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6 Months as a Moderator.


District 13
Sep 1, 2013
Reaction score
[Warning: Lengthy thread at the end due to a list! :D Thanks to KitMencha For reminding me that we were reaching this milestone!]

So I've reached that point as a staff member - Just about 6 long months spent here, meeting amazing people and having a roller coaster of an adventure. I became a moderator on October the 3rd, 2013. I woke up that morning with a message on my application telling me I had an interview, so I jumped right onto the teamspeak to meet my 'waiting buddies' (people you share the waiting room with!) and waited. My waiting buddies were as I recall soggypickle monsters689 and fuzypoo - we played some games, chatted a little and anxiously waited for our interviews.

Hilariously (and horribly) enough, during my interview the hub protection went down on AU and users could break blocks. It was pandemonium and Bowser52000 lead my interview as he was the only senior staff member in the channel who wasn't at his computer dealing with the problem. He was in fact, walking around on his iPhone to replace his broken PC power supply!

So after KellieBreanne opened my interview with 'What does the Fox say?' I had a pretty great time. I felt my answers were silly, but in no time I became a moderator and my journey began.

Originally I was really shy and anxious, barely able to speak to some of my fellow staff members. However, I met KitMencha and iSilverr really early on and we became fast friends, to the point of forming conga lines with KitMencha when the EU servers went down to calm people down. Bowser52000 and I also became fast friends and he made sure to drag me around the teamspeak to introduce me to as many people as possible!

With that in mind, I made cautious friends with some people and struggled to find a place for a while - some friends came and went, there were problems and fights - A lot that I regret and miss. It took me a long time to find a group of people I was really stable with. It took some hard work to come out of my shell and eventually get to know the people I now love and spend a lot of time with! I was really nervous getting to know people like Dave KellieBreanne and Ava amongst others .. but I'm really glad I did, since they've become pretty much some of the most amazing people I've ever met. With Dave I quick became wrapped up in Team Elite and helped construct Catching Fire.. I've also been doing some graphic design and promotional work for MCGamer itself!

Somewhere down the line, amazingly important - along came Rusty as well - my best friend since even before he was a developer, and I'm so happy to see how far he's come ^-^.

I kinda underestimated what I was getting into when I became a staff member here - I figured it'd be easy, something to do in my spare time and not at all personal - but I got very involved in a lot of projects and the trials and triumphs of this place.. but I'm glad I did. This place has done so much for me, helped me cope with my problems and given me people to go to when I felt like I had no one else to turn to. It might sound dumb, but personal problems can do that so it was amazing knowing people who knew what it was like and who could help you out. Never underestimate friendship, no matter where it comes from.

So, in celebration, a list of people I love and who have made a difference in my life - big or small.

  • Bowser52000 I would've left a long time ago if it weren't for you. You've brought so much to my life - a new level of understanding and a whole lot of knowledge.. and a whole lot of friends. And for that, I thank you.
  • Rusty - You're my best friend but that really doesn't say enough. You've done so much for me and because of you I'm stronger today then ever before. Thankyou.
  • Dave - At the end of the day I wouldn't be where I am now without you. Thank you so much for making me the Creations Manager of Team Elite - I never told anyone, but I kinda cried a bit when I got the news. You're amazing, don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
  • KellieBreanne It started off rocky but now you're someone I look up to. Thank you for how much you've helped me and being there when I've needed backup, or someone to explain American food to me.
  • Cubes you brighten my day up more then you probably realize - especially when I've been really down lately. Thank you for just.. existing, and being awesome.
  • KitMencha Mod buddies, mod of the meeting buddies and the future is boundless.. you were my first friend and the longest. <3
  • ChandelleMC You are more amazing then you get credit for. You're one of the best moderators I've ever seen and one of the best friends.
  • _AquaTechMC_ I'm so proud of you, you're one of the most brilliant people to be around since you have a great ability to induce smiles even in the worst of times. <3
  • Toast I wish I could be half the person and half the terraformer you are, cause then I'd be set. You're brilliant, don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
  • Ava Thanks for being so spectacularly chill - you're actually really calming to be around and I feel I've learned a lot just from being around you when you're working. I'm not quite so technologically illiterate now.
  • kpwn243 Thank you for letting me help with the Xime project - It was super fun :3 Although you make annoying noises a lot, you're great.
  • Antster360 Sometimes we haven't seen eye to eye, but at the end of the day I admire you a lot and thank you for being an awesome influence.
  • Razzledgirl to a fabulous future friendship!
  • Col_StaR You've given me a lot of good opportunities here, a lot of good advice and you've listened to me whine quite a bit.. so thank you for that - giving a listening ear when i've really needed it. You're awesome!
  • ChadTheDJ We never get to talk much but in the time I've known you, you've been a pretty great guy. I'm not sure if you'll read this amongst the flood of forum notifications - but thats cool. I admire that you stick to your convictions against all odds and have so much love for this community. So thank you for letting me be a part of it.
Now the listing of randomness because oh lord typing. The rest of these people are amazingly special to me and have made my time here infinitely better by being a part of it. :)

Toa-Rex Adragonfire9 KyleD Ninetailefox92 ErinEquinox MKFarrell iShowny Lively xstephaniemmx TotalDramaTony JimmerHD Lovelywishes Ghotiyz Krypton Viretine CAmadeusA KRaidium DracoHD Tacoface1234 richa-da-3rd MCLindsey iSilverr levi_the_potato Nellie_San

[Apologies if I've missed anyone, this list may be extended today!]

So, with this, thank you guys for reading and being a part of my journey here. This place and the people here mean a lot to me 8) And lets look forward to another 6 months!


Community Engagement & Mapping Team Representative
May 31, 2013
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Love you shelby <3


Aug 12, 2013
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One of the best mods that there ever was... :3


Dec 14, 2013
Reaction score
You've been a great moderator LadyOfLove... Remember that livestream? Where you shouted me out? XD


District 13
Aug 12, 2013
Reaction score
Awwwwww this is more bootiful than my weaves. Lol jk but srsly this is so coot I can't even, Shelby be da queen and I love her as my majesty! May the kingdom of Shelby last for evermore!

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