1.Minecraft IGN: quivquiv
2.Skype Name (Mandatory): austin.lin1224
3.Can you use TeamSpeak?: yes
4.Age: 14
5.What timezone do you live?: Pacific
6.SoloSG Wins/Games Played:
7.RegularSG Wins/Games Played:
8.PvP Strengths: Sword and rod, ice fights, bow (short range)
9.PvP Weaknesses: hackers, pingers, bow spammers, defensive players
10.Alt IGN(Not Needed):
11.Why do you want to join #Echa?: I was recently in Sync, a well known clan and was kicked out of it I was in need to find a new clan. I was discovered by the owner, and now I am applying for the clan/team.