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Community Vote: The great map voting debate 2014!

Raffle Voting

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District 13
Dec 7, 2012
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I like it, but I feel like some maps should be moved to the 48 servers. Even if they are, they should be removed off of the 24 player ones. Example for a map is: SG3. This map is giant, the only map that is on all 3 different types of servers. While I do like the diversity of the maps now, some of them should be removed off of the 24 player server.
Oct 14, 2013
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I think that they should keep the raffle voting, but change one thing; it needs more than one vote to have a percentage, or it will not be counted. Or, just keep it the way it is. Don't like the map that won? Join a different server. Often people don't like underplayed maps because they don't know chest routes. The way you fix the problem is; Play the map, and find a good chest route. Next time, when that map is picked, you may not like it, but you know a route so you don't have a such a bad time.


Jun 27, 2012
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I really enjoy the raffle voting system, it adds more variety to the maps that are played, and I can finally play a few underplayed maps I really enjoy ( E.G. Origins V2.0 ). Most of the people I've spoken with enjoy this system more aswell, though I've never really been into the really competitive side of MCGamer.

I personally this is the most fair way ( Technically it is ) of maps being picked. As the majority still has to say the most in picking the map. I think it's pretty selfish just to turn this system down because you can't be 100% sure your map gets chosen, I believe everyone should have a say and chance in what map should be picked, which this system is perfect for.

Now for the Scrims and Clan battles. Also on this I would call it selfish to turn the system down just because you don't have the map 100% of the time. If you join a server and the map your clan voted for didn't get picked just leave the game before pre-game ends, it won't count as a played game. Yes, it will take a little bit more time for you to get the map you want, but just because your clan wants to play a certain map it shouldn't mean that everyone in that server shouldn't have a say into that.

Now the Donor complaining about that they don't have say in the voting anymore. You still do, believe me, you still get multiple votes which will result in a higher chance of the map you voted for to win.

TL;DR Turning this system down just because you want a certain map to be played is selfish towards the ( little ) group that actually likes to play some of the underplayed map. You still have a higher chance have your map picked, atleast give the other a chance to play the map they actually like.

P.S. This is Survival games, not a PvP Battleground. Having a round taking a little bit longer because you can't find people as the map not "PvP Friendly" etc. is part of the game ;)


District 13
Jul 1, 2012
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Personally, and heres just me speaking as a member of the playing community, I prefer the mainstream maps simply because they provide A better PvP experience in everything I've seen. I really enjoyed more blood hurtling enthused games, rather than the long drawnout games. I feel like a reform to the System could be effective and productive in the way that it could provide and even balance between the people who enjoy the PvP aspect, and those who enjoy the survival aspect. In my personal opinion, I would do more of what I can to make a better balance between all of the maps.

The plan of action I would suggest in order to carry out such a thing as this, would be to add one or two more map options is currently feeling that the only five are restricting and I feel that with six or possibly even seven (seven could be possibly pushing it) it would open up room for a lot more freedom. As well I would suggest to remove entirely the disallowed last played maps options, purely because people tend to hop between servers and don't keep track of which map was just played in which server, and if they don't like the maps in that server, they don't stay. Thus, this could be much more of an effective way to go about balancing in the evening out the map process and making the servers much more enjoyable experience. That's my two cents, not as a staff member, but as a person who regularly plays the servers and still enjoy the game for what it's worth.


Jul 12, 2012
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I honestly think the voting system should stay the way it is. Maybe just a little improvent here and there. I personally think it's a good system. Most people who are against it, rely on a chestroute while playing mcsg, while I find it way more interesting to not have a route on a map, and maye still be able to win! Because what's more exciting: winning a game in full leather, or winning in full iron? The raffle voting system gives underplayed maps a chance to actually be liked and maybe played more often. And for people who rely on chestroutes: if you never play a new map, how do you wanna get a route on it if you never play it? Try something new :) this voting system will give you the chanse to try something else, instead of playing the overplayed maps like SG4 , Holiday Resort or ValleySide University.
This is my reasoning to keep the Raffle Voting System ^
Apr 21, 2013
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I think better than changing the voting system we should actually remove some of the maps not many people enjoy. I recently spoke to about 60 people about the 3 new maps that were added. This is the result "I really like Alaskan village it is a great map with good tiering, the other two maps that were added I dislike." I think we should have a poll about what maps should be removed as some of them are underplayed and just overall not good maps.


May 16, 2013
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The raffle voting system was nice and gave other maps that are not played as often a chance to be played and possibly become someones new favourite. Unfortunately, many people do not enjoy this voting system. Which honestly, I am both happy and unhappy with it. I do like playing less-played maps but it is always nice to get a good game on SG4.

I think, maybe, the raffle voting system should just be improved instead of completely removed. It gives less played maps more of a chance.


Dec 13, 2013
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It so annoying because most of the community are in clans and when we do scrims, we want a certain map played and then when 96% is on lets say SG4 and 4% on SG2, we just all leave the server and find a new one which gets really annoying


Mar 14, 2014
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I think better than changing the voting system we should actually remove some of the maps not many people enjoy. I recently spoke to about 60 people about the 3 new maps that were added. This is the result "I really like Alaskan village it is a great map with good tiering, the other two maps that were added I dislike." I think we should have a poll about what maps should be removed as some of them are underplayed and just overall not good maps.
I have to totally agree with you here


District 13
Sep 13, 2012
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I honestly like Raffle Voting. It's in my opinion the best thing added to voting since the required map cycle was introduced back in v1. It works as well as the first big addition to voting worked, and gives good, underplayed maps a chance to be played.


Aug 13, 2013
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I would like it to be kept, as it helps me decide when I'm in a lobby with my favorite maps and I don't know which one I would rather play.

:) I have a couple of other reasons, I'll edit this soon.

(If I haven't edited this in a couple days, it probs means that I forgot. Remind me if that happens.)


I would personally like it to stay.

In the old voting system, only roughly 10 of the maps ever got played. And most of them had similiar traits: flat, lots of tier twos, and simple modern builds. Since they all had these shared qualities, I found playing them got really boring really fast. This is what caused me to stop playing ingame for roughly two months.

Then, like a light at the end of the tunnel, the new system arrives. This system does two things that I absolutely love:
1. Maps that were never played before get chosen occasionally now. An end to the repetitive overplayed maps!
2. Now my vote as a regular member is worth a lot more. In the past, two diamond donors that like a map can get it picked most of the time. But now, my one vote for a map gives it a fighting chance of getting picked. It's a slim chance, but a chance none the less (and the satisfaction I got when my one vote beats out 20 :cool:).

Of course, the people that made the overplayed maps overplayed were upset about the new voting system. Oh no, I'm going to have explore a map because I don't have a route on it! Gasp, my 4 diamond donor votes doesn't guarantee the map of my choosing?! I personally enjoy the game a lot more when I'm on my toes, in un-normal circumstances not knowing what's gonna happen next (NOT doing my 5 tier two Valleyside route for the 200th time). This is why I love this voting system, because it gives the survival games a fresh and diverse feel.

EDIT: As for clans, you do realize that you are a minority in this community. You should have to deal with not getting the map of your choice every time, just like regular community members do.
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