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Che's Guide To Become Better At MCSG!


Jul 18, 2013
Reaction score
Hello Im ChePbXp13. This thread is about becoming better at MCSG!
Secondary Weapons
Secondary Weapons are just important as Primary Weapons, Primary weapons are Swords and Axes and Secondary weapons are FnS, Bow and Fishing Rod.

You might know that FnS stands for Flint n Steel.
Ok, The Pro tip for FnS dont do a 360 YOLO style, You should turn around jump and then place the FnS A few blocks away from you but where they are. Its possible to place fire underneath you but only use this tactic when running from someone very close to you but you have to time it as you jump.
Bow and Arrows

Ok, When your shooting a arrow if the person is running in 1 direction, follow your cursor and shoot alittle bit above Your Opponent. From a long distance do the same and fully pull back your bow, when your in a corner on double pull back your bow, nearly never single pull back your bow unless your in a fight.

Fishing Rod

When your using the fishing rod dont pull the fishing rod back, switch to another hotbar slot (this doesn't waste the duribilty.) When some one is running from you if you hit them with a fishing rod it breaks their sprint, so you can get easier hits. If someone is coming at you quickly fishing rod your opponent and hit your opponent and do that until your opponent dies, This is called the fishing rod stun. It can also knock people off tall buildings.

Block Hiting
By hitting both buttons on your mouse at the same time (Exactly the same time) you can land a hit on some one and there is %50 chance that you could block %50 0f your damage. (But this makes you slower that usual)

Critical Hits
Critical Hits are also known as Crits. Crits are created by Jumping and on the falling motion you hit someone this makes your do %45 more damage than usual and trust me its useful.

I play with 8OO DPI, I wouldn't go over 1000 DPI at tops and Below 650 DPI. In Minecraft I use 140/150 to PvP. If you use 400 DPI use HYPERSPEED!!! but you dont have to.

When I PvP I use QuakePro, When you do Double f5 you can see more behind you it also make your game looking Fasted Paced. 90 FOV Is OK.

And Thats the end off Che's Guide.
Well go and kick some but with these skills.

Hopefully you found use of this thread, Please Appreciate 2hours of my time to right this thread for all the Noobs of MCSG!

Why are you still here go and kick some but.
Bye! :D

Get The MCSG App on Google Play Store and the AppStore for more Info and Tips
Last edited:


Nov 20, 2013
Reaction score
Most of these tips are taken from Huahwi's Tips + Tricks, and also your FnS technique was a bit confusing. Nothing wrong with a 360 FnS.


Dec 20, 2012
Reaction score
"Lululioness, post: 1036203, member: 64073"]I'm sorry but that was a horrible use of that picture for a meme
Not true, your imagination simply derived 'meaningless information'. Feel free to post another 'better' one. ;)

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