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Features that should be added

Do you think these should be added?

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  • Potato!!! (Yes)

    Votes: 1 25.0%

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Feb 18, 2013
Reaction score
Hello there, today I will be retouching on some very good threads that have had good feedback, but have never been implemented. I feel as though adding some of these features would really improve MCGamer and would make gameplay a smoother and entertaining. Please note that some of these threads were NOT created by me. I'm simply restating them in a more descriptive and convincing matter.

Perks in Hub
I feel like adding perks in the hub would increase donor purchases by a good amount. Things such as snowballs, or the ability to make custom armor should be implemented. There should obviously be better upgrades for those who buy diamond donor. It should be fun to see other people in the hub running around fast, or maybe they have access to a jump boost mechanism. Right now, the hub is pretty plain, if we could add new types of things to do in the hub, it would make players happy. As a result, regular players will be encouraged more to buy donor.

/Afk command
I have seen many moderators in the hub who are mostly afk. I don't know if it's bad timing or something, but every time I want to speak to a Mod, they are all afk. What I think we should do is allow all +staff to have access to a /afk command. When a staff member uses this command, it would announce in chat that that member has become afk. In the tab button, the staff's name will turn black which indicates that the player is afk. {Away From Keyboard} This will really save some players' time when they want to contact a moderator, and will therefore cause less confusion.

Wouldn't it be really cool if the podiums would launch the player if they stepped off if it? What could happen would be that if you were to step off the podium you're on, you would be launched into a random area of the map making you miss corn. This would make Survival Games more realistic. I keep noticing that players sprint right before the time ends which allows them a mini-headstart to corn, to me, this ruins the aspect of timing your jump to corn to get there first. Same goes for water-based maps like boom beard's battle or breeze island. Some players would think that this is annoying, but its the Survival Games, not the "Have everything to your advantage" games. I think having this disadvantage to all players will increase that feel of playing in the actual Hunger Games.

Removing Seeds
Have you ever been annoyed when you have a bunch of seeds because of all that tall grass? There's a solution to this, what if we were not allowed to break tall grass like in deathmatch. This would give players yet another disadvantage, but at the same time, giving them a bit useless advantage. If someone were to try to flint and steel on tall grass, it would use up the fns, but not set a fire to the block. This could cause players to back away from the area to avoid wasting their fns, and their swords when trying to PvP, which calls for some strategies when trying to turn around and attack.

Turning off players
I would really appreciate it if players would be turned off automatically after a game. For people like me, we lag for 10 seconds because of all the players in the hub. Sometimes, I even crash because of this. I'm not the only player experiencing lag after games though, some friends of mine are also really tired of the somewhat long lag spike that we get. It shouldn't really be that hard to do so seeing as adding the clock wasn't much of a challenge.

Snowball Area
So very, very recently, the hub lobby was updated, and remodeled to look like the christmas theme. They also added infinite snowballs, what I'm asking is that there should be an area in the hub that allows players to actually hit the other player thats in the same area, like a huge snowball fight. This would be really darn fun to go into.

Hopefully most of these threads will be taken into consideration. Here are the remakes of the thread makers: Giggity69Goo for the Podiums. Theoretical for the seeds.
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Jul 18, 2013
Reaction score
I like the AFK feature for mods and the no seeds feature but donor perks I totally disagree with because I see servers that have stupid donor perks and to me it just looks like a broken server
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I actually like all of these. As for CoDsNo65 's concerns, having donor stuff in the lobby wouldn't affect anything really, so why does it matter?


Oct 12, 2013
Reaction score
That AFK idea sounds like a really good one, would be a lot less confusion in the Hub.


Apr 17, 2013
Reaction score
The podiums would a bad idea...
That sentence makes me cry RC.

Anyways, apart from the possums one, I like the spouse of them all. On the seeds issue, I know it is annoying, but I'd prefer to be able to break grass and have to deal with the major issue of disposing correctly of seeds (not on roads or other man made structures, as they have trouble biodegrading) than not be able to break it at all.
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