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Divergent [EU]

Sep 25, 2014
Reaction score
-First name?: Kristaps
-IGN?: XideL
-Skpye name?: You have me
-Age?: 13
-Donor on MCGamer (Yes/No)?: No
-Pvp Strengths?: bow, sword, all right with fns
-Pvp Weaknesses?: 3 teams, hackers
-Average ping to MCGamer (CMD check)?: 30-50
-Win/Losses?: 208/2,813 ( I'm better than my stats )
-Why apply for this clan?: cus it's fun.
-Favorite maps?: SG4, zone, sg highway, Shady Hollow, Icarus, MoonBase9
-Know routes on the most played map?: Yes
-Where are you from?: Latvia (I live in Scotland)
Accepted as rank Member. Be active on Skype and TeamSpeak.


Mar 12, 2014
Reaction score
First name:You can call me Mikey :D [I pretty much have a lot of british friends and they call me like that even though I'm from Romania and my name does sound different. ]
-Skype name: razzen.mc
-Age?:15 almost 16.
-Donor on MCGamer (Yes/No):I was iron but I currently have no donor.
-Pvp Strengths:I am really good with the bow. I can get sick bow combos and people often get mad at me for bowspam. As for the sword , I used to be an HG player[ Hardcore games ] and you had to click fast as hell and use the soups so swords are my favorite, I know how to combo wombo . I think i got around 100 wins there , and believe me its really hard to get wins so that's why i left and started playing mcsg because it is nothing compared to what i used to play. And I got really good with the fishing rod and fns through training on covemc.eu , playing ffa , I actually got rank 5 or something in just a day of training .
-Pvp Weaknesses:I really hate teams of hackers . If it's only one, then I can handle him with a few bow shots and an fns but the teams are almost impossible to kill[and I said almost because there might be kids using hacks and they probably wouldn't know how to play ]
-Average ping to MCGamer (CMD check):I live in Romania and I play on EU servers , so I get 30-40 ping by doing /ping in the morning and when the server is crowded I get 60-70 ping [when i do /ping]
-Win/Losses:210/1000 [ I'm actually really embarassed of my stats since I used to play really competitive at first and I used to have 160/560 but then Mcsg got full of hackers and it became so annoying that I stopped playing like that].
-Why apply for this clan:Because , Honestly I think this is one of the best clans , having the most experienced players. And I also need a good clan in order to make more friends and see how it's like in such a big clan.
-Favorite maps:Icarus, Valleyside University , Moonbase9, maybe Solar Frost and Fortune Island
-Know routes on the most played map:I pretty much know a lot of OP routes on all maps and even on some maps I made my own Op routes :D
-Where are you from: I'm from Romania , but my english is really good because I was around british people pretty much all my life since I have relatives living in England and I used to go there during summer vacation.
Last edited:


Dec 16, 2013
Reaction score
First name:You can call me Mikey :D [I pretty much have a lot of british friends and they call me like that even though I'm from Romania and my name does sound different. ]
-Skype name: razzen.mc
-Age?:15 almost 16.
-Donor on MCGamer (Yes/No):I was iron but currently i don't have a donor.
-Pvp Strengths:I am really good with the bow. I can get sick bow combos and people often get mad at me for bowspam. As for the sword , I used to be an HG player[ Hardcore games ] and you had to click fast as hell and use the soups so swords are my favorite, I know how to combo wombo . I think i got around 100 wins there , and belive me its really hard to get wins so that's why i left and started playing mcsg because it is nothing compared to what i used to play. And I got really good with the fishing rod and fns through training on covemc.eu , playing ffa , I actually got rank 5 or something in just a day of training .
-Pvp Weaknesses:I really hate teams of hackers . If it's only one, then I can handle him with a few bow shots and an fns but the teams are almost impossible [and I said almost because there might be kids using hacks and they probably wouldn't know how to play ]
-Average ping to MCGamer (CMD check):I live in Romania and I play on EU servers , so I get 30-40 ping by doing /ping in the morning and when the server is crowded I get 60-70 ping [when i do /ping]
-Win/Losses:210/1000 [ I'm actually really embarassed of my stats since I used to play really competitive at first and I used to have 160/560 but then Mcsg got full of hackers and it became so annoying that I stopped playing like that].
-Why apply for this clan:Because , Honestly I think this is one of the best clans , having the most experienced players. And I also need a good clan in order to make more friends and see how it's like in such a big clan.
-Favorite maps:Icarus, Valleyside University , Moonbase9, maybe Solar Frost and
-Know routes on the most played map:I pretty much know a lot of OP routes on all maps and even on some maps I made my own Op routes :D
-Where are you from: I'm from Romania , but my english is really good because I was around british people pretty much all my life since I have relatives living in England and I used to go there during summer vacation.
Tryhard application... ACCEPT HIM NOW


Aug 29, 2014
Reaction score
-First name?:Sonic <3
-Skpye name?:sonicxdr1
-Donor on MCGamer (Yes/No)?:Na
-Pvp Strengths?:Sword,rod,fns,69!
-Pvp Weaknesses?:Spansih Army!
-Average ping to MCGamer (CMD check)?:60 sir!
-Win/Losses?:ITzSonicMC:300/1100 SonicXDR1:666/3800
-Why apply for this clan?:Because Rectify disbanded -.-
-Favorite maps?:SG4,Teweran 2 etc..
-Know routes on the most played map?:Sure
-Where are you from?:Romania



Nov 2, 2012
Reaction score
furst nam: muritn
ign: mariomar tin3
skyp naem= g4rvryurd
age: two and an half
donar on mcgoimer: yas meib 8.)
pvp streng: veri nis cklikcspammer
pvp weknes: playen da game
averga png: SMD chek: lol no
win/loses: 420/69
Y APLI 4 dis: cos im col an u ned col in ur clen amirite : - )
know chess rotate maps: somtiems i get shid of spawn
fav mapers: vida cova hungry hils an da 1 an onli sg3
where am i from??? idk som cool land i ges, i m attest from novergian

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