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Feb 9, 2016
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What really was this dynamic community we used to have you may ask? What really is enjoyable about a group of people fighting each other repeatedly for no real physical gain? For me, and likeminded people, it is the the total disconnect from the way life is, and the ability to pick up a sense of competition. The game itself was challenging, people constantly fighting each other and trying to win games, competing to prove their prowess on the server. The want to be able to be in good clans, meeting good people, was absolutely incomparable to another.

I assume many of you older players agree, you still have the euphoric feeling of enjoying the game, playing hours on end and having the time of your life. We must bring back such a time to revive such feelings, not only for players of old, but for the others who cannot fathom the glory and superiority this server had over others.

I remember a time when over ten good clans was an average, when new players emerged from nowhere, and were given chances in such clans. In my time people weren’t always just the “supreme” player, or 100% “best” clan (excluding forgotten). I remember a time when the determination of skill wasn’t the amount of knockback you took, or your past clans, and we need to revive a time like that. Or atleast, make anew with this information.

Bringing back such a time when the community wasn’t utterly ruined will take a lot of work, as this community has almost driven itself into a hole so deep it is at a point of no return. Although following the steps i’m about to say will help fix the community exponentially and it will soon be restored to its former glory.

So, instead of making everyone read a huge paragraph on what we should change, I made a list with tiers. I know it’s not that much now, but there will be more added. Tier one being the least important, tier two being the most important.

Tier One

- In my opinion, clan names aren't very good at the moment. Every day I see new clans made and the names are absolutely atrocious.

- Have more clan events, kind of like Clan League, which I have confirmed that I am actually in. Events like clan wars and such.

- Staff involved in clans. About two years ago, a lot of staff members joined clans. They were joining the clan community all the time.

- Screen shares need to be provided by mods, especially if you are clan staff. Hackers nowadays are not an uncommon thing, and you are likely to encounter many a day on this server. Just because someone is in a clan, does not mean they are legit.

Tier Two
- MCSG needs to make clans post losses. I understand that this will mess up some people's clan records, but there is no competition at all with not worrying about losing a battle.

- This isn't necessarily a clans thing, but it would most definitely help. More players. MCSG having more players would make new people become better and rise into the clan community.

- Clans disband too fast. This issue can be fixed easily. When making a clan, make sure you actually have about ten people to be members of the clan with you.

There will be more, I was rushed while doing this.


Nov 29, 2015
Reaction score
Damn, well written thread. Idrc who u r tho


Feb 25, 2016
Reaction score
how about for the bigger clan community aka EU & US

Split the whole community into parts and make a rankup system based off elo?


Jan 1, 2016
Reaction score
- Screen shares need to be provided by mods, especially if you are clan staff. Hackers nowadays are not an uncommon thing, and you are likely to encounter many a day on this server. Just because someone is in a clan, does not mean they are legit.


Jan 1, 2016
Reaction score
Agreed. But not every mod is an inspector and some can be blind af. So even if there is a efficient way to SS than its useless if we have blind mods looking for hacks.
that's why we need mod with competent ^.^

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