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Clan Wars [Season: 2] [Need Backups]

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Jul 22, 2013
Reaction score
1.) Name of Clan: #eZpvp
2.) Required Wins: There's no required wins... We're taking people and they get ranked depending of their w3l ratio or wins.
3.) How many people in your clan have over 1,000 wins. List them: 1... (me, if I take my alt account wins too)
4.) Do you agree to the rules: yes


Jun 12, 2012
Reaction score
Why accept people who are in clan wars, try to accept people who aren't in clan wars it will be fair to all clans
I agree, It really isn't fair for any clan players to be helping you with it...
As techaton said, members of clans participating in the clan wars will not be allowed to spectate matches or help make decisions concerning the clan they are part of. With any situation not involving their own clan, however, they would be allowed to (and needed to) help, as they would be unbiased.

On another note I would like to sign up for one of these positions (Note: I believe the points I made earlier still stand, regardless of the fact that I might be a bit biased).

1. IGN: zenoCrafter
2. Past Clan: Rebels, Titans, Sector Six
3. Why should you help with Clan Wars? I want to see this season of clan wars do well, and with 16 clans competing, I think you're going to need some help to see this through smoothly through to the completion of the tournament. I believe I have both the experience with clans and the personal maturity to fill this role well. I can keep a cool head and make level, reasoned decisions, even when dealing with a lot of flame, and I have enough experience with clan dynamics and tactics to help deal with both logistical elements and dealing with the clan battles themselves. Additionally, in my time as a regular Youtuber, I have gained considerable experience in commentating, which, if needed, I could apply to this tournament.

Ultimately, I would just like to get the chance to help out more with one of these tournaments, as I've always wanted to run one, but never been able to due to a lack of a server, plugins, etc. This seems like a really fun opportunity to do so, and I would love to be a part of it.


District 13
Dec 27, 2012
Reaction score
1.) Name of Clan: Legion
2.) Required Wins: 0
3.) How many people in your clan have over 1,000 wins. StillHacky/HackIFanPlease
4.) Do you agree to the rules: Yes
Your application has been Accepted for Clan Wars, I'll most likely kick a team out of Clan Wars rather then make you a Backup.

1. IGN: zenoCrafter
2. Past Clan: Rebels, Titans, Sector Six
3. Why should you help with Clan Wars? I want to see this season of clan wars do well, and with 16 clans competing, I think you're going to need some help to see this through smoothly through to the completion of the tournament. I believe I have both the experience with clans and the personal maturity to fill this role well. I can keep a cool head and make level, reasoned decisions, even when dealing with a lot of flame, and I have enough experience with clan dynamics and tactics to help deal with both logistical elements and dealing with the clan battles themselves. Additionally, in my time as a regular Youtuber, I have gained considerable experience in commentating, which, if needed, I could apply to this tournament.

Ultimately, I would just like to get the chance to help out more with one of these tournaments, as I've always wanted to run one, but never been able to due to a lack of a server, plugins, etc. This seems like a really fun opportunity to do so, and I would love to be a part of it.[/quote]
1. IGN: Salamancer101
2. Past Clan: Not currently participating in one, but EliteSquad, Bandits, Sovereign.
3. Why should you help with Clan Wars? Considering I was leader of Sovereign for about three months, I have an idea on how the clan scene operates. Also, I can provide an unbiased opinion on descisions. This would be another shot for me to greet the clan scene and get my hands dirty. I'll help in any way you need me to: Commentating, moderating, or setup.
(Sorry if there are any grammar mistakes, on mobile.)
Salamancer101 and Zeno, you have been Accepted for Clan Wars Staff. Sal, I will not allow you to make decisions regarding Legion or Insanity. Zeno, You will not be Allowed to make decisions regarding Sector 6.
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