Minecraft ID: xMPRxProductions
Age: 13
Wins: 65, I have improved greatly in PvP since being with the Royals, hope this doesn't get me denied
Got A Mic: Yes
Got Skype/TS: Yes, I can be extremely active
Skype Name (PM Me If You Don't Want To Post It) You have it
PvP Strengths: Bow, I say i hit 8/10 shots with a bow. I'm decent with all secondary weapons, I'm better at head on pvp in either large groups or 1v1s
PvP Weaknesses: Fishing rods, I struggle with but I'm trying my hardest to get really good at the fishing rod technic
I hope my wins doesnt keep me out of this clan, I've had several experiences in clan battles, being in a leadship role with the Royals.