Minecraft IGN: CaptainJS
Age: 15
Wins: 555 on my CaptainJS account + 50 on an alt
Donor: Just ran out
Do you have Skype or TS: Both, and you have me!
Skype name: CaptainJSfx
Timezone: EST
PvP strengths: Bow Shots,
F&S, Tactical retreat during fights, melee
PvP weaknesses: Water and ice fights, fighting in a 6+ player brawl
Past Clans: Hurricanes, Organizationv2, Organizationv3, Cyan Volts, United, Reunited
Are you willing to use the #React skin?: Yep!
Lastly, tell us about yourself: I quit MCSG a month and a half ago, but am back now. Surprisingly, I haven't lost very much of my skill since then. I love being part of a team, and am a very patient and helpful person. I'd very much like to be part of React, and if accepted, will be on tomorrow.