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Anger Management


District 13
Aug 12, 2013
Reaction score
Hey y'all! It's your fave sloppy drag queen! And I have my second story for my weekly story time event. I hope y'all enjoy my stories, and maybe learn a thing or two :p

Story: Anger Management

Anger, it's something we all get right? One minute you're all happy and picking flowers and smelling the daisies, next minute, you wanna set everyone on fire. Like, what? Well anger is normal, we all have limits, and can get on our last nerves if we get pushed too far. Some of us are AMAZING at not getting mad, but most of us have our moments, and it's perfectly normal and understandable.

However, some of us, like the old me, did horrible things when they were angry. Allow me to share this with you. Back in June of 2014, I was one of the biggest, rudest, cruelest, and out of this world, worst person on this planet. I was horrible. I was so mean to anyone that I didn't like, people could do one bad thing to me, and I would hate them so much to the point of making their time here miserable, I was a bully, that was a fact. I can not deny that I was so mean to many people who did not deserve it. Around this time, there were a lot of stresses in the community, and a lot of stresses in the staff team and my IRL life, however, this is no good excuse for my behavior. I was mean to many community members, especially on Twitter, and I was even mean to some mods on teamspeak, which is horribly out of character for a mod. I should've been fired and kicked out of this place, but I was not for some reason, but I take it as a gift from fate.

After an entire summer of being evil and rude, in September, I had a revelation, something I will describe in more detail at another time. I realized the true effect of my actions, and to what extent my words really hurt people. I wanted to rip out my heart and burn it, because I didn't deserve one, I wasn't human enough to say I could have one. I knew I had to do something to make it up to the people I hurt, so I apologized to each of the staff members, and community members I hurt. I apologized to some staff members that are still here like Scott Me and him, had a pretty rough history together from last summer. However ever since September, I made it my life goal, to stop being that negative person that ruined the good the community was supposed to be. I am proud to say I have kept to that commitment, and I grow more with each upcoming day.

Ever since that revelation, I have been trying my best to not get so mad, and to give people chances and learn to forgive and forget. However, this does not mean I don't still get mad, some things will make me very angry, and may make me dislike you, but now, you have to do something very mean to me, for me to get like that, which is normal behavior for a human, none of us are perfect, even if we aim for perfection. Besides that tangent, I have had an amazing time ever since, I have been so happy in this community, and have had so much fun, without all the anger, and I can't wait to have even more fun as time goes on :D

Moral of the story guys, we are all humans, and will lose our temper with other people and want to argue, and fight and say and do a lot of mean things to each other, but that's not the answer! We have to be the better person, even if it hurts your pride, or your character. Sometimes, it isn't possible, like if someone hurt somebody I love, or a family member, I will have a problem and probably attack you :3 But besides those rare cases xD there really shouldn't be so much drama in your life, it's not healthy. It's so much easier to live life with fun times, than fights. Take it from someone who's entire life revolved around twitter fights, staff fights and arguments with everyone, even my mother ;-;

I love all you guys, please know that life isn't easy, and when are emotions take control of us, it will get you in a LOT of trouble, but I know you are all strong, and can rise above any pesky feelings, and become the amazing humans of the new generation. We are the next generation, there are many kids, and people who have yet to be born that will be looking up to us, and we will be teaching them the ropes one day. We have to all grow as people so we can help one another, and help all those that have yet to come, if we are all to make not only MCGamer a better community, but the world. Love you all, you're all amazing, and can shine brighter than any StarWilly12 in the world <3


District 13
Mar 31, 2014
Reaction score
OMG I remember me coming into your channel playing a music bot. Then we just didn't talk forever. I must say, when I got the DM saying you wanted to talk to me, I was pretty nervous about what you wanted. Then, when I finally talked to you it was all better. I'm glad we went from enemies to uncles and nephews haha.


District 13
Aug 12, 2013
Reaction score
OMG I remember me coming into your channel playing a music bot. Then we just didn't talk forever. I must say, when I got the DM saying you wanted to talk to me, I was pretty nervous about what you wanted. Then, when I finally talked to you it was all better. I'm glad we went from enemies to uncles and nephews haha.
OMG throwback, and yeah, things were rough and really awkward, but I'm so glad things are different now, you're my uncle, and I'm your petunia nephew <3

le quack

Jul 17, 2013
Reaction score
I have anger management problems and I'm short tempered. I've been so close of being kicked out of school, but thank god I'm a good student so they keep me >.>


Aug 20, 2012
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The thing to remember is, as you said, we're all human. The worst somebody can do is not forgive another person. It doesn't matter what they did, all that matters is now and what will come in the future, which has little to do with the past. I have had to set aside my differences with some others to forgive because I know that holding a grudge does nothing but cause angst for both.

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