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Prodigious | US Clan

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Jul 8, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: JusticeDog
Age: 14
Wins: 193
Do you have Skype/TeamSpeak?: Both
Skype name?(Pm if you don't want it public): davidplss
Do you have a Microphone?: I do.
PVP Strengths: Sword Combat
PVP Weaknesses: Bow Combat

How active are you?(1-10): 9 (I have quite a bit of time on my hands after classes)
How would you help Prodigious?: I go a bit more in detail below. I'll just talk about stats real quick. Compared to many other members, I definitly do not have as many wins. However, what I do have going for me is my ratio. You have 21 members. I have checked all their stats, and as it looks, I have a better win percentage then them all (not to sound cocky). All but 1, Dantelius. After doing the math, the member with the best ratio in your clan, Dantelius, has a 40% win percentage. I have a 38% win percentage. It may not sound like a lot, but this data shows that out of all the games I have played, I have won 2.6 out of every 3 games. This is getting close to the line of half my games being wins, which is difficult. However, it isn't extremly rare. Everyone could purchase an alt and try there best. However, me, JusticeDog, I am not an alt. I have never played MCSG on any other account before this one. Those first 200 or so games I played? I had no idea what I was doing. I have just recently (about 2 months ago) started to do my best and raise my ratio. I have been able to keep up my better than 1/3 ratio for a solid month, and I do not plan on losing it.
Why do you want to join Prodigious?: There is a competitive side to it and then a friendly side. I am competitive, I enjoy a challenge. I enjoy competing and going against the odds. I try to do my best in every game I play (I guess you can call me a tryhard) and I have fun while doing it. And then there is the friendly side. I enjoy to have a laugh, and I plan to make many friends in the clan. I know when it it time to be mature and time to have fun, and I try my best to balance it. I am man's best friend, after all.
Have you played with anyone else in the clan?: ThatCoolCucumber used to be in an old clan of mine on annihilation, but that is the farthest my connections really go
If you got the Leader or Captain for this clan, what changes would you make to it?: That is a bit of a silly question, maybe I will be able to answer it once I have experience with the clan itself. As of now, I know nothing more other than the text on your topic. Hopefully, that will change though. Then I can answer this question.

Thank you for reading.
Nice app doeee. Ty for the shoutout. Haha, nice ratio, too. I haven't really used alts either. Maybe we should play annihilation sometime, I gg2ezsteamroll nubbies on it. I wish it had a k/d checker);
I probably have like a 4+. People are so bad on it. Haha, well hopefully you get accepted ;3


Jul 18, 2013
Reaction score
Ummm ratios do not show how good you are AT ALL,but on the other hand u Asian cause u know all de equations. Also nice app.
In my opinion (and just my opinion) it does. A person can be horrible and get a million wins out of 100 million games. However, only a good player can get a million wins out of 2 million games. It is a bad example, I know, but is the best I can think of at the moment. And thanks!


Feb 5, 2013
Reaction score
In my opinion (and just my opinion) it does. A person can be horrible and get a million wins out of 100 million games. However, only a good player can get a million wins out of 2 million games. It is a bad example, I know, but is the best I can think of at the moment. And thanks!
I respect your opinion :)


Jul 18, 2013
Reaction score
Nice app doeee. Ty for the shoutout. Haha, nice ratio, too. I haven't really used alts either. Maybe we should play annihilation sometime, I gg2ezsteamroll nubbies on it. I wish it had a k/d checker);
I probably have like a 4+. People are so bad on it. Haha, well hopefully you get accepted ;3
I don't play much shotbow nowadays after I left my clan, and thanks! Looking forward to playing sg with you sometime.
Aug 12, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: JusticeDog
Age: 14
Wins: 193
Do you have Skype/TeamSpeak?: Both
Skype name?(Pm if you don't want it public): davidplss
Do you have a Microphone?: I do.
PVP Strengths: Sword Combat
PVP Weaknesses: Bow Combat

How active are you?(1-10): 9 (I have quite a bit of time on my hands after classes)
How would you help Prodigious?: I go a bit more in detail below. I'll just talk about stats real quick. Compared to many other members, I definitly do not have as many wins. However, what I do have going for me is my ratio. You have 21 members. I have checked all their stats, and as it looks, I have a better win percentage then them all (not to sound cocky). All but 1, Dantelius. After doing the math, the member with the best ratio in your clan, Dantelius, has a 40% win percentage. I have a 38% win percentage. It may not sound like a lot, but this data shows that out of all the games I have played, I have won 2.6 out of every 3 games. This is getting close to the line of half my games being wins, which is difficult. However, it isn't extremly rare. Everyone could purchase an alt and try there best. However, me, JusticeDog, I am not an alt. I have never played MCSG on any other account before this one. Those first 200 or so games I played? I had no idea what I was doing. I have just recently (about 2 months ago) started to do my best and raise my ratio. I have been able to keep up my better than 1/3 ratio for a solid month, and I do not plan on losing it.
Why do you want to join Prodigious?: There is a competitive side to it and then a friendly side. I am competitive, I enjoy a challenge. I enjoy competing and going against the odds. I try to do my best in every game I play (I guess you can call me a tryhard) and I have fun while doing it. And then there is the friendly side. I enjoy to have a laugh, and I plan to make many friends in the clan. I know when it it time to be mature and time to have fun, and I try my best to balance it. I am man's best friend, after all.
Have you played with anyone else in the clan?: ThatCoolCucumber used to be in an old clan of mine on annihilation, but that is the farthest my connections really go
If you got the Leader or Captain for this clan, what changes would you make to it?: That is a bit of a silly question, maybe I will be able to answer it once I have experience with the clan itself. As of now, I know nothing more other than the text on your topic. Hopefully, that will change though. Then I can answer this question.

Thank you for reading.
I'm sorry to inform you but your application has been denied.


Oct 29, 2013
Reaction score
Yo dudes sorry been abit inactive since iv been on trial iv just havnt been motivated to play but im starting to play again as i just got like a 13 win streak today so I should be being more active starting tonight! Thanks for understanding


Oct 10, 2012
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: tkt24freak/Axmor
Age: 16
Wins: Not enough
Do you have Skype/TeamSpeak?: Yeah
Skype name?(Pm if you don't want it public): TonyPwny
Do you have a Microphone?: Yeah
PVP Strengths: Let's find out
PVP Weaknesses: The new kids on MCSG these days
How active are you?(1-10): 5
How would you help Prodigious?: I just would.
Why do you want to join Prodigious?: I want to help out the clan from past experience.
Have you played with anyone else in the clan?: Everyone except some scrubs. Just kidding y'all ain't scrubs.
If you got the Leader or Captain for this clan, what changes would you make to it? We'll see.
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