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Chrome | US

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Dec 25, 2012
Reaction score
Ign;: IxLegendz, Velusive, Gizzmo_, Celsium
Wins? (250/250+): 300
Age?: 13
Do you have Skype (If so, what is your username)?: Alphie has me
Do you have Teamspeak 3 or TS3?: Both :)
Does your Mic work? Yes :)
Have you teamed with anyone in the clan?: Everyone :D
PvP and MCSG Strengths: I am very good with a rod and sword and bow, decent at quick turn around F&S's.
PvP and MCSG Weaknesses: Classification, i can tell you, but, Id have to kill you
How much time will you dedicate to our clan?: Errryy dayy
Do you agree with the rules of this clan?: Yes DUH <3

I know I have been a tad absent to MCSG, but now Chrome is back in bussiness and much more active, Im glad to be back

Ag | Alex

District 13
Jun 27, 2012
Reaction score
Ign;: IxLegendz, Velusive, Gizzmo_, Celsium
Wins? (250/250+): 300
Age?: 13
Do you have Skype (If so, what is your username)?: Alphie has me
Do you have Teamspeak 3 or TS3?: Both :)
Does your Mic work? Yes :)
Have you teamed with anyone in the clan?: Everyone :D
PvP and MCSG Strengths: I am very good with a rod and sword and bow, decent at quick turn around F&S's.
PvP and MCSG Weaknesses: Classification, i can tell you, but, Id have to kill you
How much time will you dedicate to our clan?: Errryy dayy
Do you agree with the rules of this clan?: Yes DUH <3

I know I have been a tad absent to MCSG, but now Chrome is back in bussiness and much more active, Im glad to be back
Accepted for trial! Come on our teamspeak to get to know everyone better.


Jun 17, 2013
Reaction score
IGN: iHaxors_, AviJess, jess123259, PandasM8
Wins? (250/250+): 650
Age?: 13
Do you have Skype (If so, what is your username)?: jess123259
Do you have Teamspeak 3 or TS3?: Both :)
Does your Mic work? Yes :)
Have you teamed with anyone in the clan?: Everyone :D
PvP and MCSG Strengths: I am very good with a rod and sword and bow, decent at quick turn around F&S's.
PvP and MCSG Weaknesses: Getting out of corn fast, getting targeted, hackers
How much time will you dedicate to our clan?: Every Single Day <3
Do you agree with the rules of this clan?: Yes :D

I know some may think of me as a clan hopper, but I swear I won't leave. I just want to settle in with cool people like you.
The reason I left last time was because my friend made a clan, and I was desperate to join.
Please concider this request :D
clan hopper ...
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