-First name?: Harris
-IGN?: DareDevilMan1
-Skype name?: daredevildoge1
-Age?: 13
-Donor on MCGamer (Yes/No)?: No, Grass donor 5 ever
-Pvp Strengths?: Ice fights, sword fights
-Pvp Weaknesses?: Water fights, Ground advantages
-Average ping to MCGamer (CMD check)?: 90-100. Enough to kill Josh (jks jks bby)
-Win/Losses?: 68/1724, but cuz of bad haxors and mean people killing me idk why ;--(((
-Why apply for this clan?: Idk, swag?
-Favorite maps?: Icarus, Valleyside University
-Know routes on the most played map?: Valleyside University pretty good on almost every direction (North, South, West, East), but not really good in Survival Games 4 (Pretty weak route).
-Where are you from?: I am half Greek and half Canadian, so I speak fluent English.