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Avatar Contest [PRIZE - DIAMOND DONOR]



I am a graphic designer, I go to college for graphic designing.

When I create things in Photoshop for people I do it for fun. If people hire me to create something then yes I agree to payment. But for a little avatar I'm not going to take 50$ diamond donor, lets be serious.

You shouldn't be telling people if they are going to place or not, its rude and not needed. Goodluck to everyone and honestly I like using photoshop more than scribbling a few lines.
Sorry for the double post, my iPad is playing up D:
But, scribbling a few lines? How dare you say that! Jokers is probably the best artist of MCSG, and you didn't even use much Photoshop. You go to NovaSkin and render the arm there, and stick it onto a background. Uh... if you really go to college for graphic designing, you could have easily made something that you could place with. If Scizor is happy to have diamond donor as a prize, let it be.
It wasn't needed for the placing thing but still... Cannot believe you called Jokers' work scribbling a few lines.


Feb 25, 2013
Reaction score
Sorry for the double post, my iPad is playing up D:
But, scribbling a few lines? How dare you say that! Jokers is probably the best artist of MCSG, and you didn't even use much Photoshop. You go to NovaSkin and render the arm there, and stick it onto a background. Uh... if you really go to college for graphic designing, you could have easily made something that you could place with. If Scizor is happy to have diamond donor as a prize, let it be.
It wasn't needed for the placing thing but still... Cannot believe you called Jokers' work scribbling a few lines.
Why are you posting this so late? We had that convo 2 days ago. I'm personally over it. Toodles.
Jul 4, 2013
Reaction score
Is this contest over, cause id like to join. and also I mostly draw avatars in an anime style instead of blocky. if you want to see my style you can see it at my YouTube Cyphirxus

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