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Getting Planet Side 2 team together.


Nov 15, 2013
Reaction score
What's up and all that I'm getting a Planet Side 2 team together to pwn. Now you wonder why I need a team. PS is a VERY strategically based game. You must have a LOT of cooperation or your empire will lose.
We will be doing this through skype. (shut up and listen don't all talk or I'll kick you etc.) Now this is a very resource taxing game so only a select few will be able to play.(try setting your graphics lower if your on a lower tier) Before you join, MAKE SURE YOU KNOW THE BASICS. During a called in airstrike or tank charge I don't want to have question because if I'm talking I'm distracted and in this game it means I'm dead. SO. Now the idea I have will require you to know: 1. How to kill. 2. How to drive vehicles. 3. Have the ability to replace a fallen commander until he's back.(That's how the real U.S. army works :p) Now for rules.
1. When I say something, do it. If someone I've announced as a commander says something, do it unless it's stupid.

2. No hacking, trolling, team-griefing, kamikaze-izing team convoys, or anything stupid >:}.

If you want to join leave your skype name(don't accept contact requests from anyone other than SpartanPsychopath or rockofflame12) Planet Side 2 name, PS2 charater name, and say "I agree to all rules" so you can't say you didn't agree :).

Now remember, this game requires that you listen to every dang thing I say. If you don't I'll remove you, or you'll end up dead. Lezz have some fun! And btw no I'm not high or drunk.(you'd better not be in-game when driving the troop tranport full of my troops :D


District 13
May 9, 2012
Reaction score
You seem to take this game way too serious ._. Btw, I've play it.

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