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Back to the beginning


Jul 15, 2014
Reaction score
Sometimes I like to look at the counter, on the minecraft.net page.

Sometimes, I wish I could erase my memory.

Go back, to the beginning, just start over. I wish I could be a noob again. But before you say "Oh just go back to that version using the launcher" It's just not the same, I spawn in, Look around, and know what each block is. I know how to craft, I know what to do.

In the beginning, I had to search up "How to get wood" on google, Phew.

I loved that time. I was bad, I was called a noob, but did I stop playing? Nope.

My friend had told me about the game, I wasn't interested. He kept pushing, telling me about the game.
I woke up early one morning, Excited. I rushed over to my old pc, I turned it on, It buzzed, beeped and started up. The morning of 19 January, 2012.

I purchased Minecraft the morning of 19 January, 2012.

I joined my world, Saw an ocean. I looked around, didn't know what to do. So, I left.

I didn't play the game for a WEEK, before I picked it up again.

I started watching videos. Here were some of my first (Some are strange but, I loved them):

I'm not sure if I could show those, I mean, it doesn't have MCSG in it..... If I need to take them down, I will.

One night, One of my other friends came over. He had never bought minecraft before, I knew little about Survival, So that's what I did, Survival. We must've sat for 3 hours at a computer while I played and he watched. I found a mineshaft, It was very creepy to me. My father brought home Pizza and as we were eating, I found diamond. Our mouths full of Pizza, we screamed with joy! I later died that night, In lava.

My reason for making this thread is, I want you to tell the story of when you first bought minecraft. Your best experiences, Your favorite times.

I love minecraft, I may be the biggest nerd, the largest geek, and the worst at social interaction, but, I love the game, that's why we're all here. A community full of Nerds and Geeks playing one thing we all love:


I often hear people talking in fake nerd voices "Oh I like to play Minecraft and get like 50,000 diamonds!"
Yeah, that happens daily. It doesn't bother me. It shouldn't bother you, Do what you love, and don't be afraid to shout it outloud.

: )

Damien // Teepwn

I remember my first (proper survival-made) world in 1.0. I was like looking up Minecraft Seeds and entered "Duke Leon II" (or somethin like that). I spawned in an NPC village in a desert. I remember not knowing how to break blocks and spam clicking everywhere for 5 minutes until I figured out what to do. I went around taking wood from the Villager's houses feeling like a badass. I then made a box of wood on the outskirts of their village.

Later, I found a cave under one of the buildings that went down to lava level. I found either diamond or lapis (I forget) and punched it with my fists. ._.

Another world I played on was some custom map called Hillside Manor (Link here). I ccould explore it for hours on end with rollercoasters, floating islands, and waterslides. I loved it back then, and I love it now. I urge you to check it out.

Unfortunately though, you can't be a noob forever. I honestly hate what the Minecraft community has turned in to. It's not just MCSG but Minecraft too. I remember playing on some factions-like anarchy server 2 years ago and it was a friendly going community even though raiding and everything was encouraged. Hard to find that these days on factions...

I'd do literally anything to go back to those days, but that's just not possible. I need to find some other game for me to suck at and be completely nooby (aka any fps game).

Sorry for like a huge post and going off-topic, these sort of things just make me so sentimental and nostalgic. .__.


Jul 15, 2014
Reaction score
I remember my first (proper survival-made) world in 1.0. I was like looking up Minecraft Seeds and entered "Duke Leon II" (or somethin like that). I spawned in an NPC village in a desert. I remember not knowing how to break blocks and spam clicking everywhere for 5 minutes until I figured out what to do. I went around taking wood from the Villager's houses feeling like a badass. I then made a box of wood on the outskirts of their village.

Later, I found a cave under one of the buildings that went down to lava level. I found either diamond or lapis (I forget) and punched it with my fists. ._.

Another world I played on was some custom map called Hillside Manor (Link here). I ccould explore it for hours on end with rollercoasters, floating islands, and waterslides. I loved it back then, and I love it now. I urge you to check it out.

Unfortunately though, you can't be a noob forever. I honestly hate what the Minecraft community has turned in to. It's not just MCSG but Minecraft too. I remember playing on some factions-like anarchy server 2 years ago and it was a friendly going community even though raiding and everything was encouraged. Hard to find that these days on factions...

I'd do literally anything to go back to those days, but that's just not possible. I need to find some other game for me to suck at and be completely nooby (aka any fps game).

Sorry for like a huge post and going off-topic, these sort of things just make me so sentimental and nostalgic. .__.
I'm encouraging huge posts here :) Nice story! I too used to take wood from the villager houses xD, I think the minecraft community will soon change for better. The kids who are young are learning more about the game and will see threads like these talking about what needs to be changed :D


Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
Oh boy... Heeeeere we go.

It was a Friday. Camp had just finished, and I rushed over to my friend's house to sleep over that night. At the time I was very interested in Wizard101 (judge me, I was 10-12, it was fun back then and is still fun to play every once in a while cause NOSTALGIA) anyway... I was over on my laptop playing Wizard101, while my two friends were playing Minecraft together. I had heard about the game, but wasn't very interested. After hours of wizard101, I got bored and decided to try this game I'd heard so much about but just couldn't imagine myself playing. I downloaded Minecraft and logged on through my friend's brother's account which was lent to me for the day. (I don't know why, but using other peoples accounts before I have my own bothers me because it's not mine and I like to play on accounts/names created by me..) They were on a LAN world and invited me to join, which I did. I liked minecraft because the interface was simple and easy to use. So I spawned... In a jungle. Massive trees surrounded me and they teleported me to them. I picked up the basic concept and controls of the game quick, and we started building stuff. Influenced by my love for the Hunger Games series,I really wanted to make a map/cornucopia on top of one of the trees.

Eventually I got bored of minecraft, and went back to wizard101, but the game stuck with me. Two days later, Sunday August 19, 2012; I bought Minecraft. My original doings in the game were quite nooby, but damn was it a good time. The very next day, however I went to pursue my dream.

I went on to google and searched "Minecraft Survival Games" (I learned it was called through the official Survival Games videos that I obsessed over on that weekend hosted by AntVenom, CupQuake, and all the other popular YouTubers at the time). The very first result was, you guessed it, MCSG.

And then....

A legend...


Born... Even though it took me about six months to get five wins.


Jul 15, 2014
Reaction score
Oh boy... Heeeeere we go.

It was a Friday. Camp had just finished, and I rushed over to my friend's house to sleep over that night. At the time I was very interested in Wizard101 (judge me, I was 10-12, it was fun back then and is still fun to play every once in a while cause NOSTALGIA) anyway... I was over on my laptop playing Wizard101, while my two friends were playing Minecraft together. I had heard about the game, but wasn't very interested. After hours of wizard101, I got bored and decided to try this game I'd heard so much about but just couldn't imagine myself playing. I downloaded Minecraft and logged on through my friend's brother's account which was lent to me for the day. (I don't know why, but using other peoples accounts before I have my own bothers me because it's not mine and I like to play on accounts/names created by me..) They were on a LAN world and invited me to join, which I did. I liked minecraft because the interface was simple and easy to use. So I spawned... In a jungle. Massive trees surrounded me and they teleported me to them. I picked up the basic concept and controls of the game quick, and we started building stuff. Influenced by my love for the Hunger Games series,I really wanted to make a map/cornucopia on top of one of the trees.

Eventually I got bored of minecraft, and went back to wizard101, but the game stuck with me. Two days later, Sunday August 19, 2012; I bought Minecraft. My original doings in the game were quite nooby, but damn was it a good time. The very next day, however I went to pursue my dream.

I went on to google and searched "Minecraft Survival Games" (I learned it was called through the official Survival Games videos that I obsessed over on that weekend hosted by AntVenom, CupQuake, and all the other popular YouTubers at the time). The very first result was, you guessed it, MCSG.

And then....

A legend...


Born... Even though it took me about six months to get five wins.
Nice story, I can relate ALOT.
I used to play Wizard101, I still look at it from time to time, Just for the Nostalgia feeling. I loved the game. Believe it or not, When the hunger games movie came out, My friend and I had an idea to make Hunger Games in minecraft. We didn't call it Survival Games, and it was a very crappy map. But, soon after Vareide came out with SG1. Damn, I love SG1. So many memories on that map. I also loved watching the Youtuber survival games, As a matter of fact, I think I'll go watch them right now! xD


I remember the days....walking around in a (I didn't know) biome with one thing on my mind: why aren't the blocks breaking?
I clicked the wood and the blocks weren't breaking; I clicked the grass but it wasn't breaking. I became uncontrollably frustrated until I came to school the next day to ask my friend who recommended the game to me why the blocks weren't breaking. He explained to me but I wasn't quite paying attention. I'd go home confused, and I came across SeaNanners's channel...when he was mentally stable. He'd explain what the game was and the basic mechanics of it. Once I actually knew what I was doing I got addicted to it, but I wasn't having fun..I found multiplayer and influenced by various YouTubers I'd start playing The Survival Games. I played on the hive for 5-6 months, although I didn't play a lot. In a attempt to stay on topic with the "Back to the beggining" I'll speed this up. I went to the fridge and played there, and also came across MCG as I played my first game on June 2013.
From the day I played Minecraft until now, I am just realizing that MCG is the only thing that makes Minecraft fun for me, although I wish I could be a noob once again.... :')
Feb 5, 2013
Reaction score
Ahh.. This brings back so many memories. I remember buying Minecraft in July of 2012 because some of my real life friends were telling me I should get it. I finally convinced my mom to get it for me, and I got it. I remember playing in a single player world for about an hour trying to figure everything out. I was playing in creative just looking through all the items and the different blocks. By that point, I was told by my brother to get on this one server that a good friend of mine owned. They wouldn't let me play in creative, so I was stuck in survival. I was so confused, and they wouldn't help me all that much because they knew it was better that I figure everything out on my own. I did get some help here and there, but otherwise I was on my own.
Eventually, after a month or so of having the game, I finally memorized several crafting recipes and became somewhat decent at survival, and I was finally at the stage where I wasn't necessarily considered a noob, but I wasn't much of a pro either. To this day I still enjoy Minecraft, but not as much as I did when I was new at the game. At this point, since I've already figured everything out it's not as fun anymore, because there's nothing new to discover except for when there are new updates, but that's only a rare occasion. I love thinking back to all the good times I had when I was new at the game, because at the time it was the only time I really had fun, and I would love to go back and relive those great memories :')


Jul 15, 2014
Reaction score
I remember the days....walking around in a (I didn't know) biome with one thing on my mind: why aren't the blocks breaking?
I clicked the wood and the blocks weren't breaking; I clicked the grass but it wasn't breaking. I became uncontrollably frustrated until I came to school the next day to ask my friend who recommended the game to me why the blocks weren't breaking. He explained to me but I wasn't quite paying attention. I'd go home confused, and I came across SeaNanners's channel...when he was mentally stable. He'd explain what the game was and the basic mechanics of it. Once I actually knew what I was doing I got addicted to it, but I wasn't having fun..I found multiplayer and influenced by various YouTubers I'd start playing The Survival Games. I played on the hive for 5-6 months, although I didn't play a lot. In a attempt to stay on topic with the "Back to the beggining" I'll speed this up. I went to the fridge and played there, and also came across MCG as I played my first game on June 2013.
From the day I played Minecraft until now, I am just realizing that MCG is the only thing that makes Minecraft fun for me, although I wish I could be a noob once again.... :')
Don't try to speed it up xD, This thread is for very long stories! :) Anyway, Nice story! I saw MCSG after watching the trailer for SG2.

Ahh.. This brings back so many memories. I remember buying Minecraft in July of 2012 because some of my real life friends were telling me I should get it. I finally convinced my mom to get it for me, and I got it. I remember playing in a single player world for about an hour trying to figure everything out. I was playing in creative just looking through all the items and the different blocks. By that point, I was told by my brother to get on this one server that a good friend of mine owned. They wouldn't let me play in creative, so I was stuck in survival. I was so confused, and they wouldn't help me all that much because they knew it was better that I figure everything out on my own. I did get some help here and there, but otherwise I was on my own.
Eventually, after a month or so of having the game, I finally memorized several crafting recipes and became somewhat decent at survival, and I was finally at the stage where I wasn't necessarily considered a noob, but I wasn't much of a pro either. To this day I still enjoy Minecraft, but not as much as I did when I was new at the game. At this point, since I've already figured everything out it's not as fun anymore, because there's nothing new to discover except for when there are new updates, but that's only a rare occasion. I love thinking back to all the good times I had when I was new at the game, because at the time it was the only time I really had fun, and I would love to go back and relive those great memories :')
Yes :) I wish I could just reset my memory allll over again :)

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