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A ton of MCSG feature suggestions. Please read, and comment your opinions, I fan.

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Nov 7, 2013
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What's up people of MCGamer, JakeTheCarrot here bringing you a ton of awesome features that need to be added ASAP, to squeeze out every last bit off fun possible out of the wonderful servers we have.

So yeah, here is a list of suggestions that I personally believe will make the servers almost perfect.

I will warn you that a few of these suggestions, came from ideas from servers such as BajanCanadian's, and SkyDoesMinecraft's, so if you are going to moan about me copying them, just leave now, I don't have time to deal with that.

New and improved no cheat system:

I can't tell you how many games I've been in, and there has been some ridiculous hacker, that can take down a 23 man team with his fists. The other day I was playing on moonbase9 with my friend, we had full iron armour and diamond swords, went to take down a guy with leather and a wooden sword, and he knocked us back atleast 50 blocks, and shot 8 arrows at us both, managing to hit every single one. Now because I didn't record that game, I have no proof of that guy hacking, and he will get away with that, and will continue to hack in hundreds of thousands of other games until someone finally has proof. And then what... he finally gets banned... for a week!? Are you kidding me? There should be at least a perm ban for those who hack, think about how many games they've ruined?

So I propose a new anti/no-cheat system, because the one we have is simply not working. If you go to Bajan Canadian's server, SkyDoesMinecraft's server, or watch any of their videos, constantly in chat they are spammed with error reports of people trying to hack that have failed. I have literally never seen a hacker on one of their servers in my life.

So I originally spoke to mod Decemberrr about this (it could have been a different mod, I cannot remember properly) about this, adding a new no-cheat plugin, and he said one is being worked on. Is this true, or are we just sitting back, and allowing these people to hack?

That's the reason this suggestion is top of my list, because it's the most important one of them all.

Mutation / Revive pass', or something similar:

Again, if you've ever watched any of BajanCanadian's survival games series, or played on his server, you will have noticed the much used mutation pass. This pass allows players killed to come back from the dead when killed by a player, to seek revenge on them. On Bajan's server, you are given speed 3, and a golden sword. You can only kill the person that killed you, to make it more difficult. I believe that the main aim of the mutation pass is so that if one of the duo dies in a video, it doesn't mean a failed recording, it means that they have another chance. Me doing YouTube myself, spend hours a day trying to win a game on camera with good footage, which most of the time I will die or lose the game, and it just means that's that time wasted, time to start again. Another thing that I will mention, is that you can only revive once, because otherwise you would just almost have unlimited lives, and that would be too over-powered.

However the mutation pass system on his server, I do find that there is a huge flaw in the plan. You have to donate to get them. There are plenty of people out there that don't want to pay for a server, since it's free. I know I literally have no money to spare on servers, that's why whenever I have time, I pay my respect in game to those that do, because without them we would have no server. I believe that these passes should be obtained by winning games, or maybe when you win a game, you win in game currency to buy a mutation pass.

Now I know there is the problem that by copying a YouTuber's idea from their server, naturally the server would attract lots of hate. So post some comments below, telling me what you think the mutation pass styled thing should be like. What should it be called? What should you be given to fight the person with?

Solo survival games and teamed survival games:

So a lot like most people on this server, I am not insanely good at the game. I'm above average when I want to be, I would say. The main reason for me dying, is a triple team with better stuff than me. I mean, how the hell is anyone supposed to take that on?! I can guarantee 10x more videos if we add this, because it would make teaming (only in this game mode) almost impossible.

So my actual suggestion is two different game modes, solo survival games and normal survival games. Solo survival games would consist of everyone appearing identical, so for example they would all have the same skin on me, and the same username as me (that's how they would appear due to the plugin) so it would make teaming almost impossible. I can guarantee most people that are playing solo, want to be fighting other people playing solo, so it makes it more fair.

Now for those of you (like me for some of my videos) would still like to team, or if you're insane and want a challenge to take on a team. So that's why we should keep the survival games that we have, so we can still team etc.

Make BSM (better sprint mod) legal, why is it even illegal!?:

This suggestion is more of a rant, than a suggestion. Why the hell is better sprint mod illegal, when it's now a built in feature in minecraft!?

So after 1.7.2 came out, the server switched to a hybrid thing so people on 1.6.4 and people on 1.7.2 could both play. It's legal to use toggle sprint feature in 1.7.2, so why can't we get a mod to make it available in 1.6.4!? My laptop is absolutely terrible (well I'm getting a new computer for Christmas, so I will be able to play on 1.7.2 and use the toggle sprint, but I still want to make this suggestion to make it easier for those with a laptop like mine) so I lag like hell on 1.7.2, due to no optifine. So I can't actually use the toggle sprint feature, so I'm technically at an advantage to those who can.

So if it's a built in feature, why can't we use a mod to make it available for us that don't have 1.7.2? I cannot understand that logic in any way, shape or form.

Spawning in the lobby with players hidden:

So talking about my crappy laptop, brings me onto this subject. When we spawn into the lobby, we spawn with players visible. I go through about 3 minutes of trying to scroll to my clock to hide them. I don't understand why we don't just spawn with them hidden, and then those with monster gaming computers can make them visible if they want to. Again, from tomorrow on I won't have to deal with this problem, but I have met so many people in game that can't afford a new computer, and agree with me on this.

It's such a simple problem that could most likely be fixed for the majority of players by changing almost a single word in a single line of coding.

So I believe that is all of my suggestions over with, I'm sure there are more, and if there are I will add them as soon as I think of them. Don't forget to comment your opinion, and what you think could change about these suggestions. But anyways, thanks for reading my thread, I hope it helped and you enjoyed reading, and I hope that these features will one day benefit you one way or another.

Peace out! -JakeTheCarrot


Feb 2, 2013
Reaction score
I disagree with the Mutation feature and the Solo/teaming SG lobby feature. I agree with the rest.


Jan 2, 2013
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I disagree with all but the no cheat one because how many times has it been said BSM GIVES YOU AN ADVANTAGE


May 14, 2013
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I disagree with all but the no cheat one because how many times has it been said BSM GIVES YOU AN ADVANTAGE
Why do you disagree with hiding players from start and then having the option to make them invisible?


May 8, 2012
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1. I can't really comment on the anti cheat plugin, but im sure thedevolopes are working their hardest to improve these servers, as they always have been. Also, Decemberr is a girl.

2. Okay, so this iea is quite good. Well, it would be, if it was an actual idea amd not stolen off another server. If mcsg do implement so kind of zombie element, then it would be a lot different to the one you are describing, purely because in order to be the best, the devs have realised that mcsg needs to be unique and stand out from the rest, notcheapy ripoff servers that have good ideas.

3. This is never going to happen. It's been said time again, teams are a part of the game. Teaming is a legitimate strategy, and if you come across a team then that's life; you have to work out a way to beat them. You could team with others yourself, use fns, bows, of ambush them. Sure, you will never (unless you're some kind of PvP god) win in a straightup fight with a team if you both have the same gear, and some teams are unstoppable, but that's merely because they no-life mcsg. Just like playing by yourself, at first teaming takes a while to master, its not like you team and then *BLAM* you're winning every game.

4. Really? BSM will never be allowed on the servers, and now it is an ingame feature, why would you even bother to install it?

5. A suggestion which has been said time and time again, but it seems like too much effort for a bunchof devs to implement, buuuuuut I'm sure they will add it soon (I hope)


Nov 21, 2012
Reaction score
1. Agreed

2. Disagreed because this would allow the players that took hard work for you to kill to come back to life. These players would probably target the people who killed them, causing even more hardships for the people who are actually eligible to win the game. Furthermore, the dead have nothing to fear from each other, causing them to band together.

3. This is a no no suggestion.

4.BSM gives other advantages other than the one in 1.7

5. Agreed.
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