fhow-to-clean-bath-toys-rubber-duck.jpg;http%3A%2F%2Flajollamom.com%2F2011%2F02%2Fglue-gun-the-rubber-ducky%2F;708;471
Drawn by hand
Your application has been Denied.
IGN: CallumTheBacca
Wins: 199
Past Clans: 1012
PvP Strengths: FnS, Bow, Teamwork and Rod.
PvP Weaknesses: Hackers.
Skype ID(MSG Gears if you wish to not have it publicly stated): Karoxed
Reasons for why you wish to join Divine: Because you are one of the best clans on MCSG in my opinion, so i wanna be apart of it to help you rise to become #1.
Best rubber ducky picture: http://rebelstorytellers.com/duck-face-vs-derp-face/
Your application has been Denied.
IGN: KingEggroll/LuvdiiscWins: about 250
Past Clans: trial for direlectia or some Good, and eternity
PvP Strengths: rod
PvP Weaknesses: watur
Skype ID(MSG Gears if you wish to not have it publicly stated): kudocams
Reasons for why you wish to join Divine: Courtney said so I guess

Best rubber ducky picture: im allergic
Your application has been Denied.
IGN: My IGN is ThunderClunder.
Wins: I have 300 wins.
Past Clans: The first clan I was in was called #Corrupt. I left because it didn't have much clan battles and scrims and didn't have a teamspeak. Then I joined The Prevail which made a new clan called Cryptonic which made a new clan called The Amibitious which merged with ArtOfPVP. The reason why I left is because I didn't participate in any clan battles. After that I joined Renegades. I left because it was very immature. Then I joined Reflection. I left because the members were mean to me. After that, I joined Protocal. I got kicked for being inactive even though I was on break. Lastly I joined Synergy. The reason for leaving was inactivity and stupid decisions. Sorry if I forgot to mention some clans. I forgot them if I didn't mention them.
PvP Strengths: I am very strong with the sword. I am very good with strafing and get critical hits. And I usually get a lot of combos. Next is the fishing rod. I usually get a three or two hit combo with the sword when I use it so I think I am decent with it. I usually proceed to use the flint and steel in fight and when I run away so I think I am decent with it.
PvP Weaknesses: I am not good with the bow unless the person who I am shooting moves in a obvious pattern. I usually can't fight a team of four and I can't fight hackers.
Skype ID(MSG Gears if you wish to not have it publicly stated): My skype is thunderclunder.
Reasons for why you wish to join Divine: I am looking for a clan that is active and skilled. And the ones I've been though haven't been that active. Also I know some friends in this awesome clan. I know I say this a lot but I think I will be in this clan for a while. And I regret leaving.
Best rubber ducky picture:
Your application has been Denied. (Reoccuring decisions to leave clans for the same reason.)
IGN: TheEssassin24
Wins: 824
Past Clans: Too many to say
PvP Strengths: FnS, Rod, Bow, Sword, Singing
PvP Weaknesses: Ping players, cant think of any more
Skype ID(MSG Gears if you wish to not have it publicly stated): theessassicalfuzion24
Reasons for why you wish to join Divine: Because there is a lot of amazing pvpers in here and I wish to become a major influence to this clan. :D <3
Best rubber ducky picture:
hawt ;-;
Trial, be on ts.
IGN: InfernoHD_
Wins: 427
Past Clans: Trama, Excessive, Superior and Owner Of A5TRO
PvP Strengths: Bow and Rod
PvP Weaknesses: Fns from time to time
Skype ID(MSG Gears if you wish to not have it publicly stated): sahiboberoi1
Reasons for why you wish to join Divine: I love all the members
Best rubber ducky picture: View attachment 33604


Mar 8, 2013
Reaction score
Note: All Trial members/ Applicant must be active to be promoted to there next rank :)
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