They already have no respect xD
bruh they called one of our players for hacks and asked him to screenshare his mods folder and we didnt have to but we did. they recorded it and everything, not a single client there. the mexicans did get his videos of a adult nature collection though (they saw it on his browser and asked for links)
God this is why this specific part of the community is so toxic its because of clans like this one okay let me give it to you hard DetenRandoms
1. You are all horrible
2. You are an embarrassment
3. Not posting losses is just downright pathetic
4. Hacking in CWS seriously?
5. No one likes you
6. Go back to hive or nexus or wherever u came from
God I could go on and on with the list but I already have a headache so how about u guys do ud a favor and post the loss? And if u won't please don't try contacting, scrimming, cbing or joining Serenity for we will slit if we hear from u children again