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Best Win/Loss ratios

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Mar 16, 2013
Reaction score
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Sep 8, 2013
Reaction score
My main account, FloppehFeesh, has 163 games won out of 279 games, a ~58% win to loss ratio as of 10/26/13 10:50 PM PST.

My alternate account, Phantique, has 29 games won out of 41 games, a ~71% win to loss ratio as of 10/26/13 10:50 PM PST.


Jul 2, 2013
Reaction score
Yeah but Huahwi uses his "friends" and fangirls to win.
1) I play CA with my friends. I'm sorry that I have friends that are fun to play with.
3) I offer to /kill every other game when I team with people, ask anybody who's teamed with me. I don't use anyone.
4) Teaming slows me down. I run at Mach 3.
5) I'm a US player. I solo 99% of the time.
6) I don't tryhard every-game to work on my ratio, I actually have fun playing. As of now I am actually trying to rank up a bit more, but before this I didn't care about stats whatsoever.

Test me.

I never said he was "a bad player", I'm just saying that finding him playing (and winning) a solo game (besides from when he records to persuade people to think he goes solo) is hella rare. I fought him a couple times. Once solo ( the one I won ) and 2 or 3 when he was with his fangirls. He's only killed me once, and it was with the assistance of his team. Btw, I'm not calling him bad ( But I'm not calling him pro either ).
-Wyvern's Wake, you got me in a corner and owned me, I was noob and don't use fishing rod back then.
-SG4, equal gear, 8 hearted you & chased you down, my partner stayed out of this.
-SG4, 1v1 sword only, 2 hearts, you q-q about block-hit and "lost respect for me". You block-hit too.
-Chernobyl, played w/ a buddy while uploading and rendering a video @300ms, 20fps, you killed me undergeared because everyone is teleporting on my screen. Congrats.

I have a pretty good memory I'd say. Considering what you're always saying about me, I think you take this game a bit too seriously. Ease up bro. Teams shouldn't be a problem for top tier players. My teammates aren't that great, trust me. I don't complain about teams, unless its like 4 with full iron xD...

I record to persuade people to think that I goes solo? HA. Most of my videos are of me teaming LOL. I make videos to entertain people, help, and also showcase my talents. I have nothing to hide.

You leave every game I'm in because "I take the same route as you", or "omg its huahwi the teamer". Just stop...

I didn't think I had to bring this up... putting me out on blast -_-
Hatters gonna hat, I deal with that, happens in every-game, not just Minecraft. <3
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