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Where are the ender pearls?

Should ender pearls be added as a rare item in MCSG?

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Feb 21, 2013
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This game is about strategy and i can not think of a more strategic addition to it then ender pearls.

1. Ender pearls have some negative points, mainly those of people reaching areas inaccessible or hard to reach and camping them. I see this concern, but with a timer for deathmatch that pulls everyone to spawn, people would be at a disadvantage for using ender pearls to camp. Plus with my idea of making them available but rare people might think twice before using their 1-3 ender pearls to get on top of a building.

2. Ender pearls would add a ton of strategy to the game, whether it be using them to teleport faster in your route to reach chests, escape a better armed opponent or even chasing an opponent. I can think of TONS of uses that would make them a fun addition to the game. There is no better feeling than beating or escaping an opponent whenever the way you did it was by out thinking them, and with ender pearls you could have options. Imagine being trapped in the ocean on breeze by a team of 2 herding you towards the back wall. Normally all hope is lost unless they make a mistake but you throw a hail Mary ender pearl to shore and are able to escape OR even take them on with arrows giving you the upper hand. The possibilities are endless.

3. We all know MCSG's wonderful two block high traps that let you feel like a retard for 30 minutes until deathmatch. While these traps would still be a real threat you might not be as quick to leave the game with the possibility of someone stumbling onto you who might have ender pearls with them. It wouldn't make you feel completely hopeless when you get stuck but instead anxious to kill someone and have the possibility to escape.

4. If ender pearls were made available but rare in chests I can't think of any negative effects.
Cornucopia could contain 1-2 chests, each containing 3 pearls. 2 other chests with one pearl each. This would keep them spread out while still giving EVERYONE the chance to obtain them. They would be treated almost the same as diamonds except the possibility of getting 3. This means only in tier 2 chests and rare at that. While 3 pearls may seem like a large amount to get from 1 chest, it isn't the same as getting 3 diamonds in one and almost guaranteeing a win.

Please feel free to add any opinions you have because I would love to hear them, even negative. I feel that this should have been implemented a long time ago and we really need to push to get it done.


Feb 21, 2013
Reaction score
You DO know it is possible to sponsor people by giving them an enderpearl?
.........yes which is the reason the ENTIRE post was about them being included in chests. They shouldn't be sponsor only


Dec 23, 2012
Reaction score
Dude, why do you want to make the game an airport, bad way, and ruin it? The game's strategies are enough, PvP wise. If you got 3 ender pearls in one chest, then that would be more of a guaranteed win than 2 diamonds and a stick in one chest, you can get taken out in that case, but ender pearls... Just teleport around the map. Campers are a VERY big con and I don't see any pros to even it out. Also, come on! You can get sponsored an ender pearl, that is, I think, quite the correct rareness of them needed. Pretty much NOONE wants ender pearls to be in their inventory every game, that is like giving someone 2 chances to live!
I think that ender pearls would make a LOT of people quit MCSG and go to some servers like the **ve or something like that. Just be logical, we don't need game-ruining suggestions here.


Feb 21, 2013
Reaction score
Dude, why do you want to make the game an airport, bad way, and ruin it? The game's strategies are enough, PvP wise. If you got 3 ender pearls in one chest, then that would be more of a guaranteed win than 2 diamonds and a stick in one chest, you can get taken out in that case, but ender pearls... Just teleport around the map. Campers are a VERY big con and I don't see any pros to even it out. Also, come on! You can get sponsored an ender pearl, that is, I think, quite the correct rareness of them needed. Pretty much NOONE wants ender pearls to be in their inventory every game, that is like giving someone 2 chances to live!
I think that ender pearls would make a LOT of people quit MCSG and go to some servers like the **ve or something like that. Just be logical, we don't need game-ruining suggestions here.
I don't remember saying anything rude to you. I am fine with disagreements but I honestly don't see how being so ridiculously negative is constructive at all. I welcome people telling me where my idea might be flawed. And maybe 3 would hinge on being too many at once but it is nowhere near the same as 2 diamonds off start. You're telling me you would rather go toe to toe with a guy who just got 3 ender pearls out of a chest then someone who can in the first 15 seconds make a diamond sword. What's the person with the pearls going to do? Run away? And explain how camping is the huge con in a game where the most VALUABLE CHESTS are in the center of the map, accesible by all and refill after the first 10 minutes. Let them camp with pearls and I will have full iron armor and a diamond sword. We will see who wins. While I may agree with 3 pearls on start being excessive the rest of what you said was not in any way constructive or even made sense. Honestly I don't see ender pearls making anyone leave and why don't you be logical, we don't need people who just crap on everyone's ideas whenever they give no reason why.

Like I said I welcome people pointing out flaws but do it in a respectful way because I am just trying to make the game YOU AND I enjoy better. If you be respectful to me I have no problem doing the same for you


Dec 23, 2012
Reaction score
I don't remember saying anything rude to you. I am fine with disagreements but I honestly don't see how being so ridiculously negative is constructive at all. I welcome people telling me where my idea might be flawed. And maybe 3 would hinge on being too many at once but it is nowhere near the same as 2 diamonds off start. You're telling me you would rather go toe to toe with a guy who just got 3 ender pearls out of a chest then someone who can in the first 15 seconds make a diamond sword. What's the person with the pearls going to do? Run away? And explain how camping is the huge con in a game where the most VALUABLE CHESTS are in the center of the map, accesible by all and refill after the first 10 minutes. Let them camp with pearls and I will have full iron armor and a diamond sword. We will see who wins. While I may agree with 3 pearls on start being excessive the rest of what you said was not in any way constructive or even made sense. Honestly I don't see ender pearls making anyone leave and why don't you be logical, we don't need people who just crap on everyone's ideas whenever they give no reason why.

Like I said I welcome people pointing out flaws but do it in a respectful way because I am just trying to make the game YOU AND I enjoy better. If you be respectful to me I have no problem doing the same for you
Sorry, I didn't mean to be rude, but you know, time=money, therefore, campers=-money
And also, I have killed plenty of noobs who had diamond swords in the first 15 seconds with stone and wood swords, and even, on one occasion, with fists+FNS! Whereas ender pearls can get people to tier 2 chests too easily, like the double on the mountain on sg4 and the single on the same mountain above it, therefore, basically, free stuff+more ender pearls, and, personally, just from my friends, I know at least 20 who would quit if ender pearls were added.


Feb 21, 2013
Reaction score
Sorry, I didn't mean to be rude, but you know, time=money, therefore, campers=-money
And also, I have killed plenty of noobs who had diamond swords in the first 15 seconds with stone and wood swords, and even, on one occasion, with fists+FNS! Whereas ender pearls can get people to tier 2 chests too easily, like the double on the mountain on sg4 and the single on the same mountain above it, therefore, basically, free stuff+more ender pearls, and, personally, just from my friends, I know at least 20 who would quit if ender pearls were added.
I do see your point on that and it would make that more of a challenge. People could possibly get multiple ender pearls and the good armor without having to beat anyone there or try to work for it. I still don't completely agree on the diamond sword thing but we will agree to disagree. :)
I would still like to find a way for pearls to be implemented MORE into the game then just sponsor but I definitely see your point on that and agree with you. I just think about all the ways they could be used for strategy but they have a high possibility of being abused.


Dec 23, 2012
Reaction score
I do see your point on that and it would make that more of a challenge. People could possibly get multiple ender pearls and the good armor without having to beat anyone there or try to work for it. I still don't completely agree on the diamond sword thing but we will agree to disagree. :)
I would still like to find a way for pearls to be implemented MORE into the game then just sponsor but I definitely see your point on that and agree with you. I just think about all the ways they could be used for strategy but they have a high possibility of being abused.
I consider abuse if them an enormous con, anyway, we don't want a flame war, so lets just stick to our opinions


Jul 15, 2012
Reaction score
I like it, but i think it should be only a chance to get 1 in a Tier 2, not 3. And for everyone who thinks People would just pearl away: There's still that 2.5 hearts damage you get. You can't just teleport with 0.5 hearts and be like "lol nope".


Feb 21, 2013
Reaction score
The answer could really be as simple as the pearls not being able to teleport you to a higher or lower elevation, only on the level you are on. This way it would be very difficult to abuse them but would still make them an asset. But, I won't pretend to know if that is something possible to program into a server. If it was, that would be the way I would handle it


Feb 21, 2013
Reaction score
I like it, but i think it should be only a chance to get 1 in a Tier 2, not 3. And for everyone who thinks People would just pearl away: There's still that 2.5 hearts damage you get. You can't just teleport with 0.5 hearts and be like "lol nope".
exactly! I agree now that 3 may be a bit excessive on start. But you would definitely still have to use strategy to get away considering the damage you take


May 4, 2012
Reaction score
Enderpearls are an over powered item in survival games, and that can't be denied. I completely agree with those points you made, and I respect the time and effort you put into making them, but that doesn't change the fact that they can make the game a bit unfair.

For one, like you said, enderpearls can be used to get to normally inaccessible areas. Someone could get onto the roof of a building, where no one could kill them and they could camp the whole game. I understand your point in saying that they will be weak when the death match comes, but what if they have pretty good armour when they teleport up and they trust their PvP skill to do the rest? That can make for an annoying game. And also, what if there are multiple people camping? If there are 3 people camping with that multitude of enderpearls, the game will last the whole 30 minutes which is a waste of time for the people/person looking for the campers, and for the people camping too, even though it will be slightly less for them since they did it on purpose.

Enderpearls can also be used to get a massive advantage in teleporting to your route faster. If you get an enderpearl in the cornucopia, you can immediately teleport to one of the best areas on the map, or somewhere closer to it than the rest, and you will be the first to get there and uncontested for a long while. This ruins games on maps like Teweran and the dragon chest, or the castle behind it. And maps like breeze to get to the tier 2 chest in each area faster.

I like the idea of having more enderpearls, but I don't like the idea that anyone can get them simply by opening a chest and bringing the item into their inventory. Maybe instead of them spawning in chests at all, more than 1 of them can be sponsored throughout the game. Say, 3-5 enderpearls could be sponsored throughout the game in total. Then everyone still gets the chance to have an enderpearl and they aren't too easily accessible so as to be over powered.

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