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The Rebels EU Division

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Aug 9, 2013
Reaction score
What is your Minecraft IGN?:Eviti

How old are you?:13

Where are you from?Sweden

What is your skype name? emma.svensson41

How many wins do you have? (Atleast 300) 124 ..

How many games have you played? 600

Tell us about your PvP strenghts? Bow, like to just fight 1v1 ! I'm good at running if u know what i mean :D

Weaknesses? (Don't include what is beyond your control, Lag, Teams, Hackers etc" Flint and steel people...

What are your favourite maps? Chernobyl, solar frost, Sg 4

Why do you want to be in #TheRebels EU?: Becuse lot of my friends are in the clan, and i have been serching for a clan for a long time! And i think the clan is good!


Jan 14, 2013
Reaction score
What is your Minecraft IGN?: FightForGods
How old are you?: 14

Where are you from? Sweden

What is your skype name? Sebastian.lazar9

How many wins do you have? (Atleast 300) 476

How many games have you played? 1854

Tell us about your PvP strenghts? FnS, Bow, Melee, Fishrod

Weaknesses? (Don't include what is beyond your control, Lag, Teams, Hackers etc" : When Now IF i get accepted i will be shaking and nervous the FIRST day, and when im nervous i like fail with my FnS and bow.

What are your favourite maps? Sg4, SolarFrost, Vally, Icarus, TSG2, Origins, Boombeard, Chernobyl, Wyverns, Avaricia, Lobby Games,

Why do you want to be in #TheRebels EU?: I've Always wanted to be a rebel :)


Oct 31, 2012
Reaction score
What is your Minecraft IGN?: ianianmense, planning on getting an alt soon ;)

How old are you?: 15 years (7 months and 17 days)

Where are you from? The Netherlands.
Connection: England<Holland<Germany

What is your skype name? Ian Mense

How many wins do you have? 400ish

How many games have you played? 1600ish

Tell us about your PvP strenghts? I've always used my sword mainly and sometimes my flint and steel. I use them wisely so i have not been in FnS-less situations lately. I could use my bow but i'm not that good with it. I fight without fishingrods, thats because i never got used to scrolling that much. I'm not planning to change that since i'm doing well without. Because i don't use fishingrods i've made a strategy to avoid them so people who do use the rod don't have an advantage on me. When i'm in a bad situation i will always try to get the best advantage possible. And because of my map knowledge i can always escape to a position where i have a tactical advantage( lowground, clear line of sight, darkness, traps)

Weaknesses? I would include the bow here because it is my weakest point. Maybe waterfights. And most of all...
Getting in the way of my team members. When i fight i am mostly focussed on myself and sometimes walk in team members fire

What are your favourite maps? Does this really matter? But okay:
-1 Avaricia, 3 chest chestroute, no lag, alot of place to run away and the map itself look really really cool.
-2 Survival Kingdom, great buildings, quick fights, jumping from the rooftops like an assassin and long deathmatches.
-3 Fallen Empire, it's HUGE (that's what she said), everything is accessible, corn is open, FnS everywhere >: D, enough chests to get full diamond armor.

Why do you want to be in #TheRebels EU?: You should turn that question around; why would one NOT want to be in #TheRebelsEU. I saw you guys fight #Cynix in Piixl's video. And that looked brilliant. There is a lot of really skilled PvPers in this clan who can work really well together. And who does not want to be part of this all round amazing clan?
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