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Prodigious | US Clan

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District 13
Jun 24, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: CandyCranium
Age: 14
Wins: 414/886
Do you have Skype/TeamSpeak?: Mhm.
Skype name?(Pm if you don't want it public): candycranium
Do you have a Microphone?: Yup
PVP Strengths: Fishing Rod (although not as much as ChrisComedies), FnS, Sword (mostly block-hitting), tactics.
PVP Weaknesses: Hackers, Bow fights.
How active are you?(1-10): 8
How would you help Prodigious?: I would like to help the clan members improve in overall PvP by teaching them all of my tactics. Not necessarily saying I'm REALLY good, because I'm REALLY not :p
Why do you want to join Prodigious?: I would like to join Prodigious because the roster seems stacked, and I've heard good things about this clan. By joining Prodigious, I want to help out the clan in being the new number one clan.
Have you played with anyone else in the clan?: I have indeed. Lots of them actually. I'll specify more if needed.
If you got the Leader or Captain for this clan, what changes would you make to it? If I got the Leader/Captain position for this clan, I would first make sure that my schedule IRL is organized so I can actually be active for the clan. I wouldn't necessarily make many changes to the clan without another Leader's consent, but if needed, I would make any changes that lots of people are suggesting. I wouldn't really want the Leader position, considering being a Leader requires a LOT of activeness in which I do not have :p


Jan 28, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: Arched10
Age: 13, going to be 14 in like 2-3 weeks
Wins: With all my accounts right around 415
Do you have Skype/TeamSpeak?: Yes
Skype name?(Pm if you don't want it public): You have it
Do you have a Microphone?: Yes
PVP Strengths: I am good with the fishing rod and sword, but I can get better, I am also pretty good at timing my FNS, and I have gotten a lot better with bow shots

PVP Weaknesses: Indecisiveness sometimes kills me, but I can hopefully get out that habit soon
How active are you?(1-10): Totally depends, but I would say around a 6-8? I do not really know
How would you help Prodigious?: I have ability to help in the PvP aspect as well as I know all the map layouts thanks to being a leader in Republic I also have leading ability, but I still need to learn some more
Why do you want to join Prodigious?: There are some cool people in here, and Frog and I are homies
Have you played with anyone else in the clan?: Yes, I have played with Frog and a couple of others briefly, but I would want to play with more people
If you got the Leader or Captain for this clan, what changes would you make to it? It seems to be very well run at the moment IMO, but one thing I would change is I do not know if you do this already, but I would set up scrims daily so we could get all the routes and everything down almost perfect, and when it comes to a real battle, we would not be nervous or even worried at all
Aug 12, 2013
Reaction score
Age: 13
Wins: 510
Do you have Skype/TeamSpeak?: Yup
Skype name?(Pm if you don't want it public): mrblocksterman
Do you have a Microphone?: Yup
PVP Strengths: Uhm, I guess I'm decent with swords, and a bow...
PVP Weaknesses: Hmmm, Flint and Steel, I'm flammable as fuqqq
How active are you?(1-10): 7
How would you help Prodigious?: My block-hitting skills, obviously!
Why do you want to join Prodigious?: Because I can, I haven't been a clan for weeks, and if you don't accept me, I'm cutting with spoons ;-;
Have you played with anyone else in the clan?: I played with Frog and Dominic.
If you got the Leader or Captain for this clan, what changes would you make to it? I'm not a good leader so I can't be leader or captain for the clan ;-;
Accepted for trial! Welcome
Minecraft IGN: CandyCranium
Age: 14
Wins: 414/886
Do you have Skype/TeamSpeak?: Mhm.
Skype name?(Pm if you don't want it public): candycranium
Do you have a Microphone?: Yup
PVP Strengths: Fishing Rod (although not as much as ChrisComedies), FnS, Sword (mostly block-hitting), tactics.
PVP Weaknesses: Hackers, Bow fights.
How active are you?(1-10): 8
How would you help Prodigious?: I would like to help the clan members improve in overall PvP by teaching them all of my tactics. Not necessarily saying I'm REALLY good, because I'm REALLY not :p
Why do you want to join Prodigious?: I would like to join Prodigious because the roster seems stacked, and I've heard good things about this clan. By joining Prodigious, I want to help out the clan in being the new number one clan.
Have you played with anyone else in the clan?: I have indeed. Lots of them actually. I'll specify more if needed.
If you got the Leader or Captain for this clan, what changes would you make to it? If I got the Leader/Captain position for this clan, I would first make sure that my schedule IRL is organized so I can actually be active for the clan. I wouldn't necessarily make many changes to the clan without another Leader's consent, but if needed, I would make any changes that lots of people are suggesting. I wouldn't really want the Leader position, considering being a Leader requires a LOT of activeness in which I do not have :p
Accepted for trial! Welcome
Minecraft IGN: Arched10
Age: 13, going to be 14 in like 2-3 weeks
Wins: With all my accounts right around 415
Do you have Skype/TeamSpeak?: Yes
Skype name?(Pm if you don't want it public): You have it
Do you have a Microphone?: Yes
PVP Strengths: I am good with the fishing rod and sword, but I can get better, I am also pretty good at timing my FNS, and I have gotten a lot better with bow shots

PVP Weaknesses: Indecisiveness sometimes kills me, but I can hopefully get out that habit soon
How active are you?(1-10): Totally depends, but I would say around a 6-8? I do not really know
How would you help Prodigious?: I have ability to help in the PvP aspect as well as I know all the map layouts thanks to being a leader in Republic I also have leading ability, but I still need to learn some more
Why do you want to join Prodigious?: There are some cool people in here, and Frog and I are homies
Have you played with anyone else in the clan?: Yes, I have played with Frog and a couple of others briefly, but I would want to play with more people
If you got the Leader or Captain for this clan, what changes would you make to it? It seems to be very well run at the moment IMO, but one thing I would change is I do not know if you do this already, but I would set up scrims daily so we could get all the routes and everything down almost perfect, and when it comes to a real battle, we would not be nervous or even worried at all
Accepted for full member! Welcome


District 13
Jun 23, 2012
Reaction score
Great App! Also, super elite is just a joke because B3st_Ninja is funny and brags about how good he is and we don't doubt him.


Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: chip27
Age: 12. 2 months until I turn 13
Wins: 616
Do you have Skype/TeamSpeak?: Both
Skype name?(Pm if you don't want it public): yoyokid27
Do you have a Microphone?: Yes
PVP Strengths: Sword,Fishing Rod, Bow
PVP Weaknesses: Flint and steel, Hackers
How active are you?(1-10): 9
How would you help Prodigious?: I will help with teamwork, scrims, and battles
Why do you want to join Prodigious?: Prodigious is a great clan, I want to be apart of it and help it get better!
Have you played with anyone else in the clan?: Conreuss. Ihaxors_,endthebean, and Dominic
If you got the Leader or Captain for this clan, what changes would you make to it? No changes, Great clan.


District 13
Sep 15, 2012
Reaction score
People in this clan are getting on my nerves, sorry take me off pending.
Ok, sorry if some of the members annoyed you. I'll take you off the roster.
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