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Community poll request *Some cool things*


May 4, 2012
Reaction score
I think mobs spawning normally would be really annoying, mobs of any time. I'm not sure if you mean monsters (which I don't mind as long as it's limited and not constant spawning) or animals, but I'd rather neither got permission to spawn normally.

Monsters spawning could work if it was limited to only after the first 10 minutes of the game, but it could also ruin PvP. I agree these games are too PvP based now, but adding back mobs what-so-ever could completely ruin PvP on the darker maps making it completely PvE instead.

Animals spawning would not work though. There are many maps that don't take place outside, let alone on grassy fields. For the enclosed maps, like Solar Frost, animals spawning would make no sense and would just be annoying distractions. On moon base 9, it also makes no sense because it's the moon. What else do I need to say?

Also, definitely not thirst. Thirst would give you too much to think about and would make chases too difficult. It may seem like it would be a good idea to kill off noobs in some cases, but I would hate to have been chased for a few minutes just to run out of thirst and start dying. It would also happen a lot more than hunger, because water is harder to find on some maps and people would have to modify their routes to get water (which is just silly).

In addition, there are some maps without water. If you would have to refill water bottles, that would be a waste of time and just a nuisance. If you just got tons of water bottles, that would take up too much space in your inventory. If they stacked, you would still have to keep water in your hot bar which would be annoying and then you'd also have a stack of glass bottles to either throw away or refill.

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