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✷ Duck's Designs! ✷

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District 13
Nov 11, 2012
Reaction score
It's not illegal or anything, but selling a lot of this stuff is kinda wrong...

-Example logo/icon is something you can get for free being tossed around a lot, I've seen plenty before
-If the intros aren't templates, they're too close for comfort
-Using clipart from the web (e.g. drawn diamond swords)

Just saying.


District 13
May 6, 2012
Reaction score
It's not illegal or anything, but selling a lot of this stuff is kinda wrong...

-Example logo/icon is something you can get for free being tossed around a lot, I've seen plenty before
-If the intros aren't templates, they're too close for comfort
-Using clipart from the web (e.g. drawn diamond swords)

Just saying.
I totally see where you're coming from. I'm going to work on making my own clip art, regarding that issue, or crediting the original author in some way.
Regarding the intros- I'll admit, I'm new to this. I have never used a template, and although you may find things similar, I've been asked to follow templates, and I like to learn from them, but I base my final design off of what the template looks like, but I make it entirely from scratch.
The example logo is an "EDM" logo or something like that (assuming that's what you meant), and I was asked to replicate an EDM logo. If you meant the Team Elite logo, I found that online, but I looked at the source files, then made it entirely myself.

I do understand a lot of this, but most of my commission work is well, not commission work :p. I'm working on making my own clip art, making totally original and new intros, etc., but it's a work in progress. It's fair to say most people understand this when buying, and that I'm still working through all of this stuff, and I hope you understand too :)


Jan 9, 2013
Reaction score
I totally see where you're coming from. I'm going to work on making my own clip art, regarding that issue, or crediting the original author in some way.
Regarding the intros- I'll admit, I'm new to this. I have never used a template, and although you may find things similar, I've been asked to follow templates, and I like to learn from them, but I base my final design off of what the template looks like, but I make it entirely from scratch.
The example logo is an "EDM" logo or something like that (assuming that's what you meant), and I was asked to replicate an EDM logo. If you meant the Team Elite logo, I found that online, but I looked at the source files, then made it entirely myself.

I do understand a lot of this, but most of my commission work is well, not commission work :p. I'm working on making my own clip art, making totally original and new intros, etc., but it's a work in progress. It's fair to say most people understand this when buying, and that I'm still working through all of this stuff, and I hope you understand too :)
OOOOOOOO kill em


District 13
Nov 11, 2012
Reaction score
I totally see where you're coming from. I'm going to work on making my own clip art, regarding that issue, or crediting the original author in some way.
Regarding the intros- I'll admit, I'm new to this. I have never used a template, and although you may find things similar, I've been asked to follow templates, and I like to learn from them, but I base my final design off of what the template looks like, but I make it entirely from scratch.
The example logo is an "EDM" logo or something like that (assuming that's what you meant), and I was asked to replicate an EDM logo. If you meant the Team Elite logo, I found that online, but I looked at the source files, then made it entirely myself.

I do understand a lot of this, but most of my commission work is well, not commission work :p. I'm working on making my own clip art, making totally original and new intros, etc., but it's a work in progress. It's fair to say most people understand this when buying, and that I'm still working through all of this stuff, and I hope you understand too :)
Well, that makes a lot more sense. Thanks for clearing that up.


Mar 19, 2013
Reaction score
IGN (for the skin): CoolBritshBoy18
Any text included?: No thanks
Full body, half body, or just head?: FullBody
Pose? (If you chose full body): Running Pose
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