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Should their be an age limit on mod app?


Aug 15, 2013
Reaction score
The age limit is there for a reason; so we don't get immature mods, who just want it for the power. Although from a rather mature 13 year old point of view: I would have to say if they write an amazing mod app and seem mature in their interview, that they should get a type of "Probation" as Moderator. Just my opinion though :)
I am 13 too, and my mod app is 1300 words! Me and my friends think it is very good. But last night I was thinking the "same exact" thing. I was thinking that if someones mod app is good enough, they should still get mod just have "restrictions"


Mar 24, 2013
Reaction score
The age limit is there for a reason; so we don't get immature mods, who just want it for the power. Although from a rather mature 13 year old point of view: I would have to say if they write an amazing mod app and seem mature in their interview, that they should get a type of "Probation" as Moderator. Just my opinion though :)
Thats what im talkin about im 11 but I have the maturity to handle being a mod.


Aug 15, 2013
Reaction score
Thats what im talkin about im 11 but I have the maturity to handle being a mod.
First of all from your grammar, you don't, and second of all if you have seen any YouTube videos then you would know that the lowest you can get on an age exception is 13. You are a brand new member to forums, even though I just looked at your player card I can see you have been on the server for a couple weeks. I'm not trying to be mean or make you not want to play on the server, but the mod has a lot of responsibilty, that on my opinion is to much for an 11 year old. If you have any more questions PM me or PM a mod or admin. See you around :). One more thing after looking at your player card I hope we can do some games together!


Jul 8, 2013
Reaction score
Ok well I'm 17 years old and I'm not allowed to go to the bar and drink. So you're saying when I have a drink I'm going to mess up my brain? No. They do it at 18 because they think you are responsible to act appropriately and know when to stop.
I think there's a difference between drinking, which can cause severe injury or death, and being a moderator in a video game. Age doesn't matter, maturity does. If someone's 12 but is as mature as any other staff member, there is no reason they shouldn't be accepted. It seems as if you're discriminating based on age.


I am 13 too, and my mod app is 1300 words! Me and my friends think it is very good. But last night I was thinking the "same exact" thing. I was thinking that if someones mod app is good enough, they should still get mod just have "restrictions"
It's all about the quality of the application, not the words, but if you're going for an age exception I'd say aim higher. I wrote a 2k word application when I was 11, unfortunately I realised I was even too young for an exception. The moderators with age exceptions all had at least 1.5k words in their applications. Now, remember it is always quality over quantity, but it might be best to have very detailed but well constructed answers to the main questions :)

First of all from your grammar, you don't, and second of all if you have seen any YouTube videos then you would know that the lowest you can get on an age exception is 13. You are a brand new member to forums, even though I just looked at your player card I can see you have been on the server for a couple weeks. I'm not trying to be mean or make you not want to play on the server, but the mod has a lot of responsibilty, that on my opinion is to much for an 11 year old. If you have any more questions PM me or PM a mod or admin. See you around :). One more thing after looking at your player card I hope we can do some games together!
So you found the details to age exceptions in a YouTube video? You should PM me the video, because it's supposed to be just on the forums, I believe.

Bad grammar doesn't necessarily mean immaturity/not enough maturity for the job. I know admins who type like him! Also there is plenty of incorrect grammar in the paragraph you just wrote and you used the wrong 'there' in the title... just playing around with you, I don't mind :p Also by the way what you said in that paragraph was mostly very well said. Props to you!


Aug 13, 2013
Reaction score
I believe that a minimal age exception is completely necessary. I mean, in ages 12-14 male children usually start going through puberty, where they mature and act less childish (not that there is anything wrong with being childish, i usually act like a 10 year old lol). Also, by age 15 most children have been exposed to life and its problems. I think that to be a moderator, you must be responsible, intelligent, fair, kind, and vigilant. (not a job for me lol) I have actually seen many 11 and 13 year old that posses these qualities. So, if you do, i recommend a Skype call with other mods or whoever accepts new mods to see if you have these necessary qualities. Hope this helped!

Maybe ill write a mod app someday.......nah im not that responsible.


Mar 3, 2013
Reaction score
Yes there should be a certain age. As you grow older, you grow more mature increasing your ability to complete tasks more efficiently.


District 13
Sep 29, 2012
Reaction score
I remember when I was 8, I'd play Halo 3 and just scream into the mic in frustration and call hacks on everybody.

I wanna kick myself in the face thinking about it.
You pretty much summed up wat I was like the entire V1 of MCSG.


Aug 15, 2013
Reaction score
Yes because you don't want a 9 year old being a mod
Like I said many times, he wouldn't be able to get it, 1 because his mod app probably isn't good enough, 2 he probably doesn't own a set of head phones and 3 he would have no idea how to do anything on the servers.

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