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Should their be an age limit on mod app?


Jun 22, 2012
Reaction score
Hello everyone I just wanted to ask you guys if you think their should be an age limit on moderator? I think there should not be an age limit if you wrote a very good application and are on the servers alot.
Sorry but there is, should be and Always will be.


District 13
Oct 5, 2012
Reaction score
I think there shouldn't be one. Let's say there is a 12 year old like lulu who acts like she isn't 12 but 15 or 16 then she should be able to get accepted into an interview. But with the age limit it is impossible for her to get mod. I think that if a 11 year old applies and the application is well above the exceptions of the Sr. Mods reviewing the apps she or he should have the same chance as everyone else. That is how I think it should be but others will disagree.


Jun 16, 2013
Reaction score
If anything it should be raised, I've met moderators before that have completely contradicted the whole concept of maturity and have abused their responsibilies.


Oct 2, 2012
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I think there shouldn't be one. Let's say there is a 12 year old like lulu who acts like she isn't 12 but 15 or 16 then she should be able to get accepted into an interview. But with the age limit it is impossible for her to get mod. I think that if a 11 year old applies and the application is well above the exceptions of the Sr. Mods reviewing the apps she or he should have the same chance as everyone else. That is how I think it should be but others will disagree.
Thats EXACTLY what it should be. No age "limit" but those with apps which are good enough to get accepted to interview


District 13
Oct 5, 2012
Reaction score
If anything it should be raised, I've met moderators before that have completely contradicted the whole concept of maturity and have abused their responsibilies.
You'll come across those people just report them to a Sr. Mod.


Sep 5, 2012
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As the primary person who deals with Age Exceptions, let me say this:
  • I've had a 10 year old seeking a moderator position. He was earnest and enthusiastic, but I doubt anyone would be willing to heed the words of a staff member who's still in elementary school. Plus his communication skills weren't the best.
  • I've had 13 year olds turn out to be exemplary mods. Some of them are still members of our staff whom I consider trustworthy. Despite their age, they hold themselves as model staff members and often out-do their elder peers.
  • I've had 14 year olds who were accepted when 14 was the age limit, and they did things to hurt the community because they were suffering lapses in judgement. Whether they were going through teenage angst, personal problems, or peer pressure, younger teenagers have demonstrated that they are especially likely to become liabilities to themselves and others; those years are definitely not kind to everyone. Those individuals never realize that what they're doing is wrong at the moment, but some of the actions that many people within that age range have taken in the past is a primary reason why the current staff age limit is 15.
  • I've had 13 and 14 year olds of various aptitude and abilities seeking an Age Exception. Few succeed, most fail, but almost all of the failed applicants were not fit or capable of becoming a moderator regardless of their age. The application process for Age Exceptions is very intense, but our regular Moderator Application process is very thorough as well. Whether their application is poorly written or they have a history of bans, many of the applicants fail for reasons other than age.
  • I've had staff members 21+ (mostly with other communities in my past) who are nothing short of immature 12 year olds in a 21+ year old's body. They're impulsive, petty, begrudging, and agitating for personal satisfaction. They're smart enough to play the, "I'm older so I'm more mature" card, but they demonstrate that such an adage can be flawed.
I hope my perspective lends some understanding to the staff's approach to moderator age limits and age exceptions.

It's explanations of rationale like that that remind me why we instated Age Exceptions in the first place. In fact, the topic of this thread displays a potent lack of self-awareness. There is more to be considered than simply a number of years on a moderator application, which is why the age exception process exists to gauge other aspects of an applicant's abilities within a more liberal age range.
Furthermore @Chaos_Slayer_, asking @RC_4777 for instructions how to get an age exception three times, despite the fact that he explicitly told you he's not at liberty to divulge such information, is not a show of maturity.

There is no age exception for 11 year olds. There never was.

Thank you for continuing to follow through with our instructions for the Age Exception process, RC_4777. Hopeful applicants take note: even though he is no longer a part of the application process, he demonstrates an understanding of the rules and our expectations of him, and he shows good judgement in applying them. That is but one aspect that you will be tested on.

I hope that cleared things up for everyone regarding the moderator age limit.
And you've had me. ;3


Jun 16, 2013
Reaction score
I completely agree, however it shouldn't happen in the first place because applicants should have the maturity and decency to be aware of that, its quite bad if people that are picked are supposedly meant to represent maturity of the MCSG community, then abuse their power. Its a huge contradiction against the entire system.


District 13
Oct 5, 2012
Reaction score
I completely agree, however it shouldn't happen in the first place because applicants should have the maturity and decency to be aware of that, its quite bad if people that are picked are supposedly meant to represent maturity of the MCSG community, then abuse their power. Its a huge contradiction against the entire system.
No matter what the age limit is there will be people who abuse their powers it is un avoidable.


Jun 16, 2013
Reaction score
I agree, I think though with age comes great responsibility. The liklihood of being abusivess is hopefully significantly reduced as people will, become self aware and take responsibility for their actions by logically adapting and acting upon different scenarios.

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