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Anime Discussion Thread!


Apr 21, 2012
Reaction score
Funniest anime moment?
Favorite Anime of the season? I like Log Horizon. c:
What is your favorite anime(s) and why! Bleach and Spirited away, they're both pretty amazing. Bleach because of how much it provides, it may be somewhat overrated to some viewers, but there's so much in the storyline, even the fillers! Although I haven't gotten far yet, it's already a joy watching it.
Spirited away because of how beautiful it can be, and usually quite funny, it was an entertainment to watch, and I was surprised to know it had won an Oscar, proves to show how much of a masterpiece it is. ^-^
What is your least favorite anime(s) and why! My least favourite... Hmm, to be honest I'm unsure on that, because a great majority of them have incredible artwork.
Log Horizon or SAO?
I guess I plan to watch Sword Art Online somewhere in the future, but I've heard it's pretty epic. However I'll go with Log Horizon in the meantime, because of how amazing it is so far, but when the time comes to me watching SAO, I would bet that I'll equally like LH and SAO the same. ^-^

What anime have you completed/are watching? I've only completed Spirited away, lol.
My List: Here's my list. c:

Just to clarify, I'm the biggest Anime noob around here, but I've started watching a series or two quite recently, and I can't wait to get on to the other ones soon! I'd also love to see some suggestions for any other animes I can watch in the future to add to my list. :D
Glad to see someone taking an interest in anime! :)

If you like Shounens (Death Note, Bleach, Attack on Titatan, DBZ are all Shounens), you might like One Piece as well. It's also incredibly long (I'm only at episode 61), but it has some really amazing arcs.

For recommendations you haven't really watched enough for me to really be able to get a good idea of your taste, so I'll just recommend some shows I consider to be just plain phenomenal / must-watches for any anime fan.

Grave of Fireflies: This is one of the saddest movies I've seen in a while. If I were to describe it in a phrase, it'd be depressingly inspiring. It's so very tragic it makes you look at your life a little more positively and not take so much for granted. It really is a masterpiece on all accounts, with it's realistic characters and atmosphere. 10/10 from me. http://myanimelist.net/anime/578/Hotaru_no_Haka

Clannad & Clannad: After Story: Don't be put off at first look, there's more to this anime than meets the eye. The first season merely provides setup for the characters with some minor (yet touching drama). The second season, particularly episode 15-22 of it, are the reason it's incredibly beloved in the anime community. All the buildup leads to a phenomenal final arc that will leave you crying like the baby you are. A very touching and well-developed Slice of Life / Romance. http://myanimelist.net/anime/2167/Clannad. It's all on YouTube dubbed and subbed (don't watch the dub though, it sucks). 9.3/10.

Trigun: Time for a more action-oriented show. The show starts off a little slow, though I did still enjoy the first half. At first it comes off a little cheesy, with silly characters and humor, but towards the second half the seriousness of the world begins to set in. The entire human race is living on this desolate sandy planet that's become somewhat like the western days of old, and our easygoing main character Vash wanders from place to place trying to help people but following his moral to never kill. It gets incredibly dark during the second half, and is a really good exploration of whether there ever really is a right time to take another human's life. It's available on YouTube and Netflix dubbed and subbed (the dub for this is actually really good.) 8/10. http://myanimelist.net/anime/6/Trigun

The Tatami Galaxy: A phenomenal message hidden in a odd story with bizarre characters and a unique art style. The ending may be the greatest ending I have ever seen, perfectly wrapping up all loose ends and making use of the previous episodes' buildup. I honestly could not find a single flaw in it. 10/10. http://myanimelist.net/anime/7785/Yojouhan_Shinwa_Taikei It's all on Hulu subbed, and the first 2 episodes are on YouTube as well. (No dub, and the subs move fast so you have to be a good reader.)

My final recommendation for now, and my personal favorite anime, nay, favorite show of all time would be
Haibane Renmei: A unique setting in world draws you in to this brilliant atmosphere. The earlier episodes (1-5) are weaker as they mainly are introducing the characters and setting. The final arc however, is simply put brilliance. This show feels like a labor of love. It, as of now, is the only piece of media to my memory that's made me cry tears of joy. Don't be offput by the halos and wings, as the show barely mentions god and never comments on religion whatsoever (the series director said it was merely an aesthetic choice, but there may be meaning behind it as this show is very metaphor-laden). It's available on YouTube subbed (though the first two episodes are dubbed for some reason, but the dubs alright though I think the sub is far better). http://myanimelist.net/anime/387/Haibane_Renmei

Other notable shows: Serial Experiments Lain, Sakamichi no Apollon, Hanasaku Iroha (Amazing SoL/Drama), Sayonara Zetsobou Sensei (Lots of dark humor, also warning there's a lot of fanservice), Nichijou, Madoka Magica, Steins;Gate, Mushishi.


Sep 14, 2012
Reaction score
Started watching Mekaku City Actors yesterday and omfg its good ._.


Apr 6, 2014
Reaction score
Glad to see someone taking an interest in anime! :)

If you like Shounens (Death Note, Bleach, Attack on Titatan, DBZ are all Shounens), you might like One Piece as well. It's also incredibly long (I'm only at episode 61), but it has some really amazing arcs.

For recommendations you haven't really watched enough for me to really be able to get a good idea of your taste, so I'll just recommend some shows I consider to be just plain phenomenal / must-watches for any anime fan.

Grave of Fireflies: This is one of the saddest movies I've seen in a while. If I were to describe it in a phrase, it'd be depressingly inspiring. It's so very tragic it makes you look at your life a little more positively and not take so much for granted. It really is a masterpiece on all accounts, with it's realistic characters and atmosphere. 10/10 from me. http://myanimelist.net/anime/578/Hotaru_no_Haka

Clannad & Clannad: After Story: Don't be put off at first look, there's more to this anime than meets the eye. The first season merely provides setup for the characters with some minor (yet touching drama). The second season, particularly episode 15-22 of it, are the reason it's incredibly beloved in the anime community. All the buildup leads to a phenomenal final arc that will leave you crying like the baby you are. A very touching and well-developed Slice of Life / Romance. http://myanimelist.net/anime/2167/Clannad. It's all on YouTube dubbed and subbed (don't watch the dub though, it sucks). 9.3/10.

Trigun: Time for a more action-oriented show. The show starts off a little slow, though I did still enjoy the first half. At first it comes off a little cheesy, with silly characters and humor, but towards the second half the seriousness of the world begins to set in. The entire human race is living on this desolate sandy planet that's become somewhat like the western days of old, and our easygoing main character Vash wanders from place to place trying to help people but following his moral to never kill. It gets incredibly dark during the second half, and is a really good exploration of whether there ever really is a right time to take another human's life. It's available on YouTube and Netflix dubbed and subbed (the dub for this is actually really good.) 8/10. http://myanimelist.net/anime/6/Trigun

The Tatami Galaxy: A phenomenal message hidden in a odd story with bizarre characters and a unique art style. The ending may be the greatest ending I have ever seen, perfectly wrapping up all loose ends and making use of the previous episodes' buildup. I honestly could not find a single flaw in it. 10/10. http://myanimelist.net/anime/7785/Yojouhan_Shinwa_Taikei It's all on Hulu subbed, and the first 2 episodes are on YouTube as well. (No dub, and the subs move fast so you have to be a good reader.)

My final recommendation for now, and my personal favorite anime, nay, favorite show of all time would be
Haibane Renmei: A unique setting in world draws you in to this brilliant atmosphere. The earlier episodes (1-5) are weaker as they mainly are introducing the characters and setting. The final arc however, is simply put brilliance. This show feels like a labor of love. It, as of now, is the only piece of media to my memory that's made me cry tears of joy. Don't be offput by the halos and wings, as the show barely mentions god and never comments on religion whatsoever (the series director said it was merely an aesthetic choice, but there may be meaning behind it as this show is very metaphor-laden). It's available on YouTube subbed (though the first two episodes are dubbed for some reason, but the dubs alright though I think the sub is far better). http://myanimelist.net/anime/387/Haibane_Renmei

Other notable shows: Serial Experiments Lain, Sakamichi no Apollon, Hanasaku Iroha (Amazing SoL/Drama), Sayonara Zetsobou Sensei (Lots of dark humor, also warning there's a lot of fanservice), Nichijou, Madoka Magica, Steins;Gate, Mushishi.
The way you have given the basic information of most of the recommendations you have provided for me is what makes me drool to watch more anime. I indeed have a lot to watch, and I thank you for opening my eyes to looking in to even more animes, I haven't heard of a great majority of the ones suggested, but now I'm interested as heck! :D


Mar 11, 2014
Reaction score
Funniest anime moment?
Favorite Anime of the season? I like Log Horizon. c:
What is your favorite anime(s) and why! Bleach and Spirited away, they're both pretty amazing. Bleach because of how much it provides, it may be somewhat overrated to some viewers, but there's so much in the storyline, even the fillers! Although I haven't gotten far yet, it's already a joy watching it.
Spirited away because of how beautiful it can be, and usually quite funny, it was an entertainment to watch, and I was surprised to know it had won an Oscar, proves to show how much of a masterpiece it is. ^-^
What is your least favorite anime(s) and why! My least favourite... Hmm, to be honest I'm unsure on that, because a great majority of them have incredible artwork.
Log Horizon or SAO?
I guess I plan to watch Sword Art Online somewhere in the future, but I've heard it's pretty epic. However I'll go with Log Horizon in the meantime, because of how amazing it is so far, but when the time comes to me watching SAO, I would bet that I'll equally like LH and SAO the same. ^-^

What anime have you completed/are watching? I've only completed Spirited away, lol.
My List: Here's my list. c:

Just to clarify, I'm the biggest Anime noob around here, but I've started watching a series or two quite recently, and I can't wait to get on to the other ones soon! I'd also love to see some suggestions for any other animes I can watch in the future to add to my list. :D
That isn't even the app and Log Horizon is already on their...


Apr 6, 2014
Reaction score
That isn't even the app and Log Horizon is already on their...
Well then... This is awkward, but I still think that was the funniest bit of anime I've seen so far. :3
And I am pretty new to anime, I practically know nothing about it, but so far I'm enjoying it a lot. :D


Mar 11, 2014
Reaction score
Well then... This is awkward, but I still think that was the funniest bit of anime I've seen so far. :3
And I am pretty new to anime, I practically know nothing about it, but so far I'm enjoying it a lot. :D
I feel retarded because I thought this was my thread XD


Nov 15, 2013
Reaction score
I wanna post all the anime I have watched, but I don't want to fill up over a page of just listing anime, I mean I want to, but I feel it is un-needed, we fans love what we love, no one shall teach us otherwise.


Mar 11, 2014
Reaction score
I wanna post all the anime I have watched, but I don't want to fill up over a page of just listing anime, I mean I want to, but I feel it is un-needed, we fans love what we love, no one shall teach us otherwise.
Not as much as me


Apr 21, 2012
Reaction score
I wanna post all the anime I have watched, but I don't want to fill up over a page of just listing anime, I mean I want to, but I feel it is un-needed, we fans love what we love, no one shall teach us otherwise.
There are several great sites you can use to keep track of your anime and share with us so we can view them such as:

I personally use MyAnimeList, but simply because I found it first and have been using it for a while now.
Not as much as me
How are you liking I Can't Understand What My Husband Is Saying? Co** o* destiny! x'D


Mar 11, 2014
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Jul 7, 2014
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I feel like the ultimate anime noob just looking through discussions on this thread ;-; don't mind me just trying to figure out which anime to watch next after I finish Fairy Tail. Already seen SAO, SAO II and AOT.

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